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Everything posted by Randy_Marsh

  1. [quote]Very underrated and way better than Timmy C...Much more varied and interesting.[/quote] underrated, definitely. better than timmy c - hmmm... i reckon just about, but i still prefer tim
  2. saw them at leeds last year and Tim does now use a Lakky. Still with the same amp rig though. i was a row from the front so was lucky enough to catch a glimpse
  3. i spent like 2 weeks of my summer when i was about 13 learning every single song off the first three albums
  4. just been listening to death of a dead day again. I forgot how much of an amazing bassist he is! Summer rain just blew me away...again lol
  5. [quote]Sainsbury's pay good money[/quote] thats pretty obvious for the amount of amazing gear you have!
  6. + 1 for A Wilhelm Scream my personal choice would be some Protest The Hero, Arif is an amazing bassist
  7. how the hell do you afford all this stuff lol
  8. [quote]The 1st 2 digits on Matsumoku guitars of that time show the year so its probably 1980[/quote] On my Aria Pro II SB1000 the first two digits are 00 :S does anyone know how old it is because iv wanted to know for a while
  9. that's nuts! What the hell is on his thumb though?
  10. but still £350 is far too much for a beginner. Considering some second warwick corvettes etc go for around a similar price it just seems stupid.
  11. you've grabbed my attention, whats the band called man
  12. [quote]the dude in incubus uses a pretty complex rig to get his sound i think the bass only plays a small role in his sound[/quote] damn, i completely forgot about his monster eden rig! god i wish i was rich
  13. thanks thats some good advice. can you think of any circuits that'd fit the bill?
  14. I've been playing my Warwick Corvette relentlessly recently and although i like the pickups (which are passive) im thinking of replacing them. Ideally my sound would be as close to Alex Katunich's out of Incubus. Which pickups do you reckon would be best suited to the job and still give that Warwick growl?
  15. i was looking for one of these about 6 months ago! i couldnt be more strapped though atm! AHHHHHH
  16. when you cant pick up a set of decent strings for under £15
  17. [quote]Thats certainly a possibility, not cheap mind, but I don't think I expected them to be.[/quote] i found that site as well. The bubinga ones would look ace on my bass, but its just a bit much for some knobs
  18. [quote]You can get metal knobs for a very reasonable sum from Warwick and they will fit. how many do you need? if your vette is the same as mine you will need 1 stacked and 2 none stacked. If you are just after chrome ones i think i have some lying about that i took off my vette. Im sure we can sort something out.[/quote] legend! i had a look on the warwick site, theyre £4 or something for 2 which isnt bad at all, but its the tenner on top for postage that makes it a a bit not worth it. Mines a passive so 3 normal domed knobs would be sweet
  19. I want to replace the control knobs on my Warwick Corvette as theyre the old style, that are just basically black plastic ones. Does anyone know which type will fit them. Ideally i'd just like some chrome ones but does anyone of some wood knobs that wont cost a bomb?
  20. E EB- 100 Bridge A EB - 80 Bridge D EB - 60 Bridge G Elites Stainless 40 Bridge I like the Pop that i get off G with the elites
  21. i love squarepusher! this is going to be a must have. His raw enthusiasm and drive just shine through everytime
  22. Alex Katunich's Streamer Stage II 5 String
  23. i started with one of these, they look better than the one i bought! i honestly thought it was a terrible bass but they might have improved
  24. Roger Manganelli from Less Than Jake awesome pick player
  25. [quote]Ryan Martinie - Mudvayne James Leach - Sikth Arif Mirabdolbaghi - Protest The Hero Sam Rivers - Limp Bizkit Alex Katunich - Incubus Tye Zamora - AAF[/quote] Literally all the ones i was going to say! nice one josh lol
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