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Everything posted by ali-stare

  1. Please recomend me some nice beefy P-J passive pickups. Prefferably not too expensive but good quality high output. Also if you know any, some 18v preamps that go well with said pickups cheers ali
  2. would seem so. novel idea but as alpha dave said it cheaper to buy a fretless fretted pair meh
  3. Saw this just now on youtube. Crazy goes from fretted to fretless just like that. [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vB7c3OsZHNE&mode=related&search="]Crazy bass[/url] Where can i get this done?????
  4. standard but some times BADG for intros, fills or that occasional metal
  5. i broke my first bass but then made a headless head bit and modded the tuners and hey presto then decided i wanted to change the colour and so on just got a bit carried away its all about trying to make what you have better, or atleast for me it is anyway
  6. how are those aussie gum trees tonaly? they look sweet its going to be one niiiiiiiice bass
  7. ernie ball heavy gauge flats or rotosound trubass
  8. wicked it works. thats prob the first and last time ill ever be able to nail intonation afer a change like that but my band mates were dead impressed.
  9. those are some weird basses. "A large percentage of the sound of an electric bass is down to it's electronics & pickups. More so than that of the type of wood used." so are you saying if i put some EMGs into my ply bass itll sound brilliant????
  10. sorry to go off on a tangent but... sorry NAS but what is with those f holes. ok on a vintage archtop it looks good cut into the side of a p just looks a bit silly dont you think. looks aside how does it sound?
  11. any one know how or why a company would endorse someone. a mate of mine sent off an email to ernie ball about prices for some new strings and they sent him one back asking him if he wanted to get endorsed. crazy
  12. well ill know after tonight. ive been tryin to gauge how much the intonation goes out by and i think ive got it nailed but knowing me ill screw up. again.
  13. also the fact that the intonation goes out doenst bothe me becuase as a fretless player it is easily sorted
  14. the thing is though that i enjoy playing standard EADG because it fits but just very very occasionally i need that low B and when i do i never need the E e.g. primus' bob.
  15. amen to that but i just wondered if it ever made much difference
  16. 2nd ever gig with my band. First song started and bouncing round the stage as per usual when suddenly a part of the stage jumped up and smashed the headstock off my bass (tuned out i tripped over the lead of my own instrument) great sadness and the gig ended there for me halfway through the first song. gutted. the moral of this story. always always always bring a backup cos you never know when youll need it and always use wireless technology. We never played thaere again.
  17. hmmm doesnt seem to say anywhere. ill look aronud some more
  18. recently jut put the pups back in my plywood frankenbass only to find that the sound is not so far off from my 2 piece bubinga v940. is this a result of the electrickery or just that some plywood isnt that bad????
  19. anyone know the string spacing on a badass bridge not the II or the III or the V but the original??
  20. i play with BADG and use a 50 - 110 set of flats i never found that when playing a mates five string that i ever used the E string so thought id save the cash and get 4 string that could be tuned BADG i like it its comfy sounding but i really need new pups to appreciate that low sound
  21. vintage V940 defretted with hipshot E-B, gotoh tuners, hipshot type A bridge, Pbass bridge cover, rubbish wiklinson pups soon to be changed
  22. best way to find out was to buy one so i did and i works!!!! wayhey
  23. ali-stare stupid noob who always asks dumb technical questions in the hope of one day being able to cobble together enough pieces of different instruments to create one he enjoys to play in the hope it will make him sound better even though deep in his heart he knows itll never ever ever work like that. secretly gassing for a shuker custom currently playing a vintage V940 a fretless version that is not the fretless version with p bass bridge cover and hipshot extender E to B (it really works guys)
  24. anyine ever heard of an E to B hipshot tuner. This would be one of the most useful inventions for me as im sick and tired of tuning down to the low B and i could never get on with 5 stings. any input would be useful cheers
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