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Posts posted by Shambo

  1. [quote name='P-T-P' post='422683' date='Mar 1 2009, 09:24 PM']I could, but I won't, it's not going to change anything, other than waste a load of my time.[/quote]

    I'VE GOT IT!

    U2 haters have actually got better taste in music than U2 have? No?

  2. [quote name='greyparrot' post='424921' date='Mar 4 2009, 11:46 AM']at last a replacement for that sad day many many years ago when i sold a 75 jazz for £500 to the bass center!![/quote]

    Swap bass centre for johnny roadhouse and I am very much relating to your sad story. Still... a happy ending for you. :)

  3. I am unashamed of my dislike of U2. Years it's been going on now, man and boy. I could never miss an opportunity to express my dismay that such a banal act has inflicted itself on my conciousness for so bloody long.

    U2 week on the BBC? A new album by a tired old act masquerading as a social event, a musical happening. Just one long commercial for a band I've never liked pumped out over all the BBC's networks. There's been no escape and it really grinds my gears.

    If I was in any danger of buying a TV licence I'd be gutted at patronising such corporate shillary... and such hoary old, foot on monitor, rock god posturing. I didn't like it 25 years ago and I don't like it now. :)

  4. It's OKay!!!

    I have absolutely no idea who would buy this music, (I wouldn't), or who would turn up to watch it live, (I might for a friend...) but I still think it's alright. Good composition and good performance. The recording lacks a bit of sheen but every seems to be in the right place, (bearing in mind i'm listening to a laptop!!!). ;)

  5. Needs more BLAAARG, and less wibble... if you catch my meaning. ;)

    I likes your songs, composition and performance. What are you trying to achieve with these recordings? If this is a promo, would you be better served making a simple live recording, in a room with good acoustics with minimal mic'age... just left and right?

    *runs away*

  6. Sorry to bump this but that looks like the first bass I ever owned. An Avon Rose Morris, made in Japan. ;)


  7. Thank you please. What a friendly forum.

    I'm in a happy place called New Brighton, with the Mersey at the bottom of my street, (I can almost smell it).

    I do have bad GAS at the moment, the nearest place to do a bit of shopping is Liverpool and the lack of selection & overpricing is forcing me to look farther afield. I could make it to Manc to trawl the shops if someone could recommend me some. I lived there a few years ago and sold that Jazz to Johnny Roadhouse, (I'm still fuming ;) ) so know my way around there abit. I also spend a few years living in Bristol, (hello my babbers). :P

  8. ... or else it gets the hose again!

    Made ya look. :P

    My name is Shambo (AKA Andy) and I hail from NW England.
    After trawling the interweb looking at shiney new basses I somehow stumbled across this board. I'm hankering to return to bass after about a decade off. My last proper bass was an early 70's Jazz, (black on black, with the block inlays), which I sold for financial reasons and have forever regretted, (especially seeing how much they fetch these days). :) I've always promised myself I'd replace it with something at least as good. A friend has given me an Ibanez Roadster II which I absolutely despise, it's really horrible to play but it'll do for now and give me another couple of months to save enough to replace it. I've got a tiny Laney 15W amp to practice with 'cause I don't play in any band, just for myself.

    Hello. ;)

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