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uncle psychosis

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Everything posted by uncle psychosis

  1. [quote]You did pay to watch the film though. You pay your TV license right? You pay Sky/Virgin Media/BT for any package you might have? That's you paying to watch that film. The view count of advertisements on that channel etc etc is how the broadcaster makes their money, which pays for their right to show the film. Through this chain by watching that film on TV you have paid the people who own the copyright to it[/quote] My point wasn't about the legality of it. My point was purely that some people will watch stuff "for free" but never consider paying for it. Thats all. [quote name='Ben Jamin' timestamp='1340176153' post='1700230'] iTunes provides a vast library of good-quality music and is easy to use.[/quote] The last time I used iTunes I could only download sh*tty quality mp3s that were locked to iTunes. To get them onto my mp3 player I had to burn a cd from iTunes, then rip it to a format of my choosing. Maybe they've finally woken up and realised how stupid that system was. [quote]Has really it got to the point where we're justifying pirate over legal because we can't be bothered to sit through a few trailers? [/quote] So you think it makes sense for an industry to provide an inferior product AND treat their paying customers like criminals?
  2. [quote name='neepheid' timestamp='1340149337' post='1700157'] What makes you think that a "collection" automatically means "instrument(s) gathering dust"? All mine get played on a fairly regular rotation because I like them all. If they don't get played, they get sold. [/quote] The bit where I said "if I'm not using them" makes me think that they'll gather dust
  3. [quote name='Ben Jamin' timestamp='1340147433' post='1700139'] The difference is the TV channel paid to show that film whether you liked it or not. People won't download films they don't like. [/quote] Yes but my point was that it was free to me. It didn't cost me anything to watch it. I would never have paid any money to watch that film. There has to be a realisation that some people will never buy your product, but they will watch it / listen to it if they can get it free. Those people are not your customers and you'll never be able to stop them so we just need to forget about them and move on. [quote name='chris_b' timestamp='1340148701' post='1700152'] If you bought the music you illegally downloaded then musicians would have earned some money. You illegally downloaded that music and didn't pay any musicians. So you took their music with out paying for it. That's as stealing as shop lifting no matter how aggressively you try to justify it. [/quote] Who is this aimed at? There's no-one here that I can see who is actually a downloader, from what I can see? [quote name='garethfriend' timestamp='1340148737' post='1700153'] Come to think of it if we are getting all morally superior about copyright infringement = stealing, how is getting a tune stuck in your head all day not stealing? There's also nothing physical removed or stolen (just like with mp3s) and for all intents and purposes you have made a copy (just like with an mp3) and can recall it at will (just like on an mp3 player). I dare say you wouldn't always 100% of the time go out and buy a physical copy of the track either. It's money out of artists pockets I tell ya! So there we have it conclusive proof that copyright infringement is not stealing - but it is a crime (albeit one that gets into the realms of being silly when you try and define it) don't do it... I've had "don't stop believing" stuck in my head all day so I might owe the cast of glee a few bob. [/quote] I like it. Saying "downloading is stealing" is factually wrong. And being factually wrong is never a good place to start a discussion that you want to win. [quote name='Marvin' timestamp='1340171186' post='1700201'] The response of people who defend this 'non payment' stance is to glibly reply that the music industry has to change. Change to what? There's never an answer or solution given, just 'you must change'. Recording, live, streaming none of them work. So the industry will die because there is no other business model, something the people who won't pay won't face up to. [/quote] Well for starters they have to stop treating their customers as criminals before they've even bought your product. If people want electronic format music then provide it to them---in a variety of good quality formats. Give them a choice between flac, ogg, high VBR mp3, etc etc. Not some highly compressed DRM-ridden piece of crap like some of the music companies have been trying to push on people. Sony even went so far as to put root-kits on some cds for goodness sake---Dear Sony, if I bought your cd you should not treat me like sh*t. Yours, a customer. The film industry are even worse for this. Buy a blu-ray or dvd these days and you get thanked for that with five minutes of (unskippable) trailers that you have to sit through every time you want to watch it. And then, even though you bought their dvd, you get a lovely annoying ad saying "Don't steal DVDs, its bad, mm-kay". Meanwhile, all the pirates out there who've downloaded it have it in a format that skips straight to the feature with none of the sh*tty, annoying ads. Rewarding people for buying your product with an inferior experience to that you get from stealing it is just moronic. This comic sums a lot of it up quite nicely I think: http://theoatmeal.com/comics/game_of_thrones [quote]So kiss goodbye to music. [/quote] Reactionary nonsense. How many people on basschat actually make money out of music? And yet we all keep doing it, day after day after day.
  4. [quote name='Ben Jamin' timestamp='1340147134' post='1700134'] AKA if the convenient option to illegally download it wasn't there then they probably would've bought it. [/quote] No, I don't buy that. I watched some sh*t film on the TV the other night but I'd never in a million years have paid money to do so.
  5. Photograph everything. So you can prove what state it left you in!
  6. Turned into an interesting thread. I guess my problem is that I don't like to "collect" instruments. I see them as (pretty) tools and feel a bit guilty if I don't use them. Especially if they're expensive- would rather have a holiday or money in my sons' university fund than an instrument gathering dust!
  7. [quote name='Ben Jamin' timestamp='1340145778' post='1700111'] Just because they buy more DVDs doesn't lesser the impact they have on the films they download? I agree with you in that if nothing changes the music business will be forced to change, and not to the benefit of the artist as far as I can see. Morally it's not the business that should change, but the ones committing the crime. Business: "Dear Society, please stop stealing from me, it's ruining my business and the manufacturer's business." Society: "So? Deal with it - adapt." See how that doesn't make sense? [/quote] I also don't think it makes sense that record companies make more profits than musicans do. Lots of things in society don't make sense when you look at them in an ideal manner. But you can sit about going "oh this is so unfair" or you can do something about it. As for the dvds---file that one under "if they wouldn't have bought it anyway then they're not your customer".
  8. [quote name='Marvin' timestamp='1340145623' post='1700108'] Really? It's always been about money. Everything's about money, that's the world we live in. [/quote] If you're going to play the capitalist card then its even more obvious that the music industry has to change. When customers won't buy your product anymore you need to find a new business model or die.
  9. [quote name='Marvin' timestamp='1340145106' post='1700100'] You missed the point entirely. The argument is made that musicians rather than making music from recordings make an income from live performance. This is not possible if venues are shutting down or people aren't getting paid. Although perhaps it being the same ethos of not wanting to pay for anything is running through both. Even the notion that festivals would generate incomes is a non-starter, with several big festivals not going ahead last year due to poor ticket sales. [/quote] Its a global recession and everyone is skint. The first things that go when you're skint are luxuries, like expensive festival tickets... As far as I can see, the biggest problem at the small scale of the market is massive oversaturation. Supply massively outweighs demand. There are a seemingly infinite number of bands out there. A bar manager is never going to pay a band a living wage when instead they can get four or five naive young bands to indulge in pay-to-play and take all the financial risk themselves. And then it becomes self-defeating. Venues put on sh*t bands because they're cheap. sh*t bands don't attract paying punters. Don't bring in paying punters and the venue won't pay a decent wage. Repeat. Venues aren't just shutting because no-one wants to pay for gigs. They're shutting for loads of reasons---the pub industry is struggling, promoters have got lazy and put on any old sh*t so don't attract any regular punters, etc etc.
  10. [quote name='Marvin' timestamp='1340143020' post='1700042'] As for this 'getting back to the values of the live performance day', what drivel. The only artists making money out of live music are the ones who managed to make money out of recorded music. Add into that the fact that not a month, neigh week, goes past on here without someone highlighting venues shutting down and struggling to get paid for gigs, where does that leave making money from performances? [/quote] And of course no musicians hold any responsibility for that. There are no bands out there who'll willingly sign up for pay-to-play, or play for free week after week after week and devalue their own product as a result. Its all the fault of those nasty downloaders that nobody gets paid for gigs, right?
  11. [quote name='Ben Jamin' timestamp='1340142525' post='1700020'] The bottom line is the [b]vast majority[/b] of illegal downloads hinder, not help, artists. [/quote] To be blunt, I don't believe that. For instance I've seen reports that suggest the same people who download the most films are also the same people who buy the most DVDs. [quote]I also don't see why musicians 'need to change' if they're not the offending party. Google etc needs a smack, downloaders (like myself) need to get a wider sense of responsibility as individuals and en masse, and these sites need to come down and people need to save a little longer and thus appreciate their music and the hard work that went into it more. [/quote] Businesses need to change and evolve, or they die. The music business is no different. I'm not saying that illegal downloading is 100% a good thing. In many, many ways its a bad thing. I don't do it myself. But---and its a big, fat, Jennifer Lopez sized but---neither is it 100% a bad thing. Its a grey area filled with strong opinions and very reasonable points on both sides and all I'm really trying to say is that people who try and paint everything as either black or white are just muppets who do nothing to help their argument. In my opinion the industry needs to forget about the saddoes who have 11,000 illegal mp3s on their hard drive. Those people aren't your customers. They're never going to pay for your product. Trying to stop them is just a waste of time, effort, and money. The industry should instead concentrate on people who [i]are[/i] prepared to support your artists financially, and find the best way to provide them with a product and a business model that works for everybody. There are plenty people out there---I'm one of them---who are prepared to pay for music and gigs. You just need to find the right way to sell to them.
  12. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1340134719' post='1699819'] It's a sad day when musicians no longer see the value of music. [/quote] Its nothing to do with not seeing the value of music. I love music. I spend a small fortune on music, and gigs, and music merchandise. I will always continue to support musicians I love and music I love. I haven't downloaded anything illegally in years. But that doesn't mean that I'm just going to swallow the lie that illegal downloading is evil and wrong in every single way. The music "industry" has to face up to the reality that their "traditional" (I use the inverted commas because recorded music is still a relatively new invention) business model doesn't work in an internet world. You can either embrace new technology and new ways of doing things or you can stick your fingers in your ears and go "la la la la la la la thieves thieves thieves la la la la la la la" and wonder where all your money went. If anything, the internet is forcing a return to the pre-recording days when the "value" in music was in live performance. A concert is something that can't be duplicated or downloaded. The live experience cannot be replicated. We should all embrace that and do as much as possible to ensure that everytime we do a gig we make it as good as possible so that people see the "value" in what we do and make them want to come back again and again.
  13. [quote name='S9_S12_Bass' timestamp='1340130305' post='1699715'] I didn't read all of it, but my view is that downloading music illegally is stealing, say I illegally downloaded one full album, that to me is stealing that album, walking into a cd shop and picking up the same album and walking out with it without paying is stealing. Again IMO [/quote] [i]Legally [/i]they are totally different scenarios. If I walk into the Louvre, take a really, really good photo of the Mona Lisa, and then print it out and send it to my mum then have I stolen anything? Is my mum a thief? Speaking as someone who owns a *lot* of music (all bought and paid for) and as a musician who has music out there for sale, it really pisses me off when people try and claim that all downloading is bad and completely and utterly immoral. Many moons ago, someone gave me a CDR of a band named Bis. It contained their first album. I loved it. Since then I have bought every single record they've ever released---cd and LP---and been to see them a half dozen times (again next month, hooray ). I'm probably one of the best fans they could have. But it would never have happened if someone hadn't infringed their copyright and given me a copy all those years ago.
  14. [quote name='Ruiner' timestamp='1340129501' post='1699687'] Surely that's the bottom line though? If you're illegally downloading copyrighted material, then you're stealing, however you dress it up. That's pretty black and white to me [/quote] No, its not stealing. Its copyright infringement. Stealing and copyright infringement are not the same thing. They're both illegal but they are different. Choosing to begin their argument from a point which is demonstrably wrong just makes people look ignorant and uninformed. There are many scenarios in which illegal downloads make artists money that they would not otherwise have made. This alone makes it impossible to paint illegal downloads as purely a black/white issue.
  15. I disagreed with a lot of it. I'm afraid that the "downloading is stealing" camp repeatedly shoot themselves in the foot by using arguments that are flawed at best and totally bogus at worst. The whole thing is a massive grey area---there are just as many positive reasons to infringe on copyright as there are negative reasons not to---and the attempts by either side to paint it as a black/white matter just piss me off.
  16. [quote name='uke' timestamp='1340116050' post='1699328'] Think we're all missing the point "what do you think "WAS" the best punk bass?" [/quote] Punk's not dead, it just smells like it is ;-)
  17. I'd prefer cash, but if it doesn't hurt to ask about trades...
  18. [quote name='D.I. Joe' timestamp='1340033823' post='1697959'] £100 delivered?! BARGAIN!! I've used mine as an overdrive, tone enhancer/preamp/EQ and now as a DI and it does all of these things extremely well. Someone will get a fantastic deal here mate [/quote] Thanks for the sales pitch It really is a great pedal, I won't be too upset if it doesn't sell
  19. You can use Kisekae to put together mock ups of strats, teles, les pauls etc: http://www.yajimastringworks.com/tct/yswtct-kisekae-e.asp I guess you could see what a strat would look like with your chosen colour scheme and decide if you like it.
  20. I like the RAT a lot. On bass I found that its best when combined with an LS-2 or similar so that you can keep some dry signal too.
  21. [quote name='Roland Rock' timestamp='1340033963' post='1697967'] Sure It's a 78P which had been stripped before I got it (originally white). I wanted a funky colour that was faithful to the year of the bass, and Skank pointed out the International Series to me. Capri Orange it was: Before: After: As you can see, I put on an off white scratchplate to be in keeping with International Series. Since these pics were taken, the pickup cover now is a P one, after someone pointed out to me that the one on there was a J one It now also has black screws, as per the International Series. Oh, and black nylon strings, which is because it's conducive to the reggae sound I'm after, but also looks great on the bass. [/quote] This bass makes me feel funny inside
  22. There are some videos on youtube that were made for the cast to learn the guitar/bass/drum parts. There might be some stuff in some of those? Here's one of them: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YWBFnhJlfdk
  23. I played 4-string with a pick for a few years and then bought a 5-string at the same time I started to learn fingerstyle. What I've found is that I don't use the low notes on the B very often at all, but that when I go back to four string I don't know where to put my thumb on my right hand! Turns out the B string makes a great thumbrest, as well as occasionally providing more notes I'm considering getting a 4-string precision as an alternative to my 5-string yamaha but it will definitely need a thumbrest somewhere near the neck...
  24. [quote name='Wil' timestamp='1340013523' post='1697472'] Love that colour! [/quote] Thanks! It really is a nice guitar---cost me less than £150 delivered too Can't recommend them highly enough. The guitarist in my band has one and gigs it in preference to his US strat!
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