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Everything posted by TheButler

  1. This really is the best thread to read if you're wanting to snub GAS in the bud. After reading this... i don't actually want to buy anything. I think people over rate how much other people care (okay, not entirely bass related). However, there is something programmed into my brain that tricks me into thinking my penis gets bigger when i have a piece of gear that other people would salivate over. I would save so much more time, and energy if i acted upon my own accord in life, rather than be influenced by what i think other people would think. Who am i kidding when i go into a shop and pretend i'm some sort of connoisseur of bass-related products. All i know is tidbits of information i've somehow gathered from trawling the internet when i should be proactive, playing bass and actually getting better. (read good) I think i over rate the word subjective as well, and my distinction between sounds. If i'm brutally honest with myself (which is all i ever try to be) then i can happily admit that most of the time i can't tell the difference between, say one type of amp/cab combo than i can another. I tend to just agree with people, to give the impression that i have commendable taste and know my sonic pedigree. Anyway, i think most of the material things that are over rated have already been mentioned, so i think i'll just leave you my confession father. Edit: I'll continue to act to the contrary of what i've said above, because i'm mercilessly hypocritical and ultimately its enjoyable. How sad would life be if i was [i]that[/i] pensive all the time - it would just be inanely superficial of me to think i could behave that true to myself. Happy days, thats off my chest.. [size=1] Now... to check the bank balance to see if i can afford that Hiwatt 200, before sourcing the best supplier of Eventide effects... .. [/size]
  2. PM'd too - Meaning i'll have this if the bloke above doesn't...
  3. Yeah, i'm thinking i will now. GAK have them for £320, which is still a fair whack!
  4. Hey y'all, I was toying with the idea of getting one of these. Essentially i've not found somewhere that stocks it, so the likelihood of trying one is unfortunately quite slim. Anyway, i tried the Modfactor in guitarguitar and was quite blown away by what i was hearing. So, would i be safe to trust the 'Timefactor' would be just as good... but a 'delay' equivalent? I know Eventide is highly regarded for their effects, but i'd just not heard too much about this pedal in particular. Any thoughts? Last year i had been through a few delays, never finding the right one i might add, so this would maybe be an end to my search perhaps? Thankin' you Jamie
  5. I'm after some tuition in Edinburgh. I'm a reasonably competent bass player, but i really need to get to work again after being out for a while. I think lessons wouldn't go a miss to get me back up to speed and start getting out of some bad habits amongst other things. I've not got the drive right now to make enough momentum on my own really... I'm not a proud sort and i'm not a great player, so what better thing to do that get a wee bit of guidance. I guess i'm not even after anything strictly academical, just more of a casual affair. Cheers Jamie
  6. [quote name='tayste_2000' post='542067' date='Jul 16 2009, 11:11 AM']I said 1967 not 1867[/quote] Bwahahaha. The Starfire looks exquisite! I still fancy me one...
  7. I like it. Good quality video, decent audio and good music. Its quite reminiscent of Red Sparowes, ISIS, Russian Circles... you get the idea, all of which i like. Its actually quite a good balance between the aforementioned and the likes of This Will Destroy You and such, more post-rock, rather than metal bands. S'all good.
  8. I'll maybe get my brother to fix it, but i think it literally just needs tighten, or maybe soldered at the very very most. Still, i think i'm not asking too much as it stands and the SOS review ain't broken...
  9. [quote name='LukeFRC' post='543908' date='Jul 18 2009, 12:08 PM']the rick was orignially £1400! Which P bass was that you went for? It wasnt the white '57 RI in red dog was it?[/quote] The natural '78 in Mev Taylors. Yeah, it was either £900 or £1000, but certainly no more I went in, to ask if they still had it, and the guy was like you're the fourth person today, i guess we priced to sell. Poor bugger that pawned that eh.
  10. I stopped by them after checking the P-Bass (that i later bought) out. They were fine with letting me give it a go, which is a rarity in Edinburgh! It was a nice bass, but i had made my mind up by then that i wanted the P-Bass, so i could never have realistically went for it. The pawn shop on Queen street can sometimes have decent deals. Most of the time they're over priced, but i saw a Rick 4001 in there recently for £900.
  11. Hey, I'm focusing more on bass now, so these are going to have to go: Behringer BCR2000. I'm sure you'll all be aware that this is certainly one product that Behringer did correctly. You can't really get a better encoder:money ratio. Everyone uses these, from Tim Exile to... me. This one is in good condition, a bit dusty though. I'm looking at £70 posted. Also, i've got an E-MU 0404 USB audio interface. This is fully working, bar one of the line pots being loose. My brother said that it can be fixed, but i can't obviously guarantee that. I will look out the driver discs and everything. These are the best in their price bracket, really good item. Heres the gen on it: [url="http://www.emu.com/products/product.asp?product=15185"]http://www.emu.com/products/product.asp?product=15185[/url] SOS review - [url="http://www.soundonsound.com/sos/jan07/articles/emu0404.htm"]http://www.soundonsound.com/sos/jan07/articles/emu0404.htm[/url] It cost me £150-ish last year, so bearing in mind the questionable nature of that pot i'll say £70 posted. Cheers, Jamie
  12. [quote name='dood' post='543017' date='Jul 17 2009, 10:48 AM']Off the back of posts like this, I'm going to build a line driver pedal that will allow the use of normal pedals like the M80 to be used as a preamp. (to boost & control the output up to the right levels to drive a power amp correctly) I've got all the bits, just a matter of getting round to it.. I've even come up with a cool valve version* * I expect a few to come up on the market now lol lol[/quote] I think if you succeed you should make them for electronically underprivileged people like me
  13. Hey folks! This is the 2005 model, not the new silvery ones. Nonetheless its a brilliant keyboard, really fantastic in every respect. Heres the SOS review, which gives you all the gen: [url="http://www.soundonsound.com/sos/aug05/articles/cmeuf8.htm"]http://www.soundonsound.com/sos/aug05/articles/cmeuf8.htm[/url] I bought it for £300 or there abouts. Its in very good condition, only show of wear is on the ends, one of which i think has a very small crack in it. Nothing unsightly or structural, just superficial. I'd imagine this would theoretically be shippable, but you'd not get much change for £30-£40. It weighs a lot and is quite long, so pick up would be better. I'm in Edinburgh and can deliver to most of Scotland if you pay my diesel. I'm looking for £150. Will trade for stuff.. so just ask. Cheers Jamie
  14. I'm not ashamed to admit how much i like Buckethead's stuff. Okay, so the persona thing he has created is kinda odd.. but just listen to Electric Tears or Population Override albums. Or his stuff with Praxis: [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KUL_gcHv0EA"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KUL_gcHv0EA[/url] (best video ever?) Thantopsis or the stuff he did with Hellborg: [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9jvgfXhhTzo"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9jvgfXhhTzo[/url]
  15. It kinda looks like a line-up of people from some X-factor spin-off, you all look so disjunctive with each other I think the photoshopping is way too harsh, it is starting to look like a 3D render...
  16. Mine please Edit: Payment sent.
  17. Buckethead and bass playing is a right one for internet forums... I love the bass on Praxis and Thanatopsis records never fails to amuse me, but i think it was Bootsy that did that.
  18. I spotted this Shaftesbury at a local shop, or rather on their website. I'm popping along there to try another bass out anyway, so i might have a closer look: [url="http://www.mevtaylors.co.uk/rick_bass.htm"]http://www.mevtaylors.co.uk/rick_bass.htm[/url]
  19. PM'd regarding the Metro 210XLT
  20. In that case...I'll have them? Unless you can find someone who can collect them, entirely your call
  21. I considered buying a Jazz, just to trade for this. Stunning stuff.
  22. [quote name='xpraise' post='530914' date='Jul 2 2009, 06:34 PM']Would You list the Guitar on Ebay?[/quote] Eh? Wtf...
  23. I"m really interested too, but i echo the points above - we need more info chap!
  24. [quote name='BarnacleBob' post='530824' date='Jul 2 2009, 05:15 PM']there are at least 2 stingrays in the for sale section - one only 650 - they no good to you? BB[/quote] This one looked pretty... i don't think there is a Tobacco burst W/maple fretboard one here? Anyway, i'm a P-Bass man at heart, i just thought if it was a good price it might've been worth buying - but evidently not Cheers for all the info chaps!
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