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Everything posted by Jamesk86

  1. I was always very close to buying the OLP musicman bass but never could make the transaction due to the price of the basses being so low!! anyone had any experiences with OLP basses?
  2. Thats great news thanks guys, the company I was looking was called auroraproject. I'm going to have alook at simms now so what they can offer!! Thanks for the advice!!
  3. Right nice and easy, I have been told by an LED fretting company that they can infact put LED fret lights into my thru neck bass. Can anyone clarify that this can actually be done and that i'm not just sending my bass off to the slaughter??
  4. Northwich based bassist looking for small projects and session work. I have access to a studio and rehersal room for a small fee. No specific genre just want to meet and jam with anyone willing to give up some small time!?!?
  5. Wesfield basic 4 string Ibanez GSR200L 4 string Cort C5 5 string Rockbass Corvette 4 string Schecter Stiletto Studio-5 5 string Warwick Corvette $$ Warwick Thumb BO 4 string Warwick Thumb Thru neck 5 String Fender Jazz Mexican 4 string If I wasn't left handed it would have been more
  6. Jamesk86


    [quote name='sk8' post='411807' date='Feb 17 2009, 11:10 AM']its in the manual page 4.14.[/quote] haha I must have skimmed over it! thanks!
  7. Ibanez GS200 - for the price its a brute!
  8. The only thing that helped me was watching either a guitarist or bassist play the song first!!! I seem to be abel to remember finger postions and note changes very well once I've seen someone else play it!
  9. Jamesk86


    Hey guys, i'm looking to reset my POD XT PRO to its factory settings before I sell it does anyone know how this can be done?
  10. Thanks for all the advise guys! The POT's are the exact same ones that were in there before, in passive mode there is no distortion, I know its not my amp becasue no clipping takes place when I play and the distortion comes in. I am going to change the battery tonight and see if that makes a difference!!
  11. I would also like to add that I am selling a BOSS GEB-7 Bass Equalizer Pedal still packaged never used - £50
  12. [quote name='lateralus462' post='411245' date='Feb 16 2009, 04:00 PM']Actually I think you probably mentioned the Ashdown MAG cabs cos you're selling some [/quote] haha i'm not that good a salesman! I have had good experiences with the MAG's even if they are 'cheap' to some people. But as I keep on saying its just my opinion!
  13. Thats the POD and the power amp. Cabs will come soon!
  14. [quote name='alexclaber' post='411230' date='Feb 16 2009, 03:49 PM']Another option would be to rewire the 8x10" to give two separate loads but that depends on the impedance of the speakers within it. Alex P.S. A Mag 15 under an 8x10" has less chance of being heard than a mouse at an elephant symposium.[/quote] why? The sub 15 concetrates on more on the lower end of the projection, it will add an extra growl to the sound, true maybe not a great deal but I might be just what the guy is needing from his sound!
  15. [quote name='bass_ferret' post='411212' date='Feb 16 2009, 03:31 PM']What a great idea. Adding a cheap and nasty cab to what is probably a top of the range rig. Sell the 8x10 and run 2 4x10 cabs.[/quote] Cheap and nasty? how can you compare Ashdown to hartke or trace? I mentioned the Ashdown cabs due to the fact that the guy uses an ashdown head and Ashdown heads are not well known for their hybrid features. And as for selling the 8x10 to get a 2 4x10's the ABM won't be able to match the power he already has in fact he will probably loose power and clarity doing that or just stay the same. True the 2 4x10's will allow more flexibility for manoeuvrability but then you have to think to yourself what is more important? the fact that you can carry your CABs easily or improving your sound to your own needs? like I stated that was just my view on the situation and is this.
  16. Thanks for your input
  17. Oh and I live near Northwich which is about 30mins from Manchester.
  18. I'll get pics up by tomorrow night for you. trade is possible yeah but I am really looking for a sale.
  19. If you get a CAB with a built in corss-over then you can hook that upto the 8x10 and push more power through that rig. For ideas you can look at the ashdown MAG 1x15 great for low end and should work nicely with the ABM900, or you can look at picking up a 2x10 to slide in under neath and give you that extra clarity! but thats just my two pence worth!!
  20. Ashdown MAG 1x15 - good condition - £100 POD XT PRO (racked) - missing one knob which cna be easily bought from any line 6 retailer - £200 Dual channel 1000 watt power amp - minto condition - £200 Ashdown 4x10 cab - good condition few scraps but the cab itself works great - £150 everything can be posted but I would prefer a pick up due to the size of the items. Pictures can be supplied on everything.
  21. If your looking for growl then check the Vampire, beautifiul low end growl with great Mid tonality to give clarity! in regards to the Stremer the weight will depaned greatly on what wood the body is but as stated previously in this thread they are not the heaviest and not the lightest. The Thumb is a heavy bass whilst the Corvette is a light nimble bass. I have seen and played alot of Stremer's and they are great basses, the whole series of the Stages are great and cater for alot of bass players needs! Hope you find what your looking bud!
  22. Have you checked the output on your bass? sometimes if the jack is in and gets knocked that can casue internal damge to the output which can lead to buzzing for crackling or sometimes loss of power! Hope you get it sorted bud!
  23. Hey, My name is James I am 22 and I have been playing bass for nearly 7 years now. I currently own a Warwick 5 string thumb thru neck and a Fender which i am planning on modifying i.e. new pick-ups with a active curcuit and LED fret lights I love all sorts of music, I love playing blues and funk and have been known to mess around with metal bass lines! I am hooked on the SMV album at the moment some amazing work there from three of the greatest bass players to date! hope to speak to you all soon!
  24. Hey Guys/Gals, I am looking to upgrade the pick ups on ym standard Fender Jazz (mexican) but I'm not too update on pick up's any more. I have been looking at the EMG versions of the J-pick up mainly due to the fact that EMg is a brand that everyone knows but can anyone point me in the direction of any other good J pick-ups? I mainly play slap and pop licks on the Fender and routing the body to make way for active curcuits is not a problem! thanks! J
  25. Hey everyone, I have recently had brand new POTs put in my Warwick thumb and it seems as if the active circuit of the bass which is controlled by the POTs (obviously!) is creating a distored output?? I have checked the battery but that seems fine does anyone have any ideas?
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