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uncle psychosis

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Everything posted by uncle psychosis

  1. I really shouldn't but would consider a jazz / five string in trade...
  2. Plus - let's be honest here - these basses from the sixties that we all (including myself) lust over were mass produced in a factory. Wood selection was based on economics, not artistry.
  3. People make stringed instruments out of plastic, resin, even concrete and they all sound good. People completely overstate the importance of body material on electric instruments.
  4. Musical instruments must be one of the only "technologies" out there that have people genuinely trying to argue that we've got worse at building over the years. What logical reason would tell anyone that an instrument made in a factory in the sixties (or even by a "master craftsman") would be any better than any high end modern bass, built with the benefit of an additional 70+ years of understanding? Vintage instruments are cool as anything. They have mojo. I get it. Some of them are really very good indeed. But if you don't really care about history, mojo, or collectibility then the price tag is unjustifiable. The value comes from rarity, not from intrinsic quality.
  5. Postage included in that price...
  6. If you want something really cool with a sense of history attached, buy a vintage bass. If you just want a really good instrument, buy a good modern bass. There's no magic in vintage instruments. But they are definitely cool.
  7. I used to use GHS Pressurewounds and for some reason I stopped using them. I can't remember if its because they were hard to get hold of or whether I stopped liking them 😂
  8. I really like the Catalinbread SFT (I have a clone of one). I also like the Zvex Basstortion, but I think for what you want I'd recommend the SFT.
  9. It's Saturday night, the weather is improving, you've had a few beers, buy a new bass! 😄 Not *really* looking for trades but you could potentially tempt me with a jazz or mustang or something "like" an HX Stomp.
  10. Anyone enlighten me as to whether the Adagio flats have silks / tapers at the bridge end? My g&l bridge needs no silk, no taper (I think...)
  11. Its a deco harley benton and I'm more interested in the space than the cash!
  12. hi folks I picked this up recently and whilst its a very nice bass it just reinforced that I wanted a "proper" Fender P-bass (I prefer the balance of a Fender), and I can't justify both so I'm moving it on again. Kim Deal played the same model in the Pixies (see video below), it really is a nice sounding thing. This is a bass from the "legendary" Matsumoku factory, with some specs here: http://www.matsumoku.org/models/ariaproii/bass/csb/csb.html I've been led to believe this one is a 1981 model, maybe one of the Matsumoku geeks could confirm. The neck on this is in fantastic condition given the age. Its 32", and remarkably comfortable. On the downside, the body is dinged. A lot. Its not a case queen, please check out the photos. It has been used and abused by some barbarian at some point, I can't pretend otherwise. But honestly, the neck doesn't seem to have suffered! (see pics). It comes with the original case. Its not in the best nick, but I think its pretty rare to find a forty year old Matsumoku bass with the original case! Also, remarkably for an old case it doesn't smell like someone died in it. (😁) I still have the box etc that this was shipped in so whilst I'd prefer collection from Burntisland, Fife I can ship it if required. Complete photo gallery is here: https://imgur.com/a/xC5Apya
  13. Erm... Hadn't thought about that but might be an option. Probably still struggling for a box though!
  14. Hi guys I bought this a few years ago as a backup bass and its spent its entire life in a hiscox case in the wardrobe. Probably has 3 or 4 hours play on it, tops. Not for any bad reason - I bought it as a cheap backup that was just never required. I'm letting it go cheap because I'm trying to cut down my gear and reclaim some space. I *think* its a PB-50 model, its clearly based on a 50s precision anyway. The neck is chunky, it has a 50s style Wilkinson P pickup. It also came strung with D'addario strings. Pickup and strings alone must be pushing the asking price... Disclaimer time: this came from Thomann marked as a "deco" model which means it failed their QC in some way. The neck and body are marked with a D as a result. I have never been able to work out why it was marked in this fashion. The electronics work, the action and relief are OK, it plays fine. But I don't want to mislead anyone. The finish is remarkably good for a cheap bass. In the photos I took outside the scratchplate looks a bit blotchy - this is just fingerprints being shown off in the sun. I'll polish them off. I don't have a box big enough, and frankly postage would cost as much as I'm asking. Happy to put this "on hold" for someone trustworthy until lockdown lets us meet people outside so that it can be safely collected (from Burntisland, Fife). Complete Gallery here: https://imgur.com/a/OieitXh
  15. Not going to lie, I thought that would look terrible but I was completely wrong - great job and it really suits the bass. Nice!
  16. I'm not going to go making extravagant claims, especially because I haven't played it with a band or at volume yet, but first impressions are really excellent.
  17. Ha, lemme take the bloomin' cellophane bits off first!
  18. So... ... Had ten minutes to play the new P. I like it a lot. That's just the sound really, isn't it? I'd be lying if I said I wouldn't prefer 32" but I'm pretty convinced that I'll cope just fine with this as is. Also, let's give Fender their due. This might be the first new instrument I've bought that I can't find a single flaw on!
  19. Cheers. I'll check out the LB-100 if this doesn't work out, but to be honest I think if a Fender P doesn't work for me then I will be going for something specifically short or medium scale... Fingers crossed.
  20. Tidepool. It was either that or Buttercream. I suspect I'll end up changing the scratchplate if I keep it.
  21. Yeah I thought long and hard about a Maruszczyk but a bit rich for my blood. Having wanted a P bass for years, and having obsessed over this "problem" for too long, I decided that the "what you really want is a proper P" voice needed to be listened to. So on that basis, along with life being short and lockdown sucking, I have ordered a Player Series P. If it turns up and I can't get on with the neck then...well that's what DSRs are for. Re: the G&L, I thought about making it passive but having read about M2000 mods online I got the distinct impression that for various reasons the M2000 pickups don't really like being pacified... Once the P arrives I'll reassess it - I might put flats on it, or maybe try changing the preamp. Or both.
  22. Oooft. Now you're talking. I thought the Jags were either 30 or 34... 🤤
  23. Hi guys, having a proper first world crisis today. My main bass is a G&L M2000 tribute. I like it, but I've never loved the active electronics. I recently bought a 32" Aria Csb-380. I love the sound and feel of the Aria, but the balance is all off for me. I spent ages messing about with straps and it doesn't sit right on me... So now I'm convinced I want some old school passive tones, probably just a Precision (most of my idols are P players), but finding one in 32" is nearly impossible. So either I just suck up the 34" and buy a Player Series P - which look great, or I buy an Ibanez Mezzo (which doesn't do old school passive tones and the aesthetic doesn't "grab me" all that much). I've been playing 34" basses for years so it shouldn't be that big a deal really, but the Aria really is super comfy... Or go down a different route and get a mustang. I could probably spring to a Vintera if I consolidate some other stuff and have it as my only bass. Any sage words of advice?
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