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Everything posted by TheButler

  1. I should hope not at this price! It is SPF.
  2. £50 of your finest British pounds then please?
  3. [quote name='bigevilman' post='710505' date='Jan 12 2010, 08:13 PM']Is the bcr2000 still available?[/quote] Nope sorry
  4. I'll take offers then lads - £60?
  5. If more sh*t hits the fan it'll be the Line 6 M9 next
  6. If it was any other time i would trade guys, but really need a sale because i'm skinto! Cheers though lads.
  7. Hey, I am selling an EB volume pedal 6166 - its the full-size one, RRP £130-ish. Its never been gigged, or seem much use full-stop. I will sell for £70 posted. Cheers Jamie
  8. [quote name='umph' post='693264' date='Dec 25 2009, 01:21 AM']stick a passive attenuator between it and the desk? Either that or take to it to a tech who could make it less hot?[/quote] Aye, thats what i was going to do - i just wondered if it was a common problem, or a fault.
  9. Hey folks, The DI out is the only thing on the BT that is making it a real pita for playing live. Its uber hot, nothing can be done to it at the desk, its just distorted noise. Whats the hap? Cheers Jamie
  10. Me, playing at King Tuts in Glasgow, hung on the shoulder is my '78 P-Bass
  11. Its an old idea that died out for a reason iirc.
  12. [quote name='allighatt0r' post='682280' date='Dec 12 2009, 04:25 PM']GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS! I want one. Possibly combined with an Aguilar 112. The look on peoples faces when they hear it would be brilliant.[/quote] The sound engineer, female btw.. , simply said mine's was " f**king mental.. and then cracked some joke about guys with big rigs compensating for something" If only she knew i am actually just too poor for anything bigger. I must try getting back when i have a gt200 and 2x410
  13. To be fair it could play like frozen lard for that price.
  14. Perhaps he just manages to see some potential, and lives in the secure knowledge that one day these guys won't be awful. By that time he will have secured his place, and will have furthered his control. Maybe he is xenophobic, or would rather play with kids than disrupt routine. All this is speculation, but if it had any truth you'd be better without him. The reasons ate endless, and i hate to point out something so simple, but why not just ask the fellow? Perhaps he might even have criticisms of your band.
  15. Stunning. I agree, it does have a really amazing glow of pure nostalgia.
  16. I gigged mine on Thursday at King Tuts in Glasgow, with my Matamp 212, 4ohm 900 W.. i had the volume at 9 o'clock and gain at 9 o'clock at was promptly told to turn down by the sound engineer. Whats more the head can vibrate off the cab at that volume easily. .. it is just silly loud and awesome tone.
  17. I was interested in these, but the guy wanted 1200 quid. 700 seems a lot more realistic, and more the ballpark average.. well, lower end of it. Thats a fine amp for the money, surprised its not been snapped up!
  18. I used my BT for the first time in anger at a practice last night. Paired with the Matamp 212 it was a recipe for disaster. This thing is loud, and i mean stupidly so. I had the volume on the first level and gain at the 3rd line and that was all i needed to keep up with the band. The one problem i had was the head going walkabouts on top of the cab... I couldn't crank it much more, because when i did, i induced nausea in the vocalist. It is a setup that has exceeded any expectations. I didn't know £850 could make that sort of sound at that level, i'm a very happy chap indeed.
  19. Yeah, its just grit from tube saturation.. yum! Doubt it will touch an AD200 for tube warmth.
  20. I'll make some sound clips at some point next week of this and some M9 crap. So watch oot!
  21. How decent are multi-fx tuners? I should maybe not rely on my M9?
  22. 'Tis Al Cisneros from many a doom/stoner band, so they tell me.
  23. [quote name='tayste_2000' post='679247' date='Dec 9 2009, 04:49 PM']The normal 2x12 is about 30kg's this one however is closer to 40kg's[/quote] Still a one man lift easy though. I'm not a lightweight fiend, so meh
  24. Mmmhm. Well, this will be my mini rig. The maxi rig will be a GT200 and a couple of 410s in green
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