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Everything posted by biro

  1. [quote name='Oscar South' timestamp='1435184552' post='2806411'] In fact, if you have any commennts on scale lenth then that would also be welcome. The decision I'm facing is that for solo performance, I believe that piezo pickups would be great to fill out the natural frequency range, but most piezo equipped instruments have a neck thru build in order to enhance the bodies resonance. [/quote] I personally don't have a lot of experience with piezo pick ups, but I am definitely convinced they could help in making those pesky frequencies stand out. As to the scale length, personally, I am back to 34" after a troubling affair with a 35". To be perfectly honest, I think I might be exaggerating the differences, but regardless of how abnormally big my hands are, I find the tension and the spanky-ness of a 34" just right for my taste. That being said, I wouldn't go lower for tapping / solo stuff -- my impression is that articulation can be affected by that to some extent.
  2. [quote name='Oscar South' timestamp='1435175930' post='2806314'] The obvious thought that this gives me is that with the appropriate EQ treatment the thru-neck's apparent shortcoming can be nullified. Does anyone have any thoughts or experience on this? [/quote] In my experience, that is the epitome of a problem that an EQ cannot solve. I've had a good deal of neck through basses and that is perhaps the main reason why I ended up selling them all -- though I did own a gorgeous neck-through Spector Euro 5 fretless that truly had an amazing attack and mid presence, which I eventually sold it for other reasons. It's a matter of attack, really, and, all things being equal, I found the sustain on bolt on instruments suited my taste more: I do not mean to say that neck through instruments have more sustain -- though I found this to be true in many cases, however counterintuitive this might sound; I mean that the way the note rings on a bolt on is fundamentally different. In my experience, this helps a lot with natural and artificial harmonics and tapping.
  3. As someone who used to do a good deal of fancy trick playing, I would recommend bolt on over neck through. That being said, my BTB705 with EMGs had very nice harmonics. (Exhibit [url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aqYti8mFA08"]one[/url] and [url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H6S8pmgfg38"]two[/url].) My Peavey TL-Six, less so, although perhaps that was more pick ups and less construction. (At [url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E61ixTfKd6c"]0:30-ish[/url].) A cheap bolt on bass like a Douglas from Rondomusic had [url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vM4AhheTJeA"]better harmonics though[/url].
  4. biro

    Now sold

    Nice! Is this one the few featuring a truss rod?
  5. [quote name='AlexValerio' timestamp='1434970523' post='2804204'] Hi Guys! So I'm selling my Musicman SUB 5 (USA) bass for £450. All original features still included, pick guard & pickup - Music Man Humbucking The SUB 5 were quality made basses with an accessible price, I fell in love with it as soon as I played it in the shop. It still sounds and looks great, but is not in perfect condition - it has picked up a small chip at the back of the body (not visible when playing) as well as having a slightly loose machine head which will need to be replaced in time (you can pick one up for £10-15) Check out this link for full specs - [url="http://www.music-man.com/specs/instruments_sub.html"]http://www.music-man...uments_sub.html[/url] I'm based in London so if you live in the Greater London area I can drive down and deliver it for free - It comes with a Kit Bag and I'm also selling a Line 6 Lowdown LD175 amp which I can include for £100 if you are interested. Any questions, give me a shout guys [attachment=194822:DSC_0141.JPG] [attachment=194823:DSC_0153.JPG] [attachment=194824:DSC_0154.JPG] [attachment=194825:DSC_0149.JPG] [attachment=194826:DSC_0150.JPG] [/quote] Actually, I am quite interested -- and, serendipitously, also in London. I will get back to you v / soon!
  6. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1434918062' post='2803878'] Biro, The problem with doing the filter processing outside of the bass is that you miss out on one of the most import aspects of the sound which is that there are separate filters for each pickup. [/quote] Yours is a very valid point. I wonder if I could mimic that by using a dry / wet control on the low pass filter plugin.
  7. [quote name='CamdenRob' timestamp='1434870175' post='2803361'] IMHO the Wal sound has very little to do with the filter preamp... Whilst I find it an intuitive and versatile control system, for me it's the multicoil pickups that give the instruments their distinctive voice. [/quote] I absolutely agree. I think it would be possible to approximate that sound even further by employing different pick ups, yet I believe this simple experiment is interesting in that it shows that esoteric preamps results are actually rather easy to mimic, if not to achieve altogether.
  8. Since I was at it, I decided to make a series of short samples: https://soundcloud.com/ballpointmusic/sets/lets-see-if-it-sounds-like-a-wal-spoiler-it-doesnt
  9. Well, I am resurrecting this topic to address the Wal cloning thing again. I am not interested in getting that sound right at any cost, but I am laying down some bass lines for a friend and I thought that tone could fit in the context. I started wondering how close I could get to the original with some plugin tweaking in my DAW. (He's in charge of the mixing anyways, but still.) So, the principle is pretty straightforward: low pass filter (12db / octave) + resonant frequency (+10db give or take). I had done this in the past (with a friend, we actually created a 'walizer' plugin), but I decided to give it a try with the simpler devices included in any daw. In theory, this should be pretty similar to the way the Wal filter preamp operates -- if only on paper. I have achieved the same results with Logic Pro X's Equalizer and Apple's AU Low Pass (included with all Macs). Clearly -- and, really, I can't stress this enough -- we all know that Wal basses play the way they do because of a combination of woods, very peculiar pick ups / buffers, the preamp and who knows what else. Yet, to my very uneducated ears, this sounds like a good approximation, especially if your bass is a bolt on with humbuckers. It should go without saying that while this suits my needs because I simply don't need a Wal and I play live through a laptop anyways, it's not a particularly practical solution for most people to do the tweaking with a mouse instead of a pot.
  10. Very well. I expect my bank account to get lighter. I have enormous hands, and no problems whatsoever with chunky necks: necks that don't adjust, that I can't deal with. As an aside: Neepheid, the name of your band is work of genius.
  11. Thank you ever so much! Yes, to be honest I believe it would be a good deal for me as they have indeed quite a lot of tonal variety. Also, it's probably the closest thing (conceptually, albeit not necessarily sonically) to a Wal these days and at that price range. I just need to make sure I won't have to return it after three days of tinkering.
  12. Hello fellow Basschatters: once again, I am raising a first-world problem. Not so much, actually, because this could be quite crucial. Since I am in a boring stage in my PhD, I am thinking about getting a G&L Tribute L2500. (Makes perfect sense, doesnt it?) They're quite the steal from our beloved German superstore, and since I am after a mildly traditional and versatile 5 stringer, it seems a good bet. I have tried this model several times and I know what I am getting tonewise. However, I have read horrible stories about the truss rods on G&L necks. I have been perusing Talkbass for a while and found alarming reports of stripped nuts, broken rods and extremely expensive replacement necks. And yet, I like my necks very straight and adjustable: this is [i]the[/i] potential dealbreaker for me. Now, I am wondering whether there's been a different luck on this side of the pond. Anyone? As usual, many thanks in advance!
  13. [quote name='ozzy138' timestamp='1434638326' post='2801439'] Pm'd [/quote] If only you weren't so far from London!
  14. Well, tried pressing the headstock against the wall and clamping it. No luck. At this point, I will have to see whether I can find any other solution. This really bothers me -- again, first world problem and all, but still!
  15. [quote name='HowieBass' timestamp='1433163282' post='2788405'] I'm under the impression that dead spots span more than a single fret/note where you would indeed find that sustain was reduced either side of the dead spot itself. You could try holding the tip of the headstock against a wall as you play the G at the 24th just to see if the sustain improves - my Curbow 5 suffers from a dead spot at the 16th fret on the G and sustain is reduced either side but when I hold the headstock against a wall the sustain improves markedly. Also, from what I've seen of pictures of BTBs online the 24th is the final fret for the G and D strings (it has a 'wavy' end to the fretboard?) so it can't be a bad fret. [/quote] Actually, the wall trick is a brilliant idea. That will definitely be my first concern as soon as I get home! Thanks!
  16. Thanks mates! And yes, I know, I know, but... the fact is that my SR506, for example, sustains the note for ages compared to this, which also happens to be neck-through-body. I do understand that it is a very minor thing, and definitely a pet-peeve. Still, I think it may be a matter of bad frets.
  17. Guys: my BTB is easily the best sounding bass I have, but it has little sustain on its highest note, the 23th-24th fret on the G string. Granted, it's usable and, in the end, it's not like it's a crucial note. It does, however, bother me. Now, neck is straight, action is low and I've tried different strings. The most irritating thing is that the D string plays perfectly well at the 24th fret. I have been thinking that it might be a dead spot, as it does sound like it might be a resonating frequency problem when I play on the 24th fret, but that wouldn't quite explain why the sustain is not so great at the 23th fret as well, albeit to a lesser extent. I have also thought about blaming it on the monorail bridge, but that does not explain why the other strings sound fine... Any suggestion would be most welcome! Thanks!
  18. Saturday bump! I forgot to mention that I do have the truss rod cover and screws. Also, some videos where I play this bass. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H6S8pmgfg38 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aqYti8mFA08 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PEDiCy6v2iY
  19. I played the bass again this morning and boy, I don't want to do this. But do this I must, I guess. Any takers?
  20. [u][b]Sorry guys, but I now have the opportunity to keep it.[/b][/u] [color=#333333]As a result of going back to a six-stringer I am selling this. I bought it from the first owner some two years ago and never gigged it since. (I did bring to a rehearsal though.) [/color] [color=#333333]My place is not that big and I need to scale down: one must go, and, while I am kind of heartbroken about it, this one must go, hopefully to a good home. You can see / hear it in the video (yours truly playing it). [/color] [url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H6S8pmgfg38"]https://www.youtube....h?v=H6S8pmgfg38[/url] [color=#333333]The bass does play wonderfully. It only has the misfortune of lacking one string, or it would be perfect. This model – which is no longer in production – is factory-fitted with EMG40DC pick ups – a big step up in comparison to the Korean Bartolini pick ups you can found on current Ibanez BTB models. The neck feels amazing and the bass is perfectly balanced and quite light. And boy, the tone of this thing. [/color] [color=#333333]I am also very good at setting up guitars, and this one is set up with an extremely low action and arrow-straight neck. Honestly, it doesn't get any better than this. [/color] [color=#333333]Finally, not interested in trades at this point in time, but try me. Also, I am not really in a hurry, so -- please -- sensible offers only. [/color] [color=#333333]FORGOT: posting / shipping. I'd rather not, for the simple reason that I've never shipped anything from the UK. However, I will (at buyer's risk and cost) if needed. I do not have a gigbag that i can spare, let alone a hardshell case.[/color] [color=#333333]5pc BTB5 Maple/Bubinga neck-thru [/color] [color=#333333]Ash wing body [/color] [color=#333333]Medium frets [/color] [color=#333333](19mm string spacing) [/color] [color=#333333]EMG® 40DC neck pu [/color] [color=#333333]EMG® 40DC bridge pu [/color] [color=#333333]Vari-Mid III 3-band eq [/color] [color=#333333]889mm/35" scale [/color] [color=#333333]Width at Nut 47mm [/color] [color=#333333]Width at Last Fret 76mm [/color] [color=#333333]Thickness at 1st 20mm [/color] [color=#333333]Thickness at 12th 22mm [/color] Phone pics: [url="http://imgur.com/2hTmauJ"][/url] [url="http://imgur.com/JVDQHS0"][/url] [url="http://imgur.com/ZyHDhVm"][/url]
  21. [quote name='misterdistortion' timestamp='1429356045' post='2750718'] And Sold [/quote] And I am back to six strings... Thanks!
  22. [quote name='Annoying Twit' timestamp='1428696523' post='2743950'] Me too. That's a great pickguard. Is it a custom one? [/quote] Thanks guys! It is actually the original tortoiseshell-like pickguard. I sanded it down back to white and then my significant other agreed to doodle all over it.
  23. Well, my Harley Benton has undergone some transformation...
  24. Enjoy your G5. I hope you enjoy yours as much as I did mine. Howeeeever, if you dont't... If you ever sell it, please, please, please do let me know
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