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Everything posted by Bottle

  1. Whatever came on the bass when I bought it! /facetious mode Well, my first bass was the Ibby 4-stringer, so not entirely sure what it came with - been on there two-and-a-half years now, and still sounding OK The Ibanez ATK 5-string I got second-hand - it still looked like it had the original Elixirs (which, TBH looked pretty f**ked) - swapped them out after a few months for a set of Rotosound Stainless Swing mediums. Didn't get on with them (or the bass), so gave the current owner a set of Hartke Bass Attacks when I moved it on. Been on it for nearly a year and still sound good. Squier came with what I can only guess are the standard Fender 7250ML's. Kept those on there for nearly a year too, only just swapped them for the bottom four strings out of one of my spare Hartke 5-string sets. That's all folks Ian
  2. [quote name='velvetkevorkian' post='983294' date='Oct 10 2010, 01:13 PM']Another +1 for Reaper here. I record using Reaper and the basic input/output sockets on my laptop (via an external mixer) which is fine for demos etc.[/quote] Yep, I'll second (or third or fourth) Reaper - very small installation footprint, light on resources i.e. doesn't crap out on low-spec machines, and has a ton of useful features. Haven't tried it on my laptop, but runs perfectly OK on my ancient Athlon machine (1.8GHz single core processor, 768Mb RAM). Should work just fine with the basic IO on a laptop, but consider an external FireWire or USB interface if you're interested in expanding it's capabilities at a later date - I've been using an M-Audio Fast Track Pro with great results. HTH, Ian
  3. I run my GK MB2-500 through a variety of cabs - 4x10, 1x15 or a pair of 1x12s - always been happy with the versatility of the head. Had a three-way shoot-out with a Markbass LMIII, a Shuttle 3.0 and the GK - I'm sure you can guess which won! (IMO, obviously). Plenty of Ooomph, never felt I'd topped it out, especially pushing all 500w into a 4 Ohm cab. Handled my old 5-string without much difficulty, and both my current basses sound awesome through it in standard tuning. Depends if you're into micro heads or not. Not tried the larger offerings like the 700RB or the 1001RB, so can't really comment. I've been happy with the range of tones and adjustability I get out of the EQ section on mine. HTH, Ian
  4. [quote name='crez5150' post='979203' date='Oct 6 2010, 10:54 AM']Yes you can....... [url="http://www.palmer-germany.com/150-1-ptino.html"]PTINO[/url][/quote] OK, well the switch allows you to swap between different amps into the same cab - not sure if that was what the OP was trying to achieve? Obviously the warning still stands if you want to run two amps into the same cab [i]without[/i] any switching (can't imagine why, though). Ian
  5. Short answer -[b] NO!!![/b] DON'T DO IT!!! You'll let out the magic smoke Longer answer - [i]if (and only if)[/i] the cab is wired to take two [b]separate[/b] inputs i.e. a stereo-wired cab, would you be able to do this ([b]NOT[/b] a linked input/loop-through output type arrangement) HTH, Ian
  6. Pretty sure Alex C wrote a post (maybe in the Wiki) about fundamental frequency vs harmonic series that determined the note we heard (psycho-acoustics). Or it might have been on TalkBass - can't remember, but I'm sure someone will be along to point me at it IIRC the conclusion was that reproducing the fundamental wasn't as important as reproducing the harmonic series accurately. Anyway, just remembered this, so feel free to correct me if I am mistaken. HTH, Ian
  7. [quote name='endorka' post='978948' date='Oct 5 2010, 10:43 PM']You could replace the pickups & strings, and debate about passive vs. active electronics, but none of this will affect the potential weak link in the end of your chain: your speakers. I'm guessing, but I would suspect that none of them will get anywhere near handling the fundamental frequency of your low A. Many of them probably won't even accurately reproduce the fundamental of a normal E string. They may do this for the normal A string, however. Or maybe not. Check the specifications of your speaker cabs to determine the lowest frequency they can accurately reproduce. I believe the usual cut off point for this measurement is when they pass over -6 db of normal output. Take manufacturers claims with a pinch of salt! For reference, here are the fundamental frequencies of interest; A0 = 28Hz B0 = 31Hz E1 = 41Hz (normal E string) A1 = 55Hz I've used my ears to measure this effect on some of my own speakers; many of them start to lose the fundamenal at Bb1, i.e. 58Hz, including a 1x15" speaker! I don't think I've ever heard a low B properly reproduced on a bass amp/speaker combination. From some PA systems, yes. From some studio montors, yes. But never from a bassamp. But I am prepared to be corrected! Jennifer[/quote] Thanks for the post, Jennifer! Just been onto the EBS website - [url="http://www.bass.se/"]EBS[/url] Specs for the 4x10 (this is running through the crossover, mid/high filter HPF at ~180Hz) - 70Hz to 18kHz Specs for the 1x15 (this is low-passed through the crossover - around 150-200Hz, tweeter rolled off) - 50Hz to 18kHz Dunno about the 1x12s - pair of fairly mediocre PA cabs - Maplin specials Unlcear whether these figures are the -6dB points - safe to assume they are. So to answer your question, yep, I'd struggle to reproduce the fundamental of the A1 i.e. an octave above my open A0, which is no surprise . All I'm hearing then are the overtones. HTH, Ian
  8. [quote name='BottomEndian' post='978553' date='Oct 5 2010, 04:45 PM']Wouldn't it be a [i]tenor[/i] bass if it was A-D-G-C (not the octave-down version, obviously)? I thought a [i]piccolo[/i] bass was a whole octave higher than standard.[/quote] Well, I've just been looking at Wikipedia, and the consensus is that a [i]tenor[/i] bass is a five string bass tuned EADGC (so, standard range plus a high C string), whereas a [i]piccolo[/i] bass is a four string bass tuned EADG a whole octave above standard tuning (i.e. the same as the bottom four strings on a guitar) HTH, Ian
  9. [quote name='Meenie' post='978541' date='Oct 5 2010, 04:36 PM']Hi Bottle, It sounds like you and me are in the same boat, maybe at different ends but definately the same vessel![/quote] Cool!! Glad I'm not the only one trying this stuff out - there's a few peeps on here just on the right side of insanity [quote name='Meenie' post='978541' date='Oct 5 2010, 04:36 PM']I am playing A,D,A,D,G for Beat the red light (they dont let us in churches!)[/quote] Hehehe, but that's some serious down-tuning (lemme guess: a BEADG set with the B and the E strings both de-tuned a tone? So it's a perfect fourth A>D, then a fifth D>A', then perfect fourths for the rest - hmmm, power chords anyone? ) [quote name='Meenie' post='978541' date='Oct 5 2010, 04:36 PM']I was struggling with getting enough power for the lows and also lugging a ton of cabs about with me, my solution is on order as we speak... 1XBarefaced Big One cab 1x1k power amp 1xSansamp bass driver pre amp I will let you know how it works when ive got it all delivered and tested out. Cheers, G.[/quote] Yep, that's some serious hardware as well. I've been looking at different cab combinations, and I've been finding that 4x10/1x15 is not great running full-range, but doable with a crossover - but then I [i]am[/i] tri-amping the entire rig HTH, Ian PS Good luck with the Big One! I myself am waiting for a Compact on the Tour - watch this space
  10. [quote name='BigRedX' post='978330' date='Oct 5 2010, 01:42 PM']I love the sound of my EBS speakers but they're simply too big and heavy for most of the gigs I do at the moment. Why struggle with 4x10s that I can't lift on my own when I pick up and carry my Dr Bass cabs in one hand each? If EBS is doing well in the general European market why bother with the UK? Maybe they are taking their time to release something truly ground breaking in terms of small and lightweight amplification rather than simply rushing something out because it's expected of them.[/quote] I know what you mean about the EBS 4x10 - Christ, I struggle with getting it in and out of my Polo on my own. Luckily I have a trolley and help at the destination, and a service lift to get it upstairs to the auditorium. But looking at the weight, it's within a couple of pounds of the Markbass Std 108 HR (an 8x10 ferchristssake). That's the difference. If my back ever gives out, the EBS gear is gone and I'm going Barefaced. So there But for the time being, I'm sticking with the EBS - suits me. HTH, Ian
  11. [quote name='sk8' post='978177' date='Oct 5 2010, 11:54 AM']i used to use this Even on the outdoor memorial gig we do [/quote] Hehehe....hmmmm...OK....guess I've got an 'overkill' rig Had a chuckle when the guitarist turned up with just his guitar, EFX pedal and a 15w practice amp (yep, that's the one sitting in front of my rig). Good thing we had PA support.... Ian
  12. Right-O!! Found some piccies + a diagram. A couple of the shots were from an outdoor gig I did a few months ago, back at the end of June, then a shot of the rig at the London 'bash the next day. Hasn't changed much, although I'm using a cross-over now and PS12s just handle the clean output of the GK head directly. HTH, Ian
  13. [quote name='Bilbo' post='978022' date='Oct 5 2010, 09:55 AM']Got you. Must sound like a tractor reversing. [/quote] Oh, you jest, sir!!! Seriously, it can sound a little, well, 'agricultural' - that's what happens when you live on the edge of the Fens Bit flabby in the lows, hence the earlier posts Going to try swapping the detuned B-string on it. Another thought is that maybe the strings aren't suited to the kind of down-tuning I'm looking at - I could try tuning back up to BEAD and seeing how I get on. I just thought that with a 0.135 gauge B-string, that would work OK. TBH, the open A isn't much use, and I need some serious juice down low to make anything of it. Ooooh, maybe a 1x15 handling the lows and an 8x10 for the rest? Now, that's getting a wee bit silly (you would've thought that a 1x15, 4x10 and a pair of 1x12s would get the job done?) Anyway, thanks for all the advice peeps! Ian
  14. [quote name='Mr. Foxen' post='977330' date='Oct 4 2010, 04:36 PM']I have a bass strung for low A standard, bottom string is 0.145. Recorded with it on the Caricatures stuff. Taperwound I think is important, as the string thickness can choke things off some.[/quote] Crikey - that's quite a thick string! I just happened to have the Hartke strings knocking about. Hex-cored, roundwounds IIRC. Bit of a bastard to get the B-string around the tuning peg, as the full thickness of the string went well past the nut, right up to the machine head. Other end at the bridge wasn't so bad, could get the string up over the saddle without too much effin' 'n' blinding But I take on board your point about the thicker strings choking things off - maybe I'll have a look at a taper-wound string set (although I can't say I've seen any in shops in Cambridge - time to hit the internet, methinks) Thanks guys Ian
  15. [quote name='geoffbyrne' post='977127' date='Oct 4 2010, 02:20 PM']I bought a lot of 3xpackets of 5er Hartke strings from Ebay - in all three packs the B was pretty dead. G.[/quote] Interesting. I'll have a look at my other spare set and maybe try swapping the B-string over. I had three sets as well - gave one set away when I traded out my old 5-string Ibby. It certainly doesn't sound dull or lifeless in the hands of it's current owner, so maybe a few rogue strings got through. If it's still a problem might go back to using Roto's, but wasn't all that impressed with them in the first place. Anyone have any string recommendations for a .135 B-string single (or a set .070 - .135)? Ian
  16. [quote name='LawrenceH' post='977052' date='Oct 4 2010, 01:32 PM']Is the jam using Claudia's bass rig nowadays? I'm glad it's not still my little 12" combo, I think it would probably crumble to dust if you tried to play a low A through it![/quote] Hi Lawrence! Yep, TE head into Ashdown 2x10 (IIRC). Have been taking my bass along (but not pushing the Low A ), and I've had a couple of goes on her Stingray. I think I prefer playing on something in standard tuning....lol and that 'Ray is a thing of beauty (so much so, I want one of my own, maybe a 2EQ 4HS) Ian
  17. [quote name='sk8' post='976951' date='Oct 4 2010, 12:22 PM']That must be a big church Even my Little Bastard is overkill at mine, as was the LM and 210 and Shuttle 3.0-10T [/quote] Well, it's not too small - maybe 250 seat fire limit. I haven't taken the full rig yet - just the 4x10 I've only really used the full stack outdoors a couple of months ago, but I've been testing the stack at home to get the right x-over settings It'll just be nice to have a little headroom Downside is the sheer weight of the entire rig, 88lbs for the 4x10, maybe 60-ish for the 1x15 and somewhere around 25-30lbs for each of the 1x12s. My poor Polo struggles a bit with that all in the back, especially with an amp-rack in tow Ian
  18. [quote name='velvetkevorkian' post='976897' date='Oct 4 2010, 11:47 AM']No he doesn't- it's an octave down from that (i.e. the bottom four strings of a BEADG five string set tuned down a tone).[/quote] Yep, VK's on the money - I used a spare set of Hartke strings I got last year - the Low B string is down-tuned a whole tone. In fact all four strings are down-tuned a tone, keeping them all tuned in fourths still. HTH, Ian
  19. OK, so I've been using this setup for the last month or so - first impressions have been good (although, it's fair to say I miss playing my Ibanez - it's out on loan at the moment). The Squier has been gigged lots - Sunday mornings at church and Wednesday evenings at the funk jam. Think I can draw some conclusions now - glad I performed the experiment. Firstly, the actual task of fitting the low B string really wasn't that difficult - just had to file out the nut slot a little on all four strings. Tuning and intonation is good (although not stellar). Action adjusted - I don't like mine super high nor fret-clangingly low, a sort-of medium height I guess Secondly, needs some serious power in the rig to articulate the low A - just sounds a bit muddy through the 4x10 alone, in fact everything below the E (7th fret, Low A string) doesn't really have the definition I was perhaps looking for at the start of the exercise. Just wondering if it's the hardware or not (passive P/J bass, maybe could benefit from active electronics?) - pups could be the weak link in the chain. Tried it all through just the 4x10 yesterday, was acceptable, but had the input gain, boost and master volume on 12 o'clock. Had a bit of trouble cutting through over an enthusiastic drummer, even with a lot of the bass rolled off. Played fingerstyle over both the P pup and J pup - got more 'growl' over the J, P just sounded darker, with more bass and low-mids. Sansamp out to the PA, but clean to the GK/4x10 backline. I'm going to try with the 4x10/1x15 combo through the x-over again, with the two 1x12 cabs positioned nearer to me to take the full-range output of the GK. Hopefully I can get some of the higher register string 'clank' through these with the bigger stack taking more of the low end and mids. I'll post up a piccie or a signal-chain layout just as soon as I can get them off my other PC. I'm also open to any thoughts from other BC'ers who've gone down a similar route. One thing I am thinking about is maybe it's time to seriously look at 5-stringers again (caveat is I have relatively small hands, my old Ibanez 5-string ATK was too big 'n' heavy neck-wise - a Jazz 5 would be better?). Certainly was happy with the Squier tuned DGCF. HTH, Ian
  20. [quote name='urb' post='968171' date='Sep 26 2010, 10:16 AM']Everytime I plug into my 9 is just love it - all I need now is 410 to really explore what 900ws feels like M[/quote] Well, you're welcome to give it a blast through my EBS 4x10 at the SE 'bash in November! Ian
  21. Well, that's just added to my GAS - I [i]hate[/i] these threads LOL Seriously, I'm really looking for a Jazz bass at the moment; this may well be it. Ian
  22. PM'd with pleasure . Great chatting with you, and yes, Bass Bash for definite Ian
  23. [quote name='silverfoxnik' post='971405' date='Sep 29 2010, 09:05 AM']Please let me know if you want anything added to the list![/quote] Not sure about basses, could be just my Precision special, but deffo EBS cabs (yep, both the 4x10 and 1x15), maybe a couple of 1x12's, and my GK head HTH, Ian
  24. If I'm gigging with the 4x10/1x15 on a Sunday, it goes on the stage, about 5' - 10' behind me. We normally set the band up in front of the stage. If I've got the Line 6 Lowdown, it'll sit on a chair comfortably enough, tilted up at my ears. I do also have some beer crates at home, just in case I need an emergency 'lift'. Always had problems if any of my cabs/combos are on the deck i.e. pointing at my ankles HTH, Ian
  25. [quote name='dood' post='966512' date='Sep 24 2010, 11:12 AM']Looks just what I need Ian! - I'll take it! - Lemme drop you a PM [/quote] PM replied to!
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