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Everything posted by TheButler

  1. Shirley a Japanese re-brand jobby?
  2. Needs to be sold privately - never know, you could always be offered a trade or part-ex on here. My honest answer however is don't part with it. Not with that kind of history and presumably sentimental value... well, mull it over first.
  3. I've mentioned it already on here, but my Mesa 1516B cab, with the EV drivers, is making unwanted noise. Its a kinda crackle, not really farty, more buzzy. Thing is, its got the 15, a 10 and 2 6's and a horn. I don't know which, or where the noise is coming from. How can I test the drivers for damage? Visually there is no damage on the cones or surrounds.
  4. Oh, and i'd happily buy it back. It made stupendous amounts of sound with my 400+. Also, it has a claim to fame; the bass player from 'The Cardigans' played through it, with a Gibson EB-2, and remarked on how good it sounded. Quite a tenuous link, but there you go.
  5. Thats looks like my old cab? Mines had a matamp logo on it though..? Intrigue.
  6. Looks brilliant. I've been hunting for an actual EB-2, for 2 years now... they seem to be quite rare.
  7. Just remember, and I hate to do the cliche thing and quote Oscar Wilde, but: 'There are only two tragedies in life: one is not getting what one wants, and the other is getting it.' Just beware of GAS. I mistook wanting 'THE BASS' for actually wanting to learn to play ANY BASS 'better'. Also, perhaps there isn't such a thing? Different basses, different sounds, styles etc etc. Depends if you're wanting one bass to cover every base, or if you're wanting one bass to cover a couple of bases that you're involved with.
  8. I must admit, I've had considerably more 'powerful' amps myself, in my relatively modest amp history. I don't think the 400+ is quite the power station some folks think it is. Then, as we all know, power isn't everything in any case.
  9. [quote name='paulwillson' timestamp='1333995412' post='1609394'] if you ever want to sell your 400+ message me Butler, would be great to have a spare i love these amps! I wonder what the differences are between the 400 and 400+??? they look the same [/quote] Ain't going to happen
  10. I think its just a loose connection... as I said, mines had its original valves in it up 'til the last service! These were still working fine, I replaced as a precautionary measure. I think all in all its a reliable amp, its just strange it developed a problem after having been sat, not getting used. I'm on the look out for a combo, for the small gigs I do now anyway. The Mesa, and the big rig of doom will remain a work in progress. A spare fuse? I guess its just a bog standard one?
  11. *woosh* I just remember it being distinctly very very nice. I'll keep my eyes peeled.
  12. I tried the cab through my amp, but given my amp has a crackle it didn't narrow it down. I think i'll do as Mr. Foxen suggests and get replacing connectors. all the drivers are making noise, and there isn't any overt signs that something properly busted (unless a slight crackle constitutes something serious? )
  13. We have a winner. What the hell is it called!? Not that i'll remember.
  14. I had this very same problem with my Mesa Boogie 1516 cab. Unfortunately, I only noticed after I loaded it into the car (in its flightcase), knackered my back and took it to a fellow basschatter for a trade negotiation (that we were both very much excited about). Last time I properly used the cab there was no crackle but upon plugging it in to test it, before the trade, it started to crackle. I opened the back, check the connectors and stuff, and look for any physical damage on the drivers, but this was probably futile, given its probably something I won't be seeing thats bust. So... i'd also appreciate help! A crackly pot is probably not related...
  15. I can't find it via google images... starting to think i'm imagining it, of compiling it from several ideas of TE amps that I have in my head.
  16. It did indeed have an EQ I'll get googling 'n all. I can remember it having like a red ribbon or something round it too, but my lack of TE knowledge, I suppose they might all have that! For that matter, it could likely be one of several amps..
  17. Ages ago now, I played through a TE 210 combo; the rig of a support band, when I was gigging. I know nothing of TE, their nomenclature could be quantum physics to me. I remember it had two huge ports, and sounded absolutely brilliant. Dunno if it was old or new. I ask because I played through one last night (again not a clue what it actually was, must ask its owner) and it rekindled my fondness. What was it/or could it have been?
  18. I have a 400+, and a 1516 (which has a dud driver ), but when it was in full flight it was fantastic. Mines is a 1991, flightcased all its life - very good condition cosmetically, and was running on original Mesa valves 'til only last year. I have since had it re-valved, but more as a precautionary measure, i've kept the MB valves in any case, but if one goes you've got to make sure it matches or something? I get mines serviced by Dennis Marshall, who also did the re-valve on it, if I was selling it (which I honestly could never see myself doing) i'd look for about £900. They are quite 'last year' now, I mean literally, there was a spate when everyone wanted one, but its died down now. I know I would only ever use mine if I had a back-up to go to, which is never really a good thing is it? It is worth saying that mines sat in its flightcase for 6 months, when I never picked a bass up after quitting my last band. It worked perfectly before putting in the case, but I unleashed it only in the last couple of weeks, to be greeted with an almighty hum (audible) and crackles.
  19. Bump... the noise I made when I fell through my front door with a partially broken back. I should also take the opportunity of wishing a thoroughly nice chap the best of luck, in the flogging of this very fine piece of kit!
  20. I put flats on my 78 P-Bass and fell in love, i've never put roundwonds on any of my basses since. Call me one dimensional. I do have delicate skin too, and flats don't serrate quite like rounds.
  21. Hi folks, Don't really want to, but seen as I am on a one thing in one thing out basis, I need to sell my KRK Studio Monitors. I suppose I don't really use them either, so they must go. These are the Gen 1's, but they're in excellent condition, not a mark on them really. Some people prefer the Gen 1's, some people prefer the Gen 2's; I can't hear the difference, but hey! I've been looking at eBay auctions, and stuff and will sell them for [b]£180[/b]. I'm in Kincardine, between Stirling, Glasgow and Edinburgh. I can, however, have them shipped by any of the couriers that we offer at work; Parcelforce, TNT, UPS or FedEx. I reckon UPS or ParcelForce would be best value. I will take a hit on posting them, and estimate £20 all in, within the UK Next Day. They'll naturally be insured/compensated at that price too. They're brilliant monitors, they can muster some good bass too! Cheers Jamie.
  22. I can't hear the difference anyway. What? At least i'm honest.
  23. I'm going to find a means to test this beast. At the moment, I can vouch for the speakers working, but the tweeter/crossover isn't. Thinking £300. I'm going to run a shipping quote at work tomorrow.
  24. Should note i'd be willing swap for something lighter/smaller pref a 2x12 Probably looking nearer £350 too.
  25. I feel really bad that I resurface to flog my wares. However, now i'm back in the fold, i need to shift my Mesa Cab. Its nice, but weighs roughly a metric tonne and just ain't 'my bag' now. I've not really been in the loop for ages, but I think I remember the spec on this as 450W, 8ohms. The only issue, as I recall was the crossover not working properly - so it made a kind of buzz. My 400+ that I used through this (oh, was nice) has developed a 'buzz' of its own, however, making diagnosis a bit more difficult. It is heavy, probably 45+ kg. I have a fitted custom flight case that I got with it. Its a Packhorse one, probably silly expensive when bought new. The tolex on the cab is very very very shabby. The grill is without its Mesa/Boogie badge too This cosmetic wear looks virtually deliberate, but I can't honestly tell. It is a beauty of a cab if you're into your old school power. I'm starting at £400 with the flight case. I will have to get pictures up at some point. Pick-up in Kincardine, Fife. I can deliver for fuel cost within reason (50 miles). I can ship it via TNT or maybe ParcelForce Large, through work. I'll double check. It will be about £50 though. Cheers Jamie.
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