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Everything posted by Randy_Marsh

  1. [quote name='XylemBassGuitar' post='1236197' date='May 18 2011, 07:46 PM']Have you tried a brand new set on the Warwick yet? If a new set that has yet to touch a bass also sounds dead you might have a problem with the Warwick.[/quote] Put a fresh set of Warwick strings on literally about 5 minutes ago, and they sound grand. Lots of life in them and nice and bright. I'm going to have to start wiping them down when I play I think. I must just kill strings, as the coated DR's didn't last very long haha. Glad to know it's probably not a fault with the bass.
  2. [quote name='RhysP' post='1235227' date='May 18 2011, 09:06 AM']I've found that taking strings off & putting them on again can make them sound brighter again for a while; maybe slackening them right off & then returning to tension clears some of the crud caught in the windings & gives 'em a bit more life. (Just my personal observations on the matter - no scientific basis for them......). [/quote] Aye, I have noticed that a bit myself. I'm just worried about it being the nut or something. Might have to take it in for a decent set up... Just need to find somewhere decent near Crewe
  3. [quote name='pantherairsoft' post='1235082' date='May 17 2011, 11:55 PM']THE BASS IS NOW TRADED PENDING[/quote] Any hints?
  4. [quote name='JordanRLS' post='1192335' date='Apr 7 2011, 10:03 PM']Lovely! I do like black Ricks..[/quote] Had to double check what I read there
  5. FML. Please backdate my money soon please SLC
  6. Recently changed some strings (D'addario Pro Steels) as they sounded pretty dead and dull on my Corvette. I put them on my old Ibanez as they needed some newer strings on them and lo and behold they sound bright and new! So i tried it with some Ernie Balls I'd taken off the corvette previously and they sound like they have plenty of life left too! Could this be a problem with my Warwick? Struggling to think why this might be...
  7. That is gorgeous!
  8. Played a gig with the previous lead singer (note previous) at a local venue. When we picked him up he was already drinking, but said it was only his second can (we later found out it was a few more than that at that point). In the car ride over he was struggling to remember the lyrics to some songs and we had to go over them with him, but he seemed ok. At this point we told him to stop drinking and he agreed he would. We got to the venue and the promoter had left a couple of crates to split between the bands, so we all had a couple except the singer (well, we thought ) and started to soundcheck. Anyway the singer kept on drinking all the way through the night behind our backs. When it came to us playing he was so pissed he could barely stand up and talk or sing... We ended up doing a very short set, as we were getting shouts of "next band". We then basically told him to do one and he was out of the band, at which point he somersaulted over the bar (we still can't work out why) and was hauled out by the bouncers. Got a call the next morning from his girlfriend. The singer was in hospital after throwing himself in front of car the night before, as he thought we all hated him because we kicked him out of the band. Pretty bad gig as far as bad gigs go...
  9. Maple everytime. I always see the rosewood combo and would want something a bit different
  10. [quote name='Doctor J' post='1220281' date='May 4 2011, 08:59 PM']Reserved for Attack Attack - this is you guys?[/quote] No, thank christ. The other Attack Attack from wales, who are actually dead good.
  11. [quote name='chuck_stones' post='1219782' date='May 4 2011, 12:51 PM']Hi there, couple of questions... What's the power output on this (watts, Ohms)? Can this be used to power a cab, such as an Ampeg 410HLF? Cheers![/quote] No mate, I think you'd need a power amp as well to power a cab as I think this is just a preamp. Albeit, a bloody good preamp
  12. Love your band and that video mate. Tour up north sometime please
  13. As a few people our saying, why do they insist on that headstock?! It'll be down to some subtle nuance in tone or something, but to me looks bloody daft
  14. [quote name='skankdelvar' post='1211540' date='Apr 26 2011, 11:14 AM']Jeff would let you sleep on his couch and he'd square it with his 'old lady'. We need guys like Jeff. He's a dude.[/quote] You sir, are a genius
  15. Buck Rogers by Feeder. Ridiculously complicated and intricate bass line, took me months
  16. Nice one Tom. Top guy
  17. [quote name='Ou7shined' post='1198603' date='Apr 13 2011, 07:46 PM']This bass must be purdy small if it can't fit a 3 in it. [/quote] My thoughts exactly. Pretty small preamps anyways
  18. Well if the Aguilar OBP3 doesnt fit, the OBP2 is designed for tighter control cavities
  19. Do they come with the mic stand clips and cases/boxes?
  20. [quote name='waynepunkdude' post='1196759' date='Apr 12 2011, 01:21 PM']I think my point is the Korg is more than good enough for most bass players of course some people with different set ups may need the Peterson but I'd say 99% don't.[/quote] Agreed. A Peterson is definitely something I could live without. However the advice about just getting a good floor tuner sounds good
  21. [quote name='sime17' post='1196387' date='Apr 11 2011, 11:46 PM']Tho I agree, I find it mildly ironic that your avatar looks like Jeff Berlin On the international irony scale that's Alannis-Morrissette, fairly low and exponentially less severe than a Morrissey. The subtle similarity of those names is more ironic, for instance.[/quote] The international irony scale. I like that. I don't think I'll ever be able to look at my Avatar again without thinking of Jeff Berlin Much like looking at the Fedex logo and not being able to see the "hidden" arrow. I May have to find a different picture of Randy...
  22. Oh good lord! How much is that worth?!
  23. [quote name='steve-soar' post='1196323' date='Apr 11 2011, 10:34 PM']Whoa!!! METAL DUDE, like chicks and flames and sh*t, awesome! [url="http://www.deanguitars.com/home.php"]http://www.deanguitars.com/home.php[/url][/quote] Teh Metulz! \m/ No offence, but I find nearly all the Dean stuff a bit lame.
  24. [quote name='bubinga5' post='1196007' date='Apr 11 2011, 05:47 PM']when you say easily...i take it your playing very hard...or is the string very worn?? dont think ive ever even come close breaking a string..in fact even if i pulled really hard on a string it wouldnt break?[/quote] My thoughts exactly
  25. [quote name='BigRedX' post='1195680' date='Apr 11 2011, 01:24 PM']The Behringer rack tuner won't track low notes properly. It's fine for guitar (given the normal limitations of Behringer kit - ie you bin it when it eventually breaks) but it will struggle to recognise the A and E (and lower) strings on a bass. If you have the cash the best rack tuner is the [url="http://www.petersontuners.com/index.cfm?category=73&sub=66"]Peterson Strobo Rack[/url].[/quote] Well that's the Behringer out indefinitely. The Peterson is a bit out of my price range, so looks like the Korg would be the best choice for me
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