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  1. For those interested or who didn’t know, he wrote several books about The Jam. I read “That’s Entertainment; My Life in The Jam”, published 2015, and I remember it as being a good read.
  2. I've recently discovered him. He's such a good bass player. Here is some superb bass playing with a brilliant sounding bass. (And if a curly cable is good enough for him...)
  3. At the risk of opening a can of worms about curly cables, I got this. (To be honest, it was at my request; I didn't need a new cable, but I've wanted a curly one for a long time.) It will only get home use, as that is the only place I play. Each to one's own, but I absolutely love it! https://www.designacable.com/van-damme-curly-guitar-cable-neutrik-instrument-lead-studio-grade-70cm-25m.html
  4. Not a Rickenbacker, but the Yamaha Attitude is exactly the same idea, though it has the convenience of a jack socket for each pickup so normal cables can be used. Billy Sheehan always plays with two amps live; he talks of his amp set-up towards the end of this video: If you can afford a Ric, then you can afford the splitter box and stereo cable. Basically you have to at least try a dual amp set-up, even just at home, or you will always be wondering what it would be like…
  5. https://apnews.com/article/fake-gibson-guitars-shipped-los-angeles-port-624705ba0ca647552b000f04e17cbaea I'm not surprised at there being counterfeit guitars made, but I was fairly wide eyed at the scale of this haul.
  6. Jah Wobble was known for playing one. See picture on his Wikipedia page: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jah_Wobble
  7. I reckon that these lads have done a pretty good job in creating an early Beatles sound with what appears to be their own material.
  8. You're most welcome Reggaebass. I had a lot of fun playing the songs of the book, though with a little less enthusiasm for the later ones. I agree, "Let Me Be Good To You" is good. A surprise pleasure to play along to for me was "It's Not The Spotlight" by Manhattan Transfer - not something that I would normally even listen to.
  9. Here’s my Spotify playlist of the tracks in that book:
  10. There are lots of different approaches to this. If you find one that seems to be working, stick with it until you have complete confidence in your knowledge of the fretboard. It will take a lot of repetition... Here's one that has reputation behind it: https://www.studybass.com/lessons/fretboard-notes/memorizing-fretboard-note-names/
  11. This is a recent rig rundown with his F bass.
  12. Josh Fossgreen discusses/makes use of the EQ on the Darkglass Microtubes v2, which looks to be the same 6-band EQ as on the ADAM, in this video. Might help?
  13. I bought the Jim Dunlop Roadpro Bass String Winder from Amazon just over 5 years ago and have had no problems with it. (It cost 29p more then than it does now!) Having used fingers and then a string winder, I definitely prefer the winder.
  14. I remember him selling certainly one, possibly two, of his basses via Bass Direct. If I could remember exactly when it was I might be able to find the material on the WayBackMachine; it doesn't feel like too long ago, but it could have been about 4 years; time seems to fly by... There was a photo of him holding the bass, and a signed declaration of his ownership. The one bass that I defintiely remember was a Gibson used on many Kate Bush recordings. I can't remember the exact asking price, but I'm sure that it was a pretty tidy amount.
  15. It didn't work for me either. But the material is available via https://archive.org/. Just put freebassparts-pv24.pagesperso-orange.fr into the Wayback Machine's "enter URL or keywords" box at the top of that page, then hit Return. The last entries in the Internet Archive are from 2023. It's a little slow, but I've just downloaded a pdf, so it works.
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