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Everything posted by Wylie

  1. Nope. Same problem with mine. Even tried wiping it with olive oil to remove the stickyness. Also tried wife's nail varnish remover / WD40 / petrol / and Cillit bang. Last resort will be talcum powder. I'll let you know if it works so we don't both mess the house up. Same here. Couldn't fix it; even tried wrapping the bits with tape. Finally just ditched the stand after writing to Hercules and getting no response.
  2. It sounds to me like he means most of the tunes will fall into the same or similar chord progressions or patterns. Not necessarily the older standards (as another poster mentioned, Autumn Leaves and the like) but modern pop tunes that follow folk-rock or rock/pop patterns, and therefore should be easy to pick up.
  3. I also have a Levy's leather (suede on back) at 2.5 inches. Put it on last night. It takes the weight of my 9+ lb. jazz so much better than previous narrower strap.
  4. Each mode, or modal scale, contains all the notes of the key from which the mode is taken (and no others) but in a different order. In modern music we use mainly the major and minor modes, or scales; the relative minor--Am in the key of C, for instance--is by far the most dominant use of a mode. About the 'weird' sound of modes, in the key of C, play all the notes of the scale from D to D (instead of C to C). You'll have played D Dorian. And it will sound odd; the first three notes sound minor, but the scale ends sounding major. In jazz, especially, such variations can color a tune or passage very effectively. Others here obviously will (and have had, above) more and better info about using modes. W.
  5. Snarky Puppy. Dumb name. Great band.
  6. The expression 'truth in advertising' comes to mind. Before this gets any more baroque, thanks one and all.
  7. You are correct, but my point in the post was that the seller needs to give this kind of information in full to the buyer.
  8. Curious, I took another look at Musician's Friend. Another Markbass cab, a 500-watt 2x10, was also vaguely enough described that you'd think you were getting more wattage than was actually available with the internal speakers. Again, the Markbass site gave full info on the cab.
  9. In the specs for the Markbass Richard Bona 2x10 "Ninja" combo on Musician's Friend, I read: "250 watts . . . impedance 8 ohms." I thought the wattage sounded about right, but the "8 ohms" surprised me. So I went to the Markbass site and read their very different specs for the combo: "250 w RMS @ 4 ohms / 150 w RMS @ 8 ohms." Were I a first-time combo buyer, I would have thought, reading the Musician's Friend specs, that I was getting 250 watts with the internal speakers alone; but in reality I'd have had to pair another 8-ohm cab with the combo in order to get the optimal delivery of 250 watts. I thought I had better alert Musician's Friend to their error, but they are a hard lot to get ahold one. I resorted to postal mail; we'll see what they say. I know enough about ohms and wattage ratings to look closely at the offerings--and I believe a good many if not most Basschatters do as well--but a few years ago I would have bought this 2x10 without suspecting a thing. This post will, I hope, have buyers double-checking before they hit that fatal button. W.
  10. As I recall, when Yoko slithered onto the scene, not a few people wondered what her art was about: white spaces, white-painted picture frames with--wait for it--sheets of blank white paper in them. She certainly seemed to have put the 'temporary' into 'contemporary.' However, it didn't seem odd (to me, at least) that Lennon went for her. First, who can tell what anyone's thinking? and second, he seemed to be plenty sick of the Beatles by then. He and Ono were the odd couple, but also made for each other. But what a joke most of it seemed.
  11. I thought I was alone in thinking "Imagine" wasn't Lennon's "top of the pops" tune.
  12. I have a small, almost maidenly, Carvin 250 Microbass head and a Schroeder 12 and Schroeder 2x10. Our trio has no drummer, but we often play larger halls, and the Carvin does the job with either cab (they're both 4-ohm) without straining. The Schroeders defy description, so I won't try. Very happy (lots) with all. Now, if only I had that Tonehammer 500 . . . . . . .
  13. I've seen a couple of her videos. Could be simply summarized "Play the first and the fifth."
  14. The studio numbers on their website are hot. Singer James Copley is from Cincinnati, lives in Paris.
  15. Their recent concert, with big band, in Lithuania is on YouTube--fantastic. Look for Klaipeda Jazz Festival.
  16. Wondering if Basschatters know this band. I've just discovered them and I think they are very hot. They often tour with a big band. Here's a clip from their website: http://www.electrodeluxe.com/videos/
  17. They are good basses; I had one too (but no fag burn). I think the low cost is due principally to the Indonesian manufacturing/labor cost.
  18. I'm happy (and lucky) to have two Schroeders, a 12 and a 2x10. Both exceptional, and very light in weight.
  19. Great looking bass--and great Schroeder cab! [slight but circumspect drooling]
  20. In The Wall, the group seemed to have achieved the dubious distinction of making things seem worse than they actually are. Despite some great passages, you sigh with relief when it's over.
  21. My trio plays 60s-era jazz, jazz standards, and blues. But we also play several originals, and quirky bits like 'Crazy' and folk-style tunes from a previous incarnation of the band. I would rather stick with jazz, which is three-quarters or more of the set list, but I am outvoted. The result is that we sound like a plays-anything band. Not a lot I can do about it; we seem to be stuck being a democracy.
  22. I think if a kid fell in there, it'd be okay 'cause he wouldn't get hurt.
  23. The stereo post was unintentional--I blunder my way across the keyboard. The meaning, I believe, is that once rock music (in this case Fleetwood Mac, which descended over time from rock/blues to strained baby food) was expressed by way of tunes like 'Don't Stop,' rock was in most ways dead as a doornail. Punk happened because it was needed.
  24. Someone said Fleetwood Mac created punk . . . thinking about it, I'd have to agree.
  25. Is this an older Mustang? Japan-made? The only ones I find currently are the P/J type. This is a very cool-looking bass!
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