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uncle psychosis

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Everything posted by uncle psychosis

  1. I've never wanted to play fretless bass. I'd rather learn to play upright bass than a fretless bass guitar.
  2. [quote name='lanark' post='1286267' date='Jun 29 2011, 11:55 AM']Just wondering how this is usually resolved.[/quote] Depends on the band and what arrangement they have with each other. REM have an agreement that all songwriting credits get split equally regardless of how much work each member does on individual songs. One of the reasons for the demise of The Smiths was a disagreement over finances. If you're asking from the point of view of your own band---basically you need to decide amongst you who gets the credit for writing.
  3. uncle psychosis

    big muff

    I've got one and use it on bass. Here's my thoughts: 1. On its own it sounded good, but all my bottom end disappeared in the mix so it wasn't very practical for using with a band. 2. Using a Boss LS-2 to mix in some clean signal and keep the bottom end makes it sound awesome.
  4. [quote name='aldude' post='1280713' date='Jun 24 2011, 11:13 AM']For a bit more, you can get the SR5005E (not mine!) [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=142778"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=142778[/url][/quote] Thats awesome. Bit more than I want to spend (and definitely more than I can afford to spend right this second!)
  5. [quote name='xgsjx' post='1280388' date='Jun 24 2011, 12:16 AM']Mine has the Omni-Adjust bridge, I believe they later replaced it with one called the Accu-cast. [url="http://www.flickr.com/photos/xgsjx/5864441787/"][/url] Not sure how it compares with the SR5xx bridges that appear to be having issues.[/quote] That bass looks sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeet
  6. Thanks for all the info guys. Lots to go on! As for "anything else that you need to know?" the only thing that springs to mind is "which models come in natural finishes?" but thats just being lazy Thanks again Sam
  7. Thanks for the responses guys. Looks like I could be on to a winner (eventually). Does anyone know if the necks are much the same size/shape across the range? I'm not against buying online but I'd be reluctant to do so without being confident that the neck would suit me (I find some basses almost unplayable...). Trying a cheaper one locally and then looking online for a high-end second hand bargain is very appealing!
  8. [quote name='nottswarwick' post='1279244' date='Jun 22 2011, 11:50 PM']I also like Yamaha instruments a lot, so these might be worth checking out too.[/quote] Yamaha make some great instruments (I've owned several) but I don't get on with the aesthetics of their basses. It may be shallow to dismiss a bass based on looks---but when there are so many great playing/sounding basses that I *do* like the look of theres not much point settling for something I'm not aesthetically pleased with!
  9. Hey folks Currently I play a Jazz bass by Vintage which I really like and which plays great, but longer term I'm thinking about getting something better/different. I quite like the look of the Ibanez SR range--specifically the higher end ones like the SR600, SR700. Anyone got any comments on Ibanez basses? Are there better things available for similar cash? My requirements are a bit vague (I'm very early on in my research...). I need a slim/small neck because I have small hands. I don't like things with lots of bling. Lightweight is good. Soundwise we're talking as versatile as possible (I'm into pretty much everything except metal) for both recording and gigging. I don't like musicman styles. I want a "keeper". I probably only want 4 strings. I don't have unlimited funds, so lets say less than £1000 (preferably a lot less!!). Anyone care to point me in the direction of anything specific?
  10. Hi guys I'm in a similar position...I don't have a bass amp at home (no space/too lazy to cart one back and forth) but I'd like to be able to practice all the same. I already have a small mixer that I use for recording and so on. I'm kind of tempted by the BDI21 just so that I can plug bass into behringer then into my mixer, use headphones, and get a fairly decent bass tone for practising. What do you think? Also, I've heard some people say that the ADI21 (the acoustic guitar version) is "better" because it has a mid EQ control. Since I play guitar as well I'm kind of tempted by one of these, since it would be more versatile. Anyone got any comments on using the ADI21 with bass? Thanks
  11. I immediately thought of one of these [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=64899"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=64899[/url]
  12. Thanks for the thoughts guys. I think, on reflection, that it won't really work. I'll just need to find another justification to buy one!!!
  13. If I were you I'd start by replacing all of the electronics except the pickups. Putting decent quality electronics in certainly won't do any harm. Once you get it working again you can decide if you want to mess around with the pickups. You might also want to do some basic electronic mods like shielding the controls (this is really cheap and easy to do).
  14. Hi guys I play in a 3 piece rock band and every so often I think it would be pretty cool to play baritone instead of a more traditional bass. My reasoning is that it would be possible to cover most bass lines using the baritone but also play full chords every so often, which could help flesh out the sound of a 3 piece a bit. Anyone ever tried it, or have any thoughts?
  15. I've never sold a bass and regretted it. There's a few pedals that I really miss---main ones being a Monsterpiece Fuzz and an Earthquaker Devices Disaster Transport---and a 12 string Schecter electric that I'd have back in a second. All sold through financial necessity!
  16. [quote name='mcnach' post='1137141' date='Feb 22 2011, 02:38 PM']PM-me when you have more local gigs, would love to come along.[/quote] Short notice I know but we're on tomorrow (Saturday) at Cabaret Voltaire: [url="http://www.thecabaretvoltaire.com/view_event.php?id=1776"]http://www.thecabaretvoltaire.com/view_event.php?id=1776[/url] I think its £6 on the door but if you contact us (through the website---www.supermarionation.co.uk) I think Steve has some cheaper ones. Sam
  17. I have musical instrument insurance through Allianz. Their website sucks though so maybe better to phone them. If I remember correctly music guard wont cover you for theft from an unattended vehicle. Thats a big no-no for me. I looked into just getting my guitars added to my home insurance but too often theres lots of hidden clauses---no cover if its stolen from a gig, no cover if its stolen from a car, etc. For the price of a couple of beers a month I know that I'm (relatively) safe for every situation...
  18. [quote name='mcnach' post='1133819' date='Feb 19 2011, 09:33 PM']I once owned a Jazz bass copy by Vintage that I had modified with a metal scratchplate (helped screening, it was very quiet) and a series/parallel switch. It was very nice. But I sold it. Moved on. Fast forward a couple of years, and I'm in the same situation you describe. We're the last band to play, I agreed to provide bas amplification. One of the bands was ok, the other one was overall better and as I do, I pay attention to the bass. It sounded very good. Then I realised... it was the guy I sold the bass to, that was my old bass indeed!!! I didn't imagine that bass sounded as good as that!!! I told him if he ever wanted to sell it, to call me. He said he doubts it'll happen any time soon. So there i was, playing my Stingray (which I love and won't change for anything, I must add!) thinking "damn, that Vintage sounded great! And I sold it for peanuts!" [/quote] If it makes you feel better, I give that bass a lot of love I've had a few other compliments on the sound of the Vintage---the very first gig we did had a bass playing soundman who raved about it. I really, really like the added switching you add to it---makes it really punchy. To be fair, your stingray sounded damn good that night too! Cheers
  19. [quote name='bassplayer88' post='1128480' date='Feb 15 2011, 03:49 PM']Does nobody want this pedal board? Absolute bargain.....[/quote] I'm interested but I think its a) slightly too big and would be expensive to post. Is it £20 plus p&p?
  20. On my jazz bass I have one of the pots modded to be push/push that switches between the pickups in series/parallel. The extra option is pretty beefy
  21. No-one want to bring some funk?
  22. I once got in the back of a black cab with two double basses. Neither of them was in a case. That was "fun"...
  23. Howdy folks I'm a long time lurker, but I don't post all that much so thought I should introduce myself. I'm the bass player in Supermarionation, a 3-piece rock/punk/pop band based in Edinburgh. We started out as an (obscure) covers band but we've been gigging our own material for a year or so. We recently released a five track EP called "On the Fly" which is available on spotify or on download/cd if anyone would like to check it out. [url="http://open.spotify.com/album/1WrL0NuA1kMThDUfKXwPDT"]http://open.spotify.com/album/1WrL0NuA1kMThDUfKXwPDT[/url] [url="http://www.supermarionation.co.uk/on-the-fly"]http://www.supermarionation.co.uk/on-the-fly[/url] The Metro described us as "one of the hottest up and coming acts in Scotland" last month, so I hope you like what you hear!!! Cheers Sam
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