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Everything posted by Shambo

  1. I've recently dispensed with my (admittedly very nice) Ashdown 410 300w combo because it just wasn't practical. I live in a middle flat at the top of a tiny metal staircase and the size and weight of the thing meant it was a nightmare to move. Halfway down the stairs I've thought this thing is slipping and either gonna break, or more likely break me. Also I can't drive and, well it just wasn't happening. So it's sold... After perusing the lightweight cabs on offer, I've plumped for a Purple Chilli 112 cab. One should be with me in the next week or so, with the intention of purchasing another one later in the year. Here's the [url="http://www.purple-chili.com/bass-cabs/pcb112nt.htm"]blurb[/url]. It'll handle 300w RMS at 8 ohms. Question is... which lightweight head to power them with? I've done a little research and have a couple of products in mind, but must admit to being a little ignorant about amps. I thought it might be more interesting to open this question upto the forum, and with your help, hopefully avoid any costly schoolboy mistakes. I've recently been roped in with a group of MOR jazz noodlers. Not my first choice of music, but then again I'm a bit of a musical magpie. Music across all genres appeals to me, nothing's too broad or highbrow, so in the future I could be playing metal or country and western... who knows. I currently play a nice 2007 american S1 Jazz with no intention of changing anytime soon. At this afternoons rehersal I'll have to play through a 25w Laney practice amp that sounds like an incontinent dog on Boxing Day after being surrepticiously fed the kids brussel sprouts under the christmas table. I'd like to say money's no object... but I'm not a rich man. If somethings worth it though, things can be saved for. tl;dr? Your recommendations for a micro amp for two 300W @ 8ohms cabs please.
  2. I've got a kidney, one careless owner, you're welcome to.
  3. Very nice. I used to have one with dual active pups, twas a lovely guitar.
  4. All for only two grand...thats a steel.
  5. That bass was made to be heard on the radio... but I want one!
  6. AAAaaaarrrrrggghhh! I hate this thread.
  7. One of the many overpriced guitars that click by unsold on ebay every week. First inclination is to pour scorn, but then you think about it from the sellers point of view. The majority of them probably don't want to sell, but need the money. Then they think of how much they paid for it originally and think of a figure they would have liked to pay for it.. unable to comprehend just how much of a buyers market it is out there these days... ...but I think this one might just be trying his hand.
  8. I'd just like to add my voice to the chorus of approval. Tis very nice!
  9. You could do worse than purchasing a nice preloved bass from the classified forum here. You'll get alot more bang for your buck with a second hand guitar. I'm a firm beliver that nice guitars demand to be played well & often, and starter basses are more likely to end up neglected under the bed/on top of the wardrobe.
  10. PM'ed re: Demeter Compulator
  11. That looks like a great deal to me. Makes me wish I knew how to play guitar.
  12. [quote name='Stylon Pilson' post='661547' date='Nov 22 2009, 07:22 AM']I'd advise taking another look at this. Either he's trying to save face, or he's not actually got the right end of the stick, and isn't aware that you have fully resigned, without reservations. If it's the latter, then you need to set him straight on it right now. S.P.[/quote] Interesing really isn't it? How someone can take no to mean maybe? I didn't give him any reason whatsoever to think I'd be changing my mind, unless he's mistaken my politeness, (under the circumstances), as a sign I'm a bit of a pushover. The way I've put up with the earlier f*ck ups and agreed to just get on with it, maybe he does. Either way, if he does want to play again, it'll be, "thanks, but no thanks". I suspect I got that text accidently on purpose, so I know he's under stress from this family illness, (which happened yesterday), and is looking for some sort of sympathy.
  13. Further to my earlier whinge in this thread. The guitarist cancelled last weeks rehersal 'cause his wife wasn't feeling well. Then 2 days ago I got a text saying has having trouble finding the new band gigs and that if I don't find us gigs he's "gonna give the band a miss m8". I messaged back with a few of the points I made earlier in this thread about him really wanting me to join his band, the number of songs I've already learned for no reason, and that I'd already approached a few people about gigs but with only 2 rehersals under our belt, it wasn't even ready to play out...concluding with a firm "I'm out" from me. A few vaguely apologetic and flattering text from him later, it seems he's rejoined the old group he's spent the last 2 months slagging off because they've got gigs booked for christmas and he needs the cash. Also that we can "get the band going again in the new year m8", of which he's got fat chance. It was never going to be the highlight of my life, playing REO Speedwagon to an empty backstreet scouse boozer. I've just recieved a confusing group text from him, telling me that todays rehersal is cancelled because of illness in the family. I wasn't aware of any rehersal today having told him 2 days ago, politely but firmly, that I wasn't going to work with him any more. There's no moral or conclusion to this post, it's just good to vent. /moan
  14. I can relate. About 2 months ago there was a knock on the door whilst I was having a lil practice. The chap asked if this was where the bass was coming from? I apologised and said I'd turn it down but aparently he'd been listening for a few weeks and wanted to offer me a position in his band. First inclination was to say no thanks but I invited him in for a coffee and heard him out. He was the lead guitard and the outgoing bassist was an alcoholic apparently who would skip rehersals and mess up performances. "O...K... What sort of songs do you play?", I asked. Reluctantly, he started to reel off some boy pub rock standards, almost apologeticly things like 'Summer of 69' and 'Wishing Well'. I wasn't knocking it but not the kinda thing I like and I was just about to say thanks but it's not my sort of thing when he said the next gigs in 2 weeks, with further bookings already made. Now I've never played bass for an audience before, In fact I've never played in a band before, although I've known many. My experiences as a sound engineer has left me with an geniune dislike for egomaniac musos and I've never felt the urge to get up on stage, instead finding relaxation playing in solice, on and off, for the last 20 years. As I approach my 40's though I'm thinking that I'm missing out and my bass playing will improve having to work and improvise with other musicians.... so I said , 'what the hell, I'll do it', nothing ventured nothing gained and all that. The chap goes off happy and an hour or so later drops off a CD of said pub standards, about 25 of them. So far so good, it all seems pretty straightforward simple stuff, I start at the beginning and i'm making good headway when the door goes again. It's your man the guitarist with another CD to learn and the news that my first, (and only), rehersal before the gig will be a week today. The next CD's got another 20 tracks on. 'Thats alot of songs to learn' I'm thinking, but quite a few of 'em are 3 minute, 3 or 4 note wonders. It's all new territory and I'm learning new songs though so OK. For the next few days, the chap calls round for an hour or so with his acoustic and we'll play a few of the songs I've cracked. On the 5th day, he turns up with another CD... Apparently, the set list is changing. His wife, who sings in his side project duo with backing tracks, is taking over lead vocal duties. He tells me to forget the 25 or so songs I've already ingested, and crack on with these new 20 or so, female vocal orientated songs. I'm not impressed and tell him so, but I'm still pushing myself and learning so what the hell, I'll wing it. The day before 1st rehersal is the previous bassists last gig so, to show a little willing, I turn up to hear them play in the local pub. Christ... they were awful like buskers, way too loud, and playing to a near empty pub. I'm feeling quite relaxed... even I can do better than that I say to myself, and I can sort out their PA as well. Day of the first rehersal I get a txt telling me it's cancelled. Apparently the original singer isn't happy about losing lead vocal duties and called it off. Day after that the chap calls round to tell me the original singers quit. 'No problem' I think, if they need a rhythm guitarist I've got a classical guitarist friend who's be happy to earn some beer tokens playing some simple pub fayre. NO, because the singers taken his mate, the drummer, has quit as well. The band is officially no more. A week later I get another call telling me the original singers back on board to SHARE vocal duties, and they've recruited a new drummer... would I like to audition for the post of bassist. I thank them politely for the chance but what with all the previous nonsense I'll decline. Cheeky really considering I've learned about 35 songs for them, now they want to run the rule over me. A few days after that, the singer quit again. Fwd to 2 weeks ago and the chap across the road is at my door again. A new band is in the offing. Him on guitar, his wife singing, a new drummer and me on bass if I'll do it he pleads. I've already learned half the songs so, with the promise of no more messing about, I agree. We've had 2 practices so far, which went OK'ish but I just know me and the drummer are just putting the flesh on the bones of the midi files he used to use with him and the wife's duo... and they're reluctant to try any of the more contemporary songs I've suggested... and still no fugging gig... the one reason I agreed to do it in the first place. There's trouble ahead I know it. /rant
  15. I preferred the plain ol white one.
  16. voxpop was asking for one of these yesterday in items wanted...
  17. Heard it on the radio... and it sounded great.
  18. Six of one and half a dozen of the other then... just a misunderstanding brought about by a lack of communication. Nevermind...gives us all something to talk about on the internets. [quote name='Doddy' post='626007' date='Oct 14 2009, 02:02 PM']What it is ultimately down to,is lazy sound engineers who can't be bothered with the hassle of a couple of plugs.[/quote] Haha! That old chestnut. It must all have been the feckless sound engineers fault.
  19. Trawling through my local musical instrument listings I came across this... ...[url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=220483289163&ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT"]State-Of-The-Art Air Guitar[/url]. Postage is a bit steep though.
  20. Dead Kennedys 'Halloween' gotta be in with a shout. [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-n2Bnh4T8YE"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-n2Bnh4T8YE[/url]
  21. Just a shame these things aren't 20 years old. Then you can add 'vintage' to the description and double your asking price.
  22. Nowadays it'd have to be The Rapture, or Modest Mouse... something with a bit of bounce. In a previous life it would be The Meters.
  23. That's one lovely looking bass. I'll have a feel down the back of the sofa but I fear I won't find enough change. Good luck with the sale. [attachment=33305:1252798477511.jpg]
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