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uncle psychosis

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Everything posted by uncle psychosis

  1. [quote name='mcnach' timestamp='1316768982' post='1382514'] Ha! Steven! The "uncle psychosis" name threw me out! Sorry I can't make your gig, I got your email, I have a gig of my own that day. Let me know when the next one is, so I can go and cry some more looking at that bass [/quote] No worries. Its Sam by the way...you're getting my first and last names confused! I actually bought a new bass recently---Yamaha TRB1005---so my next few gigs will be using that. The Vintage is still well loved though
  2. [quote name='dc2009' timestamp='1316728198' post='1382183'] If you're talking about covers, then more often than not, the majority of your audience will be music fans but not perhaps as many musos as might go and watch an originals band. With that in mind, I would say that unless the bassline is a definitive part of the song, that non-musos remember, I'm thinking the likes of Hit me with your rhythm stick and billie jean here, then most people won't care if you've got the right effect or not, and most likely won't notice your use of an effect, unless you're using it out of place from the original, in which case it might actually detract from the sound. [/quote] I agree with this. For my part, in general I think that bass effects sound sh*t. There's the odd use here or there that sounds cool but as a rule of thumb I think they should be avoided unless absolutely necessary.
  3. [quote name='mcnach' timestamp='1316630241' post='1380716'] It does! I stupidly sold that bass locally... and I have seen it in action at a gig afterwards... I almost cried. Incidentally, the new owner is also on this forum. I still want that bass... But it does not sound like a bridge pickup alone can sound, which is what I use most of the time. [/quote] It was me you sold it to!!
  4. If I had a grand going spare I'd be all over that, regardless of the Maiden connection. That is amazing. Want!!
  5. [quote name='mcnach' timestamp='1316612643' post='1380362'] That sounds reassuring, thanks. And yes, a parallel/series switch is on the horizon. I did that mod to another jazz a couple of years ago and I liked it a lot. [/quote] I was going to suggest that you do a series/parallel mod before you bother changing pickups completely...the mod you did to that jazz in question sounds immense.
  6. [quote name='[email protected]' timestamp='1316477949' post='1378695'] Failing all that, any other ideas on how to offload it would be very welcome! [/quote] If you *really* want rid of it I'd go down and spend the whole lot on something you could sell easily and that keep their value pretty well---probably Boss guitar pedals or something.
  7. Get something like a Korg Pandora Mini or a Vox Amplug. Or a DI box and a small mixer. Your neighbours/housemates will thank you for it, and when you're living in a tiny boxroom you'll appreciate the space!
  8. Wow. Not really my kind of thing but those are some serious chops. Tastefully done too. Sounds really good.
  9. [quote name='gazzatriumph' post='1374421' date='Sep 15 2011, 01:36 PM']The stock strings seem a bit twangy will this lesson as they get older or can some one recommend a different set.[/quote] The strings will get a bit less twangy as time goes on, so you may want to leave it for a few weeks or so and see if you're any happier then (bass strings are so expensive I don't recommend changing them unless you have to...).
  10. [quote name='Colledge' post='1213221' date='Apr 27 2011, 10:00 PM']i really like my skb semi-hardcase. most of the protection of a hardcase with the extra pockets and lightweight-ness of a softcase. [url="http://www.dv247.com/cases/skb-1-skb-sc44-rectangular-bass-soft-case--42261"]here[/url][/quote] I've also got one of these and I really like it.
  11. [quote name='moogmusic' post='1373905' date='Sep 14 2011, 11:17 PM']To here all the latest tracks checkout [url="http://soundcloud.com/sixtakenorecords/sets/amongst-the-northern-lochs/s-QFgQC"]http://soundcloud.com/sixtakenorecords/set...n-lochs/s-QFgQC[/url][/quote] ...and as if by magic the singer/guitarist/songwriter appears!
  12. [quote name='Blademan_98' post='1373606' date='Sep 14 2011, 07:33 PM']Cool, really liked this Nice and mellow. Couldn't hear a lot of bass?[/quote] Thanks man There's actually no bass on that track! To hear my bass playing you really need our electric stuff. Link below, scroll down to the listening post. Best bass tracks are probably The Rising Tide or Those Home Girls. [url="http://www.supermarionation.co.uk/on-the-fly"]http://www.supermarionation.co.uk/on-the-fly[/url]
  13. Doh. Try this link: [url="http://m.soundcloud.com/sixtakenorecords/the-battle-1/s-QgPQr"]http://m.soundcloud.com/sixtakenorecords/t...attle-1/s-QgPQr[/url]
  14. hey folks We just finished recording an acoustic EP (we had some quieter songs and it seemed to make sense to do them all together). [url="http://soundcloud.com/sixtakenorecords/sets/amongst-the-northern-lochs/s-QFgQC"]http://soundcloud.com/sixtakenorecords/set...n-lochs/s-QFgQC[/url] (constructive) comments welcome!! If you like what you hear we are playing in Edinburgh on 1st October, details here: [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=155104"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=155104[/url]
  15. Hey folks To promote the release of our (free) new acoustic EP "Amongst the Northern Lochs" my band Supermarionation will be playing at the Wee Red Bar on 1st October, doors at 7pm. We will be playing an acoustic set (a first for us) and a fully electrified noisy set as per usual... A track from the EP can be heard here: [url="http://soundcloud.com/sixtakenorecords/the-battle-1/s-QgPQr"]http://soundcloud.co...attle-1/s-QgPQr[/url] Our more usual sound can be heard here: [url="http://www.supermarionation.co.uk/on-the-fly"]http://www.supermari...o.uk/on-the-fly[/url] (scroll down to play it) Playing alongside us will be the fabulous Andrew Mill ( [url="http://soundcloud.com/andrew-mill"]http://soundcloud.com/andrew-mill[/url] ) and the extra specially great Lee Patterson ( [url="http://lpmusic.org.uk/home.html"]http://lpmusic.org.uk/home.html[/url] ). [b]Tickets are free[/b] and its a saturday night so whats not to love?
  16. [quote name='bassman7755' post='1373062' date='Sep 14 2011, 11:58 AM']What him and people like him cant get thier heads round is that the "classic" recorded sounds they are trying to recreate are often as much a product of the sound engineering as they are of the guitar/bass and amp.[/quote] This!!! Especially with bass stuff where half the time its been DI'd and bi-amped and fed through umpteen compressors and EQ sections.
  17. [quote name='xgsjx' post='1372796' date='Sep 14 2011, 08:19 AM']I stripped my bass of paint & finished it with Danish oil & Beeswax. Depending on how much you polish it will depend on how shiney it is. I went for the satin finish. [url="http://www.flickr.com/photos/xgsjx/5864441787/"][/url] If you click on the pic it will take you to my Flickr to see pics from the whole process.[/quote]
  18. [quote name='charic' post='1372782' date='Sep 14 2011, 08:09 AM']A flame thrower would be more fun [/quote] ...think Rammstein have already done that!
  19. [quote name='mrtcat' post='1372528' date='Sep 13 2011, 08:06 PM']Singer has two kids and I have one and we all carried on when they arrived but that's probably more of a testament to our wives.[/quote] 'aint that the truth! I love my wife dearly but she'd go mad if I came home and said "honey, I'm spending two nights a week out with the band"---doubly so if we had two small children!
  20. PS I can totally imagine the corresponding post on a drum forum: "hey guys, I've been playing drums with this band and they're really great---but they're giving me total mixed messages. They want to gig every week and make a real go at doing this 'properly', but when I suggested that we actually charge what I think we're worth they didn't want to know. I don't understand why they want to rehearse and gig like a pro band but they keep selling us short when it comes to getting paid. What should I do??"
  21. [quote name='mrtcat' post='1371944' date='Sep 13 2011, 03:12 PM']Hi all, After some advice rom other band players. We have a decent drummer in our band. Playing wise he's great, really solid and puts a lot of energy into our sound. The problem is that when we're not playing he's a total headache. Firstly he's got an obsession with money. We are a pub rock band playing classic rock covers. We always get our £250 asking price and I believe that's more than many of our rival bands get. Drummer however is now insisting we charge £300 - £400 a night. If we play O'Neills we can get that much but most of our gigs are regular pubs. I don't think we'll get that much and end up pricing ourselves out of gigs.[/quote] Sounds like you need to just "take a vote" on it and then be done with it. [quote]Next issue is that he goes on to our online calendar and blanks off masses of dates well in advance. This means we already only have a maximum of 30 gigs a year for 2012. We will fill them but he's blanking off dates that he has no plans for just to control how much we play. He has just announced his wife is pregnant and due in march and has said as a result he'll be unavailable in march April and may. Finally he complains about where we play. He only wants to practice one a week tops but can't see why we're not playing the O2 every week. What would you do? He's a bloody good drummer and there's a shortage of them round here.[/quote] 1. 30 gigs a year is still a fair amount. 2. Taking time off for having a baby is not unreasonable. Two or three weeks either side of the due date strikes me as perfectly reasonable. It sounds to me like you need to have a "band discussion" with regards how "pro" you want to be. You need to all sit down and work out whether you want to be gigging once or twice a week or whether you want to gig less often. Then you need to discuss it with him. If it turns out the rest of you want to gig a lot more then maybe you should ask him if he minds if you get a regular dep in. As a married man (no kids yet) I can totally understand where he's coming from. You just need to be upfront, polite, and realistic when discussing with the rest of the band (and him) where you see the band going.
  22. [quote name='bremen' post='1371549' date='Sep 13 2011, 10:36 AM']Bob Marley and the Wailers tunes? That was a beautiful rhythm section and the bass lines are a joy to play.[/quote] +1. Most Reggae tunes work well as just drums and bass. The beauty of it too is that Reggae is pretty much all about just keeping a nice groove, pretty much ideal for a beginner (in my opinion).
  23. [quote name='BigRedX' post='1371841' date='Sep 13 2011, 02:23 PM']That way leads to the "Phil Collins Syndrome". A more genuine test would be to see if there's any Motown track you would put on out of choice.[/quote] Maybe. But if someone has to have heard the tracks in the first place before they can choose whether or not to listen to them again
  24. [quote name='dc2009' post='1371801' date='Sep 13 2011, 02:03 PM']Compare apples with apples and then it might be fair. The two you just selected are many years and many genres apart, and there are not many people out there that are fans of both.[/quote] Ok, I was being deliberately obtuse! But...The Beach Boys and the Beatles. At The Gates and Metallica. Queen and The Darkness. Aretha and Dusty. Honestly, I just refuse to believe that if anyone who is musically minded would not be able to tell the difference (unless they were coming at it from a position of [b]total [/b] ignorance, but thats slightly different) [quote]Your post implied, using the phrase #no wonder# that you did think that. I apologise if I misconstrued what you meant.[/quote] Accepted. FWIW, I quite like Lady Gaga and have actually got into arguments elsewhere defending her musical "worth". But it just seems like absolute lunacy to me to dismiss Motown and then in the same breath big up the Gaga... PS log in to spotify and put on a few "best of motown" compilations. If you don't find at least one track you like then you're officially dead inside
  25. [quote name='Musicman20' post='1371792' date='Sep 13 2011, 01:56 PM']What happened to this thread?! [b]I for one quite like Motown, but I also am quite fond of Metallica 'Master of Puppets' and a few of Jessis J's tracks. Nowt like variety.[/b] Pop has turned into a mess over the past decade or more, but I think acts like Gaga and Jessie J are a good sign that there is talent there. For example, have you heard Jessie's voice? Oh my...fantastic. Gaga's piano skills? Again, fantastic. Any of these could be played with any bass, but why not play it with an expensive one if you can afford it?![/quote] Me too. I'd actually argue that pop music has always been a mess---look back at the charts for any given era and you'll find there's a lot of dross thats been forgotten. I actually agree with dc2009s point about "rose tinting"---just not quite in the way he said it. I think the rose-tinting of the past is more that the crap stuff gets forgotten rather than the good stuff getting "better". Back to the topic---theres no substitute for practice, technique, and musicallity. A fancy bass isn't going to play a great walking bass line for you. Give any of the great players a bass thats set up correctly and they'll still be able to make some great music. Sure, nice gear can make everything more fun but anyone who thinks buying a new amp is what they need to become a good *musician* is fooling themselves. It might help, but the things you really need to become great can't be bought in shops!
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