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Everything posted by Randy_Marsh

  1. [quote]Dare I mention Primus? I love them,but most of them are easier than they sound,especially note wise[/quote] +1 Especially with songs like Golden Boy
  2. [quote]P-Nut had a much more 'accessible' signature bass, to my mind. That one I could have gotten the credit card out for[/quote] P-Nut's basses are absolutely gorgeous. Surprised the Warwick Single-Cut isn't in here
  3. Could anyone point out some items similar to the undercar LED's that can be plugged into mains? I'm rather intersted in these but don't want to pay that much
  4. Alex Katunich Flea Roger Maganelli
  5. I bought a Bass Centre Comfort Strap for about £20 which I think is pretty good if you want a nice wide padded strap
  6. The same one that Arif mirabdolbaghi uses in the sequoia throne video. Awesome looking bass
  7. that behringer picture is great
  8. I'll probably get shouted at as TAB is pretty awful, but try 911tabs.com they normally have most songs
  9. oh my god! that is one of the best $$ i've ever seen
  10. [quote]If I don't like them, they will most likely appear back on here.[/quote] If they do end up back for sale can i have first dibs?
  11. D'oh! I'm back at uni up in th'lancashire then. Would have loved to come to this.
  12. I all ready have the black ones that came with it
  13. Any chance I can buy the knobs off the pre-amp?
  14. I love Dirk so much, amazing player. Did you check out some of the promo stuff on youtube when they were recording the album? Some real nice slap and double thumb in there
  15. [quote]As is the assumption that it is Flea who has ruined slap, and not Stanley Clarke...[/quote] +1 I really like Flea and his slapping
  16. Bump for an awesome set up (mine's identical pretty much apart from the age of head)
  17. [quote]if you want SD active best choice would be Seymour duncan lighten rod's[/quote] I'm after some passive pickups. Think i've settled on the quarter pounders
  18. Warwick Streamer Stage II 4 String
  19. [quote]They are passive... but they have a higher output than many active basses. I've recently had some of these fitted to a five string Squire Precision (which has jazz style pickups - I don't know why) and they sound incredible.[/quote]# Thank you very much Jennifer just need to find a retailer now
  20. Crikey! That was quick. Just had a look on the SD site and it says that their active pickups are listed as Blackouts and Livewires. So looks like the quarter pounds are passive... i guess. Might have to order through GAK then :/ would i be able to get some through John Shuker or someone like that?
  21. Can someone tell me if the Basslines Quarter Pound J pickups are active or passive? As I'm looking at buying a set. Also, where can you buy them in the UK? (other than GAK)
  22. I once bought a bass to be in band with a girl i liked... my first bass in fact haha!
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