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uncle psychosis

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Everything posted by uncle psychosis

  1. Bump with price drop. G'wan...
  2. [quote name='pete.young' post='1059457' date='Dec 15 2010, 12:31 PM']Thanks for that. In that case the Zvex clone is probably the one I'll go for. I also found these guys: [url="http://www.diypedalkits.com/"]http://www.diypedalkits.com/[/url] . Has anyone here had anything to do with them?[/quote] They're run by one of the regulars over at the musicradar.com forum. I haven't built any of the kits myself but a few of the guys over there have done so and all seem happy with the results. [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cN_ouc6GZCE"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cN_ouc6GZCE[/url]
  3. *sold*
  4. Thanks for the replies guys. Decided to stick with the NYC Muff/LS2 combination for just now---its mainly for live use so I'm not *too* fussy about the tone. So long as it rocks
  5. I've found that Behringer pedals are a bit hit and miss. Some of them sound great, others---not so much. I reckon for £25 you won't get much better. If you can find a second hand one you can probably sell it for what you pay for it anyway. What I never understood though is all the complaints about the cases. Who cares if they're made of plastic? They're absolutely rock solid. My EHX Big Muff is made of metal and it feels flimsier than Behringer pedals I've owned. I can understand worries about the quality of the electronic parts---they are cheap parts, presumably---but you'll be doing pretty damn well to break the outside. I mean, just watch [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0QL-6eTHSHQ"]this![/url]
  6. Hi guys I've got a quick question about fuzz/OD on bass. I play in [url="http://www.supermarionation.co.uk/"]a band[/url] and until recently I've just been a bass-lead-amp guy. Hpwever, we're only a three piece and every so often I think the bass parts could do with some dirt to fill out the sound (and also to make the rocking numbers rock more!!). I started out by trying my USA Big Muff and my Proco RAT (I'm also a guitarist) on the bass. They sound good on their own, but disappear in the mix (classic problem). So I acquired a Boss LS2 for blending in clean signal (I am NOT going down the two amp route). I've been relatively happy with the results, but having to carry around two pedals and multiple patch cables is a bit irritating. I'd rather just take one pedal with me, so I've been eyeing up bass specific distortions---mainly the Tech21 Bass XXL and the EHX Bass Big Muff. I guess the question is---will I get much out of these pedals other than convenience? Is it worth splashing out for bass specific pedals or will I get much the same result from LS2 + guitar pedal? Cheers Sam
  7. Have you still got it? I'll take it for £30 delivered?
  8. A friend of mine has a 5-string Sadowsky Jazz. I'm actually really regretting trying it because now I'm seriously GASing after the 4-string version... One day, one day
  9. Hi guys I'm new to these forums but can provide feedback from ebay/other forums if you like! Behringer Bass v-amp with footswitch for changing patches, power supply, manual and carry case. Great condition, hardly been used at all. Also has models for electric guitar/keyboard. The going rate for these seems to be £45 plus postage. Its big and pretty heavy so it can be yours for £55 all in. Will consider trades for a decent compressor (preferably optical) or pedal tuner (TU2/Pitchblack). No Marshall Ed-1 please---had one and didn't get on with it!
  10. Hi guys I've been thinking about getting a compressor for use on both my bass and electric six strings too. I'm skint at the moment so have pretty much narrowed it down to two: Aphex Punch Factory or BBE Optostomp. The DI functions on the PF sound really useful, and it also seems to be a bit easier to get hold of in the UK---but having said that the Optostomp has got some great reviews and seems to be built like a tank. In the last half hour or so the T-rex comp nova has also caught my eye... I'm not really looking for compression as an effect, more as a way of rounding out the sound a bit and helping my telecaster cut through the mix a bit more. What are your opinions on these three?
  11. Hey, do you still have this?
  12. Hi guys I have a Behringer bass v-amp which I bought a few years ago and have never really used. Its just been sitting in its case for most of its life! Recently I've been hankering after an Aphex Punch factory. Is anyone interested in a swap? If so, give me a shout and maybe we can organise something. I'm new to these forums but can provide feedback from ebay/elsewhere. Cheers Sam
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