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Everything posted by Jesso

  1. Yeah I don't quite understand why shipping to Ireland is so much more than the Uk. Bugger.
  2. Lovely. What's the weight?
  3. I'd be interested in buying this, but I suspect the postage to Ireland would be prohibitive?
  4. [quote name='waldemar' timestamp='1335397532' post='1630606'] OT, but out of interest (after seeing Dannybuoy's comment above) I had a quick squizz at your band's site. Pfff. Top notch man. [/quote] Very good of you to say. Thanks.
  5. Yep the wizzy is on the list I've been wanting to try out some EA stuff too.
  6. [quote name='xgsjx' timestamp='1335370554' post='1630081'] You could always pop to rubber feet on the top of the cab, or better still, get a piece of foam that fits round the handle for the amp to sit upon. Have to agree with Bozzie, go & try a few out & see what You like the sound of. [/quote] I totally agree. Thing is, I live in Dublin, and the choice of cabs/amps is totally pathetic. I figure out what I like by buying it based on reviews / hype online, then I sell it on hopefully not at too much of a loss if I don't get on with it. Not ideal.... but what can you do!
  7. [quote name='dannybuoy' timestamp='1335368523' post='1630024'] I don't think the 210 is overkill for home practice, considering it occupies such as small area and is pretty cheap to boot. Only downside is the handle on top getting in the way of some heads unless they have big feet on the bottom (which I think the GK ones do from memory). [/quote] True enough... I'll be taking the rubber feet off though I think to fit it into my gig bag... although it might fit with the feet on. It'd make a very sweet practice rig that's for sure!
  8. [quote name='MOSCOWBASS' timestamp='1335365428' post='1629944'] [i]Although more expensive, the Barefaced Midget is lighter than the Eden ex110 and will handle a lot more power[/i] [/quote] But would be wasted in my living room! I'd love one someday, but when I do it'll be part of a bigger barefaced midget/compact rig and it'll be my main gig rig. Hoping to go this route in the summer when funds allow.
  9. [quote name='eude' timestamp='1335362655' post='1629861'] Eden EX110 might do the trick... [url="http://www.soundunlimited.co.uk/product_3107_Eden_-_300w_compact_full_range_cabinet_-_EX110.html"]http://www.soundunli...et_-_EX110.html[/url] Ashdown are releasing their Mi10 cab very very soon too >> [url="http://www.ashdownmusic.com/bass/detail.asp?section=mb&ID=269"]http://www.ashdownmu...ction=mb&ID=269[/url] It's popping up at a list price of £200 Eude [/quote] Eden looks great. That'd be perfect, cheap too. [quote name='dannybuoy' timestamp='1335362722' post='1629865'] Ampeg SVT210AV? About £260 new and about 14kgs so very light. It's like one quarter of an Ampeg 810 cab, might be bigger than you were thinking of but it has a very small footprint and the extra height makes it easier for the mids to reach your ears! Should be perfect for the kind of rock your band plays. I just got one today and it sounds brilliant. Sounds so good I'm gonna keep an eye out for a second one to perch on top! [url="http://www.dv247.com/guitars/ampeg-svt210av-bass-guitar-extension-cabinet--49924"]http://www.dv247.com...-cabinet--49924[/url] Your band sounds great by the way, I remember searching for a similar cover band for my wedding a while back (before I decided to bugger off abroad) and you guys sound far better than any of the ones I could find! [/quote] Thanks very much! Good wedding bands are hard to find around here too.... which is why we are usually busy! I had a look at that ampeg cab before, it looks sweet. I'll never have to gig it though, so it may be overkill. [quote name='chris_b' timestamp='1335363299' post='1629876'] For home practice why don't you just get a small combo, GK Backline 110, 1 x 10" 70w combo - £240, for instance, and use your gigging amp for rehearsals. [/quote] Gigging amp lives in the back of the van, so I don't want to have to go and get it out every time. Plus I have an ebs 112 neo living in the rehearsal room, so I just need a small amp to power it. The idea is that that amp comes home with me after rehearsals and then sits on a tiny cab in my house for a pukka practice rig that's teeny tiny. I'm gunna look into the eden cab now.
  10. I posted a week or 2 ago looking for a tiny tiny tiny amp. I think I've found what I'm looking for in the GK MB200. I haven't bought one yet, but will do very soon. It will come with me in my gig bag to rehearsals and gigs, but it won't be my main gigging amp. So, now I need a small cab with a small footprint to hook up the MB 200 for practicing at home. It needs to sound really good, like a proper bass amp, but it doesn't have to go too loud. I have an EBS 112 at the moment, which is perfect, but I want to leave it at rehearsals.... so I need something that sounds as good as that, but is preferably a bit smaller and a bit cheaper. If it looks cool, that's a welcome bonus. I notice GK do a line of very cheap cabs. Are they any good? I'd love a 2x8..... or even a 1x 8 if it sounded good. Any suggestions?
  11. Still for sale?
  12. Very interesting. I found the charger, and it works quite well. Not loud, and farts out straight away almost. Funny thing is, I found a second one that I forgot I have, and when I daisy chain the two, it starts to become usable. Definitely loud enough for what I'm doing. Result! Never even thought of those computer speaker things... they are very good for the tiny tiny size of them. Thanks for the suggestions didn't think I'd be able to work that out without leaving the house!
  13. [quote name='ThomBassmonkey' timestamp='1334797197' post='1621575'] If you have an iPhone, iPod Touch or iPad you could use an iGig or the variants on it with the small passive speakers you can get that are designed to work with ipods and the like (or even just use them with your vox). [/quote] Good idea. I have one of these.... It charges via usb, but just takes a normal audio minijack for the signal. Should work nicely, if only I can find the usb charging cable..... I'll let you know how it sounds, but it's the perfect solution if it has any sort of output at all.
  14. [quote name='andyonbass' timestamp='1334750575' post='1620598'] I have a Vox amplug and its fine with headphones, but when I tried it with the matching cab, it would fart out even at accoustic guitar volumes, and yes it was the bass version! [/quote] .... that's not what I wanted to hear! The matching cab would fit nicely into the gigbag y'see..... brand new gig bag too with a big pocket. It doesn't have to be able to compete with someone bashing an acoustic and shouting out words, just low strumming in a van or a bathroom or what have you to get the jist of a song. I already have the amplug headphone unit, which is pretty useful so just adding the wee cab thingy would be ideal. I might just give it a shot, it's not huge money, and hopefully it's up to the job. I won't be asking too much of it!
  15. Great suggestions. Looking at the wee vox jobbies..... should be perfect!
  16. [quote name='woodyratm' timestamp='1334680655' post='1619678'] Does the wee vox thing not got a speaker too? [/quote] I have one of those in my gigbag already. It's very good, but the others cant hear it cos it doesn't have a speaker.
  17. Howdy. Looking for something I can put into my gigbag that is both an amp and speaker in one. I only need to be as loud as an acoustic guitar. Or another way of putting it.... I need to make my electric be as loud as my bass! Must run on batteries, and be very small. The type of thing a busker might use I suppose. It's for rehearsing over first dances with the rest of the band in the van before a gig or other similar situations!
  18. [quote name='CBbass' timestamp='1334357407' post='1615288'] I feel for you, this must suck. I would definitely find a specialist who has done this sort of woodwork before to look at this. Hope it all goes well! [/quote] Thanks all. Ah I'm not too gutted.... it's only a bass after all! But yes I'm bringing it to a very experienced guy, I've seen his work before and he should be able to do a good job on it. I'll post here again in a week or 2 when it's fixed to show you all how I got on!
  19. [quote name='icastle' timestamp='1334343255' post='1615009'] I suspect the luthier will want as many of those shards of wood as can be saved. I'd be more inclined to seal the body in a dustbin liner and find something else to gig with this weekend. [/quote] Good advice. All the wood is pretty firmly attached to the bass still. I've covered the area with a bit of card and taped it up.... so nothings going to fall out but I won't gig it just incase!
  20. I might dust off the P bass alright just for the weekend.... Probably not worth the risk. Yeah it'd be worth reinforcing the inside of the cavity alright, that's a bit of a design flaw I reckon.
  21. Yeah I've just arranged to take it to a pro next week. I've taped it up with a bit of cardboard over the damage, so I was thiniking of chancing gigging it this weekend.... Should be ok so long as I'm careful of it! The wood must be pretty thin alright for that to happen.
  22. No no laquer, it's just wax.
  23. Just did this somehow.... whoops! Gunna have a go at pushing the wood back out from the inside. Any thoughts / advice before I wreck the bass even more?
  24. Thanks for that, always like this guy whenever I see him but didn't know he was a bass player!
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