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Everything posted by TheButler

  1. ugh, that is testicle wrenchingly bad news dude
  2. [quote name='Musicman20' post='667692' date='Nov 27 2009, 07:06 PM']Ah...I emailed Orange a few months ago. I think that photo wasnt supposed to be released, as with all amp companies they always have a new version in prototype....and the 1000 version is apparently still being tested and tweaked. I think they will probably wait til summer....like I might do![/quote] I'll get a BT500 for now, and i suppose by summer i might have money for the GT200. Reckon the BT will suffice 'til next summer when the tour commences.
  3. I really do wonder when we'll see the arrival of this beasty though: I don't anybody knows anything more about it than what you can see in that picture though I certainly doesn't look like vapourware!
  4. [quote name='BurritoBass' post='666897' date='Nov 26 2009, 11:33 PM']Yeah seen that one. I do daily checks on EBay & Google Fender Precision 1978 for example. The searches aren't throwing up many basses for some reason[/quote] [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=62459&hl=1978"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=62459&hl=1978[/url] If Jon Shuker gets everything sorted out with a build i fancy then the above will be for sale again. I'm trying to source an original case and such too. If it interests you give us a shout!
  5. [quote name='eude' post='666902' date='Nov 26 2009, 11:36 PM']That would rock mate! I'm really keen to replace my MarkBass head with one of these, but I'd love to try one out with my Aguilar cab first... Cheers, Eude[/quote] I am waiting for GAK to get back to me, see if they're doing the offer still. So, all going well i could have one next week. I won't have a cab for it though, hence this proposition! I'm thinking of putting it atop a Barefaced Compact; which my significant other says she might fund a bit of for a christmas pressy!
  6. I fancy picking one of these up in the next week or so; if anyone is in Edinburgh and wants to check it out then it'd be cool.
  7. I'm wanting to source the original chrome bits for my '78. Whats my best bet? It will likely be up for sale if all goes well with Mr Shuker!
  8. Is there not a retailer review section on here?
  9. I might accept trades on this for a quality tuner or why. Money still preferred! Cheers Jamie
  10. If you have firefox it has a spell-checker, akin to MS Word, built in - where-by when a word is misspelled it will highlight it with a red underline, so you can go back and correct it by means of a right click. It works a treat!
  11. It looks virtually the same as the Dual Terror that the guitarist in my band has. That thing is mighty, really loud and a tone full of character. If this is in the same league, then i'd consider these. I'm not too keen on the cabinets though, i remember reading in the other thread about these that the technology was a step back in the past and the 4x10 will just sound more or less like a 2x10... but weigh the same as a 4x10 - i see the point in that.
  12. Literally down the road from me; so is the Coronado II that looks exactly like the one that was on here... same seller i think
  13. TC RH450 that i tried at a fellow basschatters was lovely, i was stunned by the size:noise ratio!
  14. [quote name='tayste_2000' post='662691' date='Nov 23 2009, 02:13 PM']Retail is 1399, Factory Direct is 1299[/quote] If we go on the £6.50 per watt assumption (that is farfetched and rediculous) then i could get a '' GT100 '' for £650.. right? right? Okay, i'll maybe just keep saving then Or buy Steve's 400+ to ''see me through''
  15. [quote name='umcoo' post='662676' date='Nov 23 2009, 02:06 PM']Bumping this because I just made the call to Matamp. Should have something in a week or so [/quote] See if they could make me a nice wee 100W all-valve head for sub-£800 i'd jump on the bandwagon, but right now i've just not got the money, noo! How much are these GT200's costing folk? £1300-ish?
  16. I would say the Trace Elliot Series 6 715 Combo is what i'd be looking for. Its got such a nice sound, full of TE character, which is a subjective liking, but it can do very loud too, easily keeps up with a couple of guitarists down the rehearsel room and will do gigs with PA support no trouble. Should get one well within that budget too.
  17. The old ones sounded really good. I'm still eager to use the practice rooms one, despite there being far more shiny/ more expensive options. That said i am a right one for the TE character, which not everyone is..
  18. Well, I have a gig at The Ark tomorrow night... should be one of our last in Edinburgh, which is nice We've got Henry's next month, but after that we're hitting the road and getting other stuff finished next year.
  19. I've just never had many good gig experiences in Edinburgh - the band i've joined have gigged it to death, but now luckily it looks like we can start to move out of the city and gig more in the UK. You're right as well re the chains of bands that all know each other. I know bands that have never gigged, never even recorded a demo, but because their friends are in bands that are 'big' on the scene, they get support slots with artists i'd kill to play with.
  20. My Matamp fund is at £500 now, i'm getting there people, i'm getting there. Well, i would be at £1000 if it wasn't for the girlfriend's bloomin' birthday, and her expensive taste in custom bespoke jewelry!
  21. Yeah, the OBC115's are amazing, i've only heard their praises. If it stays around the £300 mark you'd be crazy not to... might have to place a cheeky bid myself
  22. Its just a B:Assmaster like any other. It has a tiny 1cm scratch on the side and velcro on the bottom. I can take a quick pic of it, but it would be about as useful as this: [url="http://www.analoguehaven.com/malekko/barkerassmaster/bassmaster.jpg"]http://www.analoguehaven.com/malekko/barke.../bassmaster.jpg[/url] I just simply need the money - no two ways about it, i'm sure it is a very very good pedal. I'mn not wanting to go below £110 - thats what i paid for it a couple of weeks ago.
  23. [quote name='Buzzgroove' post='659844' date='Nov 20 2009, 07:35 AM']That must be one big loft you've got! Welcome to the forums. How's the gigging scene around Edinburgh? Allan[/quote] To put it bluntly - sh*te.
  24. Just putting this message here for all those who have purchased things to see! Due to my hectic schedule and rather terrible time management all items will be dispatched on Thursday. Sorry for any inconvenience - i've just had so much on it's been impossible to even find an hour window to get to the PO, especially since my car is off the road. Cheers Jamie
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