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Everything posted by Jesso

  1. Hey everyone. I'm in the middle of a run of 5 gigs. Last night was the 2nd. The gigs are weddings, quite a grueling 2.5 hour set. I don't usually have any problems with my fingers or hands, but last night about three quaters way through the pinky on my left hand (my fretting hand) got really sore at the point of contact with the string. The pain is in the tip of my finger, and does not appear to be muscular thankfully. I have a tendancy to play too hard.... i.e. push down too hard on the string with my fretting hand. It's something I don't usually notice. I do try to take it easy, but sometimes I find myself "gripping" the neck un-necessarily hard. The pain in my pinky is like a shooting type pain... as if there is no flesh between the bone at the end of my finger and the string. It only happens when I press too hard, but it's a very fine line and I'm sure to do it several times during each song if I use my pinky! It's a pretty bad pain and makes me visibly wince each time.... not good! I'm thinking maybe a band-aid or two would help. Has anyone got any experience with this type of injury? Any suggestions most welcome! Thanks
  2. [quote name='eude' post='1267264' date='Jun 13 2011, 01:31 PM']I'm really interested to see how you both get on with yer custom covers, have considered doing something similar Eude[/quote] Heres what I did.... just got rid of the stock strap and got my local shoemaker to bolt on a leather one. Working a treat so far. As a side note, are any of you promethean owners noticing that you are clipping the output when your playing at decent volume?
  3. [quote name='wateroftyne' post='1257963' date='Jun 6 2011, 12:09 AM']I can't agree... [/quote] Now that's what I'm talkin about.... I've had a hankering to try some Bergs for a while now. Those cabs look quite big physically due to the offset positioning of the 10s. How would you rate one of those cabs next to a GS112? They're expensive buggers too... am I right?
  4. [quote]For some reason I always end up in bands with clumsy people, who have tendencies to walk into things, and a stack of two 210s vertically wouldn`t make it through rehearsals, yet alone gigs.[/quote] With a big set of 2x10s (like the markbass 102HF cabs) vertically stacked they are well solid. It'd take a serious push to get them to move anywhere. They are quite deep cabs though, that's what makes em stable.
  5. [quote name='warwickhunt' post='1257765' date='Jun 5 2011, 08:47 PM']I actually turn my Aggie DB112's on their edge so that I get a bit more vertical height. Stacked normally they barely reach waist height but stacked on edge (with solid foam between to avoid handles tipping the cabs/amp over) they are at shoulder height with the horn at the top. They are a little precarious but unless I was at a mental gig there's no way they'd topple... "touch wood"! It makes a heck of a difference when on a confined stage and you want the maximum monitor output. I'm not sure if it has any afect on the FOH sound but it's not like I'm lacking any output. [/quote] Good thinking. I haven't tried that with my GS12 cabs, cos the handle makes em unstable. What do you mean by a bit of solid foam? Is it a bit of packaging or something? I'd like to try that out.
  6. [quote name='chrismuzz' post='1257751' date='Jun 5 2011, 08:39 PM']I toyed with the idea for a while, but I couldn't find any 2x10s that sounded big enough for such a low tuning. Which is a big shame because I'd love to have had a nice tall stack without the sheer bulkiness![/quote] Most people won't have that problem though... I wouldn't imagine there's too many running the same set up as you.... You should possibly look into running a few of these stacked up. [url="http://bass-guitars.musiciansfriend.com/product/Accugroove-Whappo-Grande-Bass-Cabinet?sku=480886&CJAID=10381297&CJPID=4169693"]http://bass-guitars.musiciansfriend.com/pr...p;CJPID=4169693[/url]
  7. Just wondering if many of you do this. I used to vertically stack a pair of Markbass 102HF cabs, and I found it great. I must admit, I miss the feeling of having a tower of doom behind me at gigs. A pair of 12's is great and all, but with a vertically stacked pair of 2x10 cabs you get serious clout and with the speakers being so high up you really hear yourself. Those of you that do it, which cabs do you use? I may be in the market for a pair of 2x10s soon!
  8. Right. So I've been gigging the little promethean for the last couple of weekends... so about 5 or 6 gigs then. Firstly, who-ever said about the case was dead right, it's crap. So I got the local shoe repair guy to modify it. The amp it's self is performing well. I've been seeing some clipping on the output light in bigger rooms when running the combo with an extension cab (see below) but it could just be that I have to fiddle around with the gain/master a bit to get max head room. I didn't notice any compressing in the sound, I just happened to see the overload light on the amp. I'm now running the GS112 in it's natural position, instead of on it's side, which seems to sound better. It's a nice setup, cos the ibanez is tilted up slightly so I can hear myself very clearly. Soundwise, I'm still happier with the promethean than I was with the markbass LM2. It sounds in the same ballpark, but with a bit more life to it. As a stand alone combo, it's fantastic, I don't know if theres much else out there can can compare to it in terms of sound/weight/size. The fact that you can just whip out the amp its-self is a big bonus over the markbass gear. In small rooms, or in rehearsals, the combo on it's own is enough for me... but I wouldn't describe my band as horribly loud. In bigger rooms, with the GS112 it does sound like a proper bass amp. I do notice that it feels a bit "smaller" than using 2 x GS112 cabs, but it's good in a way cos it keeps the on-stage volume down a bit. If I wasn't using FOH though, it wouldn't be enough for me. So all in all, a good sounding well thought out bit of kit. I'll be keeping mine, even if it gets relegated from gigging in the bigger rooms down the line a bit. It's a very handy thing to own, and even thought I bought it new, I think it's pretty good value for money.
  9. [quote name='essexbasscat' post='1244806' date='May 25 2011, 09:18 PM']How about an Sa450 markbass + ? in trade[/quote] Sorry guys, that went fast! Sold to a basschatter over here in Ireland!
  10. [quote name='Merton' post='1244165' date='May 25 2011, 12:50 PM']What 'e said. Absolute cracker of an amp and a fair price [/quote] Aaaarrrrg! Your making me regret selling it already! Yep it's the biz I must admit.
  11. Oh, and it'll come in a half decent gigbag!
  12. Ok I've had a couple of PM's. I've way overpriced this. I'd like to get €200, which is £175 approx. That'd be a good deal for most of you in the Uk if you didn't have to pay postage, which unfortunately is working out at £35. So all in ...... hmmmm.... I'll do it for £200 posted.
  13. Here she is. Lovely bass. Not much more to say.... perfect condition. Needs intonation done, but plays great. Looking for £230... I think that's the going rate? Shipping will be extra. About £20 I think.
  14. Here we go.... Had this for about 6 months now. Really enjoyed it, but it turns out I'm more of a "bass, mid, treble" guy. Really, the eq on this is the most powerful I've ever used, but a bit over complicated for my poor simple mind to grasp. Sounds very sweet with the tube pre. I've just picked up a promethean so that's gunna be the number one amp for a while.... until the next thing catches my eye! This one is in perfect nick, with a very nice wee flightcase with it. Dunno how much shipping would be. Probably about 20 - 30 quid I'd imagine. I've seen these go for approx £500 around here, so that's the price I'll put on it. Thanks for looking.
  15. I'm getting on ok with the cover so far. I mean, it was €10! Can't go wrong really. I would like a handle though... thinking of having it modified by a local guy who fixes my shoes/bags etc. Meanwhile, the amp sounded very good in rehearsal. Just jamming with a drum machine though today, so I'm still wondering how it's going to keep up with our drummer. Great tight sound out of it. Hooked it up to a GS112 at reasonable volumes and it's going to make a great ministack if the combo isn't enough for me on it's own. The head sounds very sweet through just the GS112 btw. Gunna do some A/Bing between my GP7 trace, eden WT550 and the promethean over the next couple of days..... but I'm pretty sure the Eden is going to be sold pretty soon. Not cos it's any worse, but the convenience of the promethean wins for me.
  16. I used to have 2 x 102HF cabs which I stacked vertically. Holy christ there was a huge volume with oodles of bottom end. I actually miss them a bit. You won't miss the 15 if you run two of those cabs together.
  17. Well it arrived today. First impressions: Well made, feels like a very good quality bit of kit. I'm actually a bit baffled by how come it's so cheap.... I mean, the head is €485 on thomann. The combo is only €164 more... which in anyones book is a great price for a quality mini cab! Add another €10 and you can have the cover too bringing the total up to €659. That's assuming that the head is as good as say, a LM3, which on it's own costs (all thomann prices) €666. The very cheapest markbass cab you can buy is €539... ok ok I know it's a 12 inch but if markbass did a 10 the same size as the promethean combo you can be sure it would be at least 400 euros! So I'm impressed so far. This could easily have been priced a few hundred euros more. Sound wise I prefer it to the LM2 I had for a while. It's very hard to get a bad sound out of it. It's quite smooth and forgiving. The vibe control doesn't sound fake, but rather nice and usable. Next to my eden WT550 I can't say it's any worse. Probably not as hifi or with as powerful EQ, but just a different flavor. Not as complex or revealing, but the lack of complication is actually a blessing sometimes! This is my first impression mind you, I've yet to A/B them. It feels similar me in sound and EQ of the Aguilar 500SC. But, like the eden, the aggie was actually quite big. This thing is tiny. I've never seen an F1 in the flesh, but I wouldn't say it could be much bigger. I'll be gigging it this weekend, in pretty big rooms to 150 ish people. I'm going to use it as a stage monitor and use the DI out to the P.A. I'll also have it sitting on an aggie GS112 to see what it's like running that too at 4ohms, but I'll try it on it's own 1st. I haven't turned it up fully yet (don't want to wake the baby!) so I'm very interested to see how quickly the sound gets compressed cos of that little box. The bag is great, but for some reason I thought it was an ingenious design where the combo didn't actually have to be taken out of the bag... as in the front of the bag would fold back to reveal the speaker. Ah well you can't have everything! Would be nice though if we're talking ultimate in hassle free bass amp solutions not to have to take the combo out of it's bag! Oh, and my combo is dead quiet. After it was on for a while I heard what sounded like a laptop fan, hardly audible. No noticable hiss whatsoever.
  18. I'm waiting for mine to arrive from Thomann. Looking forward to downsizing for a while. I'll report back after the weekends gigs.... 2 weddings 100 - 150 people each. Gunna use the amp on it's own with no extension cab with just a touch of FOH support.
  19. [quote name='eude' post='1228130' date='May 11 2011, 10:12 PM']Ah, well it does and it doesn't, depends on your requirements. I needed something small enough to use as a REAL practice amp but with enough baws to play smallish gigs without PA support and to use as a stage monitor for bigger gigs. I'll probably look to get the 1X10 ext cab once I get into a band down here in the big smoke but for now it's absolutely perfect Eude[/quote] So say a gig in a big room, big stage, 400 people. Would you be comfortable enough using it as your stage monitor DI'ing out to P.A?
  20. [quote name='eude' post='1228092' date='May 11 2011, 09:47 PM']As far as I'm aware you can only run 1 extension cab with the P5110 and I think the P5210 might be running at 4 Ohms already which would mean you couldn't hook up an extension cab. This "hiss" issue is fairly rare it would seem and any reasonable retailer would replace or refund if it cropped up, never happened with mine I'm not sure if the P5110 and 1X10 cab or the P5210 would be a match for the overall sound of your 2 X 1X12 set up, but I replaced a single 1X12 with the little 1X10 combo and I don't regret it one bit. I guess there is naturally less weight to the sound, but you can dial it back in with the EQ plus the sheer "swing-round-the-head-one-handedly-ability" of the little bugger is insane considering power of it! Cheers, Eude[/quote] Cool thanks for that. The ibanez site says 500 watts at 4 ohms... which would suggest that it's a 4 ohm deal, and you can't run an extension off it. Still though, a 500 watt 4 ohm 2x10 should be pretty handy! Kinda defeats the purpose of the tiny wee 1x10 bugger though don't it? Hmmmmmm....
  21. I'm watching this thread with interest. Thinking of picking up a combo in the next couple of months.... despite the potential hiss issues! Couple of questions... Someone in the thread mentioned that the next time they might buy 2 x 110 promethean extension cabs to go with the combo. Does this mean the combo can run 2 extension cabs... which would mean it can go below 4 ohms? Next question. Does anyone have the IBANEZ P5210 (the 2x10)? That would be pretty cool for getting the combo up nice and high - I like to have speakers close to my head as possible. Plus it should move some air (3x10 as opposed to 2x10). At the moment I use 2 1x12 cabs, so I reckon I'd need at least 3x10 cabs to get near to the same volume levels. EDIT - Just realized the 2x10 is a combo.... anyone have it? PHWOOOOARRR!!!!
  22. Due to a slightly dodgy shoulder I'm afraid that counts me out... but good luck with the sale. If it were a lb lighter I'd have it!
  23. That is lovely. Whats the weight?
  24. No worries good luck with the sale I hope you get a good price for it... it's a thing of beauty!
  25. Well I suppose being over here in Dublin Ireland restricts the possibilities of any trades probably. My current rig is an eden wt550 and 2 x GS12 cabs.... which I'd trade against your rig with some cash, but it's the kind of thing you'd have to meet up to do really, that's assuming you were interested.
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