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Rogerio Rosario

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Everything posted by Rogerio Rosario

  1. Behringer have AB100 and AB200 pedals , you can input 2 bass to 1 Amp...but think it is only for select one or another..not sure if can 2 at the same time! well have a look at Behringer site [url="http://www.MakeMusicNews.com"]www.MakeMusicNews.com[/url] c
  2. i tryed but i not good! better a new strings [url="http://www.MakeMusicNews.com"]www.MakeMusicNews.com[/url] c
  3. . My bass collection have 2 EMG , i use 9V ...tried with 18V , but did not liked de 18V because was more grainy and less Bass! [url="http://www.MakeMusicNews.com"]www.MakeMusicNews.com[/url] r
  4. . i think the bass tone do not sound much better if use a tube (valve), but i notice better sound with a guitar ! [url="http://www.MakeMusicNews.com"]www.MakeMusicNews.com[/url] CC
  5. . yes it is ok, 1 year for a battery in a active bass! for example , if i remember well ,EMG say it can run 3000 hours with one battery ! but if you leave the cable insert in the bass , the electronics are always ON. [url="http://www.MakeMusicNews.com"]www.MakeMusicNews.com[/url] CC
  6. [quote name='geilerbass' post='450971' date='Mar 31 2009, 11:15 PM']I'll never get why Precisions are so popular. In my humble opinion, they sound terrible, feel terrible to play, are too heavy and look horrendous. But fashion and I really do not get on well together...[/quote] im with you ,even if Fender sound ok , Fenders are so BIG , Heavy , look so antique for 21 century !! i do not want one LOL other basses sound ok too , and looks more small , nice , present..etc [url="http://www.MakeMusicNews.com"]www.MakeMusicNews.com[/url]
  7. guess an accustic bass do not sound loud outside ! even inside a room have less sound then a accustic guitar! [url="http://www.MakeMusicNews.com"]The News for Musician[/url]
  8. i also had some months that i did not wanted to play the bass, and that was when i was not in a band. Then i started to play with friends, and was nothing special , i felt not very excited..but then i notice that week after week, i started to enjoy it more expecialy when we dedicated some minutes for Jam ! So i think if you play it more with a band and you like the music ..it will be adicted !! just give it a try www.MakeMusicNews.com
  9. U2 is a band , and it is nice to see the U2 bass player putting a bass line for U2 songs...and do not put a bass line for Bassist players say he is great on bass !! he is not selfish, eh a smart bass player, knows what to put in any song U2 made, and not to show he can play Bass !! im sure if he play bass in Jamiroquai , the bass lines will be different ! that is the True Bass Player=make the right line bass for the Song www.MakeMusicNews.com
  10. i had one Aria IGB 55 (5strings)..very good bass, only sold it because in that days i was not playing in a band ! www.MakeMusic.News.com
  11. i aleady saw a guitar ...with small one body, no paint just the wood look ..but did not tried or saw it in my hands! www.MakeMusicNews.com
  12. why Fender put it Blue ?? if this last years Steve Harris use the White color in is bass signature is suposed to be identical or not !! oh well , im not the Fender boss...so
  13. that fender body look to BIG ,with the headless neck ! that why some of the headless bass we see , have a small body . the 2 things(body & Neck) need to look that are made for each other i guess www.MakeMusicNews.com
  14. Below....that is great...ahahahahahah :-)
  15. opsss i mean they are not so many pics of the status streamline with diferent colors www.makemusicnews.com
  16. they are so many pics of the status streamline with diferent colors www.makemusicnews.com
  17. WoolleyDick , can i see some photos of you playing with the Status Streamline ? i felt the streamline body is to small , so want to see how it look playing live with it !
  18. Hi BassBod , how much can cost a bass like that ?? never saw any [quote name='BassBod' post='419980' date='Feb 26 2009, 11:44 AM'][attachment=21096:DSCN0858.JPG] Here's a Mo Clifton - he calls them Downrights. Like this one, the 5s are often 36" scale which makes for the best low B I've heard. [attachment=21097:DSCN0856.JPG][attachment=21098:DSCN0855.JPG] Somewhere between an early Warwick Thumb and a Steinberger....but passive. BB[/quote]
  19. Crez5150 , i also played one SX bass (fender precision look) ..its cost 160 euros...!Uau 160 euros , and it have nice finished looks..! and surprise when put it in the Eden combo sound GOOD , for 160€ !!!! i think if i hide the SX maker in the head..and go play it live..people will think is Fender LOL Yes cheap guitars/bass..have changed alot Know Big maker , have to work alot, bacause the small company that sell cheap guitars that why conterfeit , is a big business for some China companys..they are fake..but ate the same time Good, that why some people cannot se the diference! Rogerio www.makemusicnews.com
  20. ohhh i naver tried one Status Streamline :-( you will have one 4 , or 5 Strings...and what color you choose? some one of the Graphiti colors? or you decided to put Led? what color? Rogerio www.makemusicnews.com
  21. i do not have MusicMan or Status, but tried both some times, 5 strings versions! Sorry my english 1-first big diference is the Looks, one look more classic(musicman) the other more modern(status,and the finished look more...,luxury?? (big diference) 2-second diference i notice was the weight and balance (yes the musicman with 5 strings neck is more heavy and unbalanced) 3-the status neck have less problem with strings , guess you will need less the need to loweer or up the strings (the status neck do not change so much with hot or cold) 4-about the sound , BOTH sound good (and you always have the EQ from the amplifier if you want more about sound ) now it depend of you ,if you go for the Looks, for the sound , more for the specifications... Dificult hey ??? :-) (well ,i know what i buy if have the money) Rogerio www.makemusicnews.com
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