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uncle psychosis

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Everything posted by uncle psychosis

  1. For some reason the thread title made me think you were selling a case that would fit two double basses in it
  2. Tainted Love is one of the all time classics. I'd love to play it with a band.
  3. [quote name='jackhammer' timestamp='1335314872' post='1629274'] Why would you do neither? just curious [/quote] Well, I have no need for a jazz, a cab, or a Sterling!
  4. Looks seriously nice. Whats the damage on these? About £600, right?
  5. [quote name='pietruszka' timestamp='1335296341' post='1628956'] 20?! Thats just a shop isn't it? Im not out to tell people they're wrong or to not use effects at all, as already agreed by several; if you know what you're doing then great. But it's when you use up valuable time getting plugged in, set up, got your settings just right etc etc. I've used pedals live several times before, but it's pointless as it has no noticable affect on anything. IMHO if it doesn't make a difference that people will hear then why bother? I'd personally be happier being able to play gear I'm very lucky to have than worry about whether I have my pedals textures right. [/quote] I don't use any pedals on my bass but you're so far off the mark here its unreal. There are loads of modern bands who use effects almost as an other instrument---they literally wouldn't be able to do what they do without massive numbers of pedals. Now clearly thats not what you do (or what I do) but that doesn't mean that doing so is "pointless". As has been said already---the problem here is the guitarist, not the gear.
  6. What would I do? Neither. But it doesn't matter what I'd do. Are you just buying gear for the sake of it? Do you have a specific need in mind? What gear do you have, what needs do you have, etc etc.
  7. As has been touched on already, it all comes down to where you draw the line between collecting and playing. Personally, I have neither the space or the cash to have instruments lying around unused. So I can't see myself ever owning more than two basses at once. But that's just me!
  8. [quote name='Gust0o' timestamp='1335171986' post='1626503'] No, not if you're sensible - if you're using it like sandpaper, then yes; you'll get out what you put in. A light scrub will simply remove the dirt. You'll find it's quite a common recommendation on this forum. I wish I had more before-and-after pictures to shour you the difference it can make. [/quote] I'd be happier using an old toothbrush instead of wire wool!
  9. very nice. shame I'm skint!
  10. Hiscox are the best you can get for "sensible" money. There's a reason they're so popular
  11. There was a sweet looking orange metallic one sold for £120 including postage yesterday. Sadly my wife forbade me from bidding on it
  12. As the marvelous Edwyn Collins puts it- "too many protest singers, not enough protest songs"
  13. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1334940493' post='1623869'] I guess I must be lucky then. I'd like to think that Dick Venom & The Terrortones are fairly punk and I have no problem using 5-string basses that both sound and look right for the band: [IMG]http://i114.photobucket.com/albums/n249/BigRedX/DSC02144.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i114.photobucket.com/albums/n249/BigRedX/DSC03062.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i114.photobucket.com/albums/n249/BigRedX/DSC01559.jpg[/IMG] [/quote] phwoar! I'd happily rock any of those on any occasion! Good taste that man :-)
  14. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1334926717' post='1623572'] I told him that this bass was the best sounding playing[b] and looking[/b] fretted bass I owned which is why I was using it and the fact that I hadn't needed to play the B string was irrelevant. [/quote] This is probably the main reason why I'm continuing to drool over other basses despite having a lovely 5 string. My 5 (a Yamaha TRB with fancy transparent top) isn't really the right image for lots of the music I'm into (gang of four, punk, etc). Now in an ideal world image doesn't matter but in reality it does, so at some point I'm probably going to add a suitably rock n roll 4-string to my armoury.
  15. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1334907730' post='1623167'] Is the presence of a fifth string causing you a problem? If not don't worry about it. Have you ripped out the frets you don't use? [/quote] No, its not. It would be nice if the bass was slightly lighter but its only an issue inside my head, not in reality...
  16. I only play my 5 these days but I very, very, very rarely use the B-string. My problem is that I love the rest of the bass. If someone could transform it into a 4 string I'd definitely do it!
  17. Most function bands are going to be playing the same songs. That comes with the territory. The ones I have seen who are "different" have normally managed it by having an unusual / uncommon band lineup and being clever with the arrangements. Things like full brass section, no guitarist but two keyboards instead, that kind of thing. Or doing all the "common" songs but in a different style---Mark Ronson-ing them all, if you will. Sadly arranging well is quite a difficult skill and not necessarily a common one either!
  18. [quote name='EskimoBassist' timestamp='1334695235' post='1620004'] That set up at the top was actually a vastly reduced version of the original THREE boards which used to surround him. [/quote] Thats what I was getting at, but I wasn't all that clear I guess I think he uses it really well (even if I'm not a massive fan of the music they make)---but theres' no way you'd catch me using a rig like that unless I had a roadie or 6 to cart it all around and plug it in for me!! (Maybe thats the point?)
  19. Impressive, but silly. http://www.premierguitar.com/Magazine/Issue/2012/Mar/10_Pro_Pedalboards_Revealed.aspx?Page=7 Whatcha reckon'?
  20. Beautiful. But I have to echo the "too far away" comments :-(
  21. The sound on my computer is playing up but I seem to remember this is pretty awesome: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-SlvZF6k5bE And no-one's mentioned the Pink Panther? Shame on you all!
  22. [quote name='mcnach' timestamp='1333533569' post='1602909'] I just received one of these pedals, a Joyo Ultimate Drive, for £30 and a few pennies delivered, ordered through Amazon, 2 day delivery. It appears to be the same as some model branded as Harley Benton by Thomann, and it's supposed to be a clone of the Fulltone OCD. I bought it because for the £££ and the reviews it got on TB it seemed pretty decent, and I like what the OCD does to guitar and bass. Anybody has tried one of these? Mine is still in the box and I will not be able to test it until tonight. [url="http://www.amazon.co.uk/Ultimate-Guitar-Effects-OverDrive-Distortion/dp/B005J5D38W"]http://www.amazon.co...n/dp/B005J5D38W[/url] [/quote] They've been getting a lot of love on guitar forums. Not heard anything about how they sound on bass. The tube screamer clone is meant to be awesome.
  23. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1333386412' post='1601004'] Sell one of the Sandberg 4s if you have to, but keep the Markbass stuff. You will miss it for sure. [/quote] I'd agree with this. My own philosophy is---"if its not getting used, then sell it". However, if it *is* getting used, and you're not desperate for cash, then there's nothing wrong with having nice gear. So I wouldn't rush to sell anything (especially in the current market---it is *definitely* a buyer's market out there just now).
  24. There is a lot of good (free) guitar lesson stuff here: http://www.justinguitar.com/
  25. Personally---I'd play it. First in the set. And then stop. And not play anything else. But then again I probably wouldn't agree to play at a queen's jubilee gig in the first place...
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