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Posts posted by Shambo

  1. It's getting to be a bit like War & Peace in here so, I suspect I can write whatever I want and nobody will notice it anyway. 

    It gives me enormous pleasure to post again on Paul's massive gear tart wall of shame.

    Few Basschatters can surpass the mans ability to buy and sell gear on this forum. Even less have ever been so, so fickle. This post will no doubt shortly be buried under the numerous future accolades, winging their way across the cyber space, to this thread, as I type.

    Many thanks Paul... until the next time. 😉

    P.S. I bought a hard case.

    • Like 1
  2. Bought a bass that arrived this afternoon as predicted.

    Swift response, good comms, as described. What more can you ask for?

    Another Basschat stalwart. Highly recommended.

    Until next time, many thanks Jamie.

    • Thanks 1
  3. A couple of gig bags for sale. UK postage add £5 each.

    First up is a basic Stagg gig bag. I only bought this bag to transport a bass home on the bus when I bought a Stingray from a local forumite. I put said bass in the bag and then @Burns-bass kindly offered me a lift home. Absolute waste of money. The Stingray now resides safely in a Hiscox and this thing has been sat on top of my wardrobe ever since, mocking me. It's not very well padded but it will perform the task of keeping the dust off, and allow you to carefully carry your bass on your back, admirably.


    £10 collected from Kingswood, Bristol. Get it out of my sight!

    Next up is a Fender Gig bag. This one's a bit more like it. @jfleshsent me a jazz bass all the way from the south of France in this, (albeit in a well padded cardboard box). The padding in this one is much thicker. It looks almost new  and it's still got the hang tag attached. The jazz now lives in a hard case and this sits on top of the first gigbag, which sits on top of my wardrobe, but doesn't mock me as much... it just takes up space.


    £20 collected from Bristol.

    Thanks for looking.

  4. Quote

    There's a feedback forum on this site, so I see no need for a forum moderator for open a thread to go over this in 'General Bass Discussion'. Leave feedback and have done with it. If that's not good enough, it's easy enough to find the guy in question and deal with the issue directly. 


    It's a shame to see somebody who was held in such high esteem fall from grace. I recall him being a well respected and highly recommended member of the forum and was sad to hear from people who lost out dealing with him when he was going through a rough patch.

    If this bad stuff is still happening, then I'm glad the experience has been shared.

    • Like 1
  5. I'm in my mid fourties now and after playing for thirty odd years (mostly) off and on, when someone asks me about playing bass, I always say I learned how to play the slow fun way as opposed to the quick hard way.

    What I mean by the quick hard way is the discipline of theory... the chops, the scales, arpeggios, chords, the sight reading and all of that. I kind of wanted the chops but have ultimately been scared away by the musical constriction I've seen in a couple of my friends, (one good friend of mine is a seriously fabulous scouse flamenco guitarist who, by his own admission, couldn't string three power chords together to save his life... although he can probably still wing a better performance on the bass than I could with practice).

    I couldn't help but pick up a bit of theory along the way, major & minor scales and the triads (best ten minutes of bass theory ever) but for me, the slow fun way has always been been hearing a song and thinking...

    "Yeah, if I could play that the bassline to that song, I'd be a happy bass player"

    When you master that new song, that's the joy... and that's what I'd like you to share with me chronologically. The songs you've aspired to play as your bass playing progressed. The lines gets maybe more intricate, nuanced, simple or complicated, but as soon as you've mastered that one song you never thought you could , you've already set your sights on another song that's a little bit more... whatever it is that you want. That IMO is what I mean my fun.

    It really doesn't matter what genre or level of playing ability. I'd love to hear from dicsiplined players with fabulous chops and players just starting out... I don't really care how good a player you are, just put those benchmark songs in the order that you learned them.

    I'll start with the first bass line I think I ever remember wanting to learn as an angsty teenager and finish it with the last I remember being reasonably proud to master. I'm going to keep it to half a dozen but there was obviously lots more inbetween.

    • Louie Louie - Kingsmen
    • We've Got A Bigger Problem Now - Dead Kennedys
    • The Thrill is Gone (live) - BB King (was atributed to Wille Dixon on that Blues Collection album but I'm not convinced it's him)
    • Take The Power Back - Rage Against The Machine
    • Cake - I Will Survive
    • Man Who Sold The World - David Bowie
    • Message To Society - Wally Coco (you'll have to google it)

    OK, stinky poo, half a dozen was harder than I thought. I deleted quite few (I must have played and forgotten hundreds of songs), but the list is in a sort of cronoligical order.

    Please tell me yours, I'm looking for inspiration... nothing serious and just for fun.

    P.S. next on the list is Scott Walker - The Old Man's Back Again.


    • Like 4
  6. I like to search for things being sold locally to me.

    I do this for a number of reasons. I don't have a car, I can try before I buy and I don't have to worry/pay for a courier.

    Yesterday I noticed Pinball's nice Dimension bass for sale with 'Bristol' appearing in big letters underneath the title, (if it wasn't burst colour he would have had a sale by now). Adding a location field to sales topics was a great idea, but it doesn't appear to be included in the search function?

    I type Bristol into the search bar and I don't find this attractive local bass that I almost want to buy.

    Basically, is it possible to integrate the location field in to the search function pretty please?

    • Like 1
  7. 12 minutes ago, JWes said:

    Any significant dings to neck?

    Nothing that I would call significant but that is subjective. It has plenty of marks but it's very smooth and fast. Nothing bigger than than a fingernail scratch. Can't really catch them with my camera. All trials in Bristol welcome.




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