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Everything posted by Bottle

  1. Wow!! That is a seriously nice and tasty looking bass - ticks all my boxes. Which model is that, BTW? I've been looking for something similar - all the way up to a Sandberg Cali JM4. Either that, or butcher a perfectly nice Jazz bass with a humbucker. Cool Ian
  2. Bottle

    dropping to D

    [quote name='lojo' post='845146' date='May 22 2010, 03:49 PM']Bit of a pain really, but they asked for it, they also have a no 5 string bass rule, which is fine as I don't own one anyway, and in my other projects the singer sticks to std keys so lines can be replicated on a 4 string[/quote] ???????? (indicates a 'WTF???') OK, I'm seriously, like, what????? I've not heard that before in any context. You use the tool to get the job done and if that requires a 5-, or 6- or 9-string to do it, then I guess that's what you'd use. But limiting it to just 4-strings is IMHO a bit silly. You could always bend that 'No 5-string' rule and use a detuned bass tuned DGCF; that way it's still tuned in fourths but you lose the top two semi-tones on the G string (now an open 'F', and who [i]really[/i] goes up that high?). Alternatively, and if you're adept at a little nut DIY, restring a 4-stringer with the lowest four strings of a 5-string set and tune it BEAD (trussrod will need some tweaking if you're using standard strings, because of the lower overall tension on the neck). Anyway, HTH, Ian
  3. [quote name='pete.young' post='843579' date='May 20 2010, 09:39 PM']Yes, count me in. It's the closest it's likely to get to Suffolk. I waited 6 months last time after it was routed the opposite way round the country and it got recalled before it made it this far.[/quote] I'm happy to hand it off to you after I'm done, if that meets with Alex's approval. I'm often over in Bury/Newmarket, so can meet there if more convenient [quote]Cambridge mini-bash?[/quote] For sure - I've had some interest from other BC'ers about meeting up in Cambridge at some point. I'll let you know how that pans out. Stay tuned HTH, Ian
  4. [quote name='Mr. Foxen' post='843489' date='May 20 2010, 08:06 PM']The Old Testament is Doom.[/quote] Quite right, but does that mean that the New Testament is Nu Metal then? [quote]One is a lightweight, so might be good for ya.[/quote] Is this the 4x12? Ian
  5. [quote name='Mr. Foxen' post='843412' date='May 20 2010, 06:54 PM']I've got some cabs going, all come pre-approved for Doom.[/quote] Awesome!!! But I think I'll get some dirty looks when I tip up to play on a Sunday morning at church with some Doom-age in tow . Still, worth keeping in mind if I need some extra cabs - trouble will be moving everything (I've got a Polo hatchback) and storage. But I like the idea of lots of stupidly large cabs to get my point across to our drummer HTH, Ian
  6. [quote name='discreet' post='843437' date='May 20 2010, 07:15 PM']Was in communication with a seller of 13A IEC mains cables today, and he reckons if the amp has its own internal 6.3A slow-blow fuse, then I should be using a 7A plug fuse with a 13A-rated IEC cable. Which is what I'm going to try, unless anyone thinks it inadvisable? Frankly I didn't know 7A plug fuses were generally available, so there you go. Every day's a school day. [/quote] It's a good suggestion - the fuse in the plug is there to protect the cable only - check that the cable is suitably rated (minimum of 1.00mm[sup]2[/sup]) 3A and 13A are the most popular - 5A used to be widely available, but generally replaced by 13A now (and not always in a sensible fasion). 7A and 10A are made but finding somewhere that stocks them other than a specialist component supplier is like finding rocking-horse s***. Try RS or Farnell/CPC. HTH, Ian
  7. [quote name='JMT3781' post='843254' date='May 20 2010, 04:16 PM']crikey im surprised those maplin 12's survived bass guitar lol! i work in a guitar and PA shop around the corner from a maplin, and often have younger inexperienced folk bringing them in after they have destroyed them with drum and bass, and maplin have refused to take them back as the warranty doesn't cover misue lol... obviously they can work if someone who understands uses them [/quote] TBH I hadn't cranked the volume [i]too[/i] much but it's worth keeping in mind if I ever try the rig out live (unlikely). I might take a pair of the 12's along with the 4x10 and 1x15, and run them full-range without the x-over - that sounded pretty good and only required my GK and one of the PS1000 amps. For the above piccies I wired the 12" cabs in series-parallel so the whole lot was still 8 Ohms, and the power handling should be 800w rms, so not being over-driven by the amp (500w bridged into 8 Ohms). And I'm a careful chap Still, a worthwhile exercise! Has now left me with cab-GAS HTH, Ian
  8. Cheers Alex Looking forward to trying the cab out when it gets here! On a related note, if there's anyone else in the Cambridge area who fancies meeting up at any point to have a noodle and chat about basses, then PM me! HTH, Ian
  9. Man, that's some awesome doomage!! Tell you what, my rig didn't half sound bad when I hit the low open D hehehehe Well, this thread would be nothing without some piccies, so here goes:
  10. Howdy y'all Adventures in bass-land (tm) Have been messing around with various configurations of amps 'n' cabs recently. Bought my first 'proper' bass cab last year (the 4x10 in my siggy). Then, a couple of months ago, I got the 1x15 to pair up with it. I've been trying various things out, like using my SansAmp to drive another amp and cab. Well, this week went 'balls-to-the-wall' and tried out all the cabs and amps I own in a smorgasbord of bass - basically it was my GK head feeding the 4x10, with a Line-out into one channel of a power-amp to drive the 1x15 - this is the clean configuration. I stuck my SansAmp in the Effects loop, and used the effected output the drive the other amp channel with a bit of light grittiness and stuffed a couple of my 12" cheap-s*** PA cabs on the output. Wow!!! Me likey There was an unbelievable amount of bass and general tastiness to be had - I think this will be my preferred config for larger venues (100+ people) - I was really surprised by the PA cabs (Maplin disco favourites), especially being driven by the SansAmp (my new best friend). So, that got me thinking about cab configs - I'm GAS'ing for one of Alex's BareFaced Super Twelves now Or maybe an 8x10? 4x12? 2x15? Any thoughts? I then went one step further and stuck a crossover on the SansAmp output, sending the lows to four (yes, 4!!!) 12" PA cabs, and the mids to a pair of 10" PA speakers (I had to draft in another amp, bridged, to feed the 12's) - total wattage was conservatively estimated at 1,700w (DOOM???) Ooooohhh!!! Couldn't get the volume up past 9 o'clock 'cos the paintings on the wall in the living room threatened to fall down with the rattling I might trot this out when we're doing some recording or something - no good live 'cos it's [b](1)[/b] [i]waaayyy[/i] too much gear to go in the car, and [b](2)[/b] takes too long to set up!! What I might try live on Friday (I've got a gig in a school gym - about 30' x 60' sized) - a pair of 12" cabs (8-Ohm each) running directly off of the GK - could carry everything in with pretty much one trip from the car (and it'll all fit in the boot, barring my bass) HTH, Ian
  11. [quote name='howieee' post='840365' date='May 17 2010, 11:31 PM']also i just saw a video on youtube of a guy who plugs his bass into normal input on channel one and then plugs a jack from the bright channel 1 into the normal channel two! is he insane or is he fine doing that? it sounded very nice![/quote] Yep, the Channel #1 Normal and Bright jacks are probably only connected with an RC network to roll off the bass somewhat, so that Channel #2 can be blended with Channel #1 using the individual Volume controls - nice way of doing it. HTH, Ian
  12. [quote name='TankJon' post='840320' date='May 17 2010, 10:36 PM']It depends on how the cabs are wired internally. Some will run in series when plugged one into another and others will be parallel. If the cabs run parallel then 4 ohms is spot on. In series its 16ohms so will be too high.[/quote] Yep, wiring the cabs: Head > Cab #1 > Cab #2 will be daisy-chaining them in [b][i]parallel[/i][/b]. No different to wiring them Head > Cab #1 and Head > Cab #2 - the Speakons and jacks on the back of the cabs and the head will all be wired in parallel. So what that means is: the cabs are both 8 Ohms so the head will see a 4 Ohm load. Best to use the Speakons, though. The jacks are not serious connectors for the high power you'll likely be delivering to the cabs, so use something like 2.5mm sq or better, 4mm sq twin-core cable for the interconnects. HTH, Ian EDIT: Just seen your last post!
  13. Crikey, that's ickle - 200w into 4 Ohms isn't too shabby, though I think that'll look a little silly perched on top of my EBS 4x10 (I mean, seriously, I've had comments about my MB-500, like 'where's the amp?') However, for those looking for a compact and seriously lightweight amp/cab solution, that's gotta be the dogs danglies - partner that up with a Compact or Midget, or both Damn, that's all I need now - more GAS Ian
  14. [quote name='Conan' post='835052' date='May 12 2010, 09:25 AM']I had a chance to try the last touring Compact, but as I was not in a band at the time I would really appreciate the opportunity to see what the new one can do at a rehearsal or gig![/quote] Had a brief chat with Alex about the Compacts at the SE Bass Bash last year - tried my GK head through that and a Vintage(or it might have been a Big One, dunno, can't remember ). Super impressed with the Compact, so would relish the chance to try it out in a gig setting, so please add me to the list (I'm in Cambridge). [quote]And if a super twelve goes out and about, I would REALLY love to try one of those!![/quote] Plus the One - I'm thinking about a second (well, third) cab to be part of my modular-throw-it-together clean/grit stack - I'm using the EBS cabs at the moment 'cos they do clean very well, and a couple of el-cheapo Maplin-special 12" PA cabs for the mild dirtiness (oooohhh missus ). Ta muchly, Ian
  15. Can make the 27th - I just need to let my band leader know I'm not going to be around in Cambridge. No probs! Will see you there Still debating whether to bring the big-badda-boom-bass-rig-of-DOOM or just the 4x10 Laterz, m'hearties Ian
  16. I keep having mild GAS attacks - seeing how much I've spent on gear in the last year (one bass, one head, one 4x10 and one 1x15). Now experimenting with a tri-amped 'clean' stack / 'grit' stack, so GAS for another cab (8x10, 4x12, 2x12 or 2x15, who knows? ) And I keep looking at my basses and thinking that I've got room for least two more (a fretless Jazz 4'er, and maybe a Sandberg JM4, also something in 4/5 string to get me my B string back again - well, need to keep paying the bills tho') All, I know is: 'GAS is good' and 'bass gear acquisition never sleeps' HTH, Ian (AKA 'Gordon Gecko')
  17. Just thought I'd throw in my tuppence-worth! I'm looking at running my full rig using my SansAmp Para-Driver - it's currently sitting in the effects loop (SA parallel output goes to the FX Return) of my GK head - the GK powers my EBS 4x10, running 'clean', and the Line output of the GK goes into my ProSound (Maplin special) PA amp (2x 400w into 4Ohms), which drives the EBS 1x15. For my 'grit' rig I'm using the [i]second[/i] channel on the PA amp fed from the SA's effected output. This then drives a couple of 12" 8Ohm ProSound full-range PA cabs running in parallel. Clean output to the PA desk courtesy of the GK's DI out, and the grit is sent direct from the SansAmp. And the grand total is: 1,300w!!! Doom? Sounds pretty good in my living room - rattled the windows a couple of times (when I know the neighbours are out!!) HTH, Ian PS, here's a rough sketch-up of the rig - looking for a 4 Ohm cab to run the 'grit' side of things - any ideas (sorry for the hijack)
  18. [quote name='Johnston' post='827897' date='May 4 2010, 09:16 PM']I have a Fender M-80 combo with a 1x15". Going by the interwebs it is putting out 80watts through the 15" but if you plug in another cab you get the full 160w it advertises on the front. On the back of the Head it has two outputs the 15" is in one and underneath it says 160w rms at 4ohms minimum. Now I got given two 12" PA speakers I was thinking of building into a cab to try and help with the muddiness of the 15" . Both speakers are rated at 40w 4 ohms. Can I wire these up run them with the 15" and not blow my amp??[/quote] Hmmm, not sure? Sounds like the 15" in the combo is 8 Ohms, therefore putting another 8 Ohms in parallel will bring it down to the 4 Ohms required to get the full output power. To do this you'll need to wire the two additional speakers in [i]series[/i], then connect to the extension output on the combo. HTH, Ian
  19. IIRC the QSC range of power amps are bridge-able down to 4Ohms (RMX range and the PLX-xx02 range) - have been looking to replace my older 'Maplin special' POS PS1000 amps for a while [url="http://www.qscaudio.com/"]QSC Audio[/url] HTH, Ian
  20. Brum and/or Nottingham are just about do-able for me - I live near Cambridge, so maybe 90 mins to 2hrs by road Would be good to meet up with some different peeps - went to the SE Bass Bash last year which was great fun Ta, Ian
  21. Well, I'm definitely able to do one Sunday in June - just need a heads-up to where 'n' when so I can get someone to cover my PA and bass duties on a Sunday morning. I'll be bringing the full stack with me - both the 4x10 and the 1x15, so anyone can have a noodle through the GK head + Sansamp setup. Anyone bringing an 8x10, 6x10, 4x12 or 2x15 cab I can also hook up so I could run clean + grit as an experiment?? The spare channel on my slave amp can push 200w into 8Ohms or 400w into 4Ohms, so it's just begging to be used! That would mean......1,300w total....OMG, is that bordering on DOOM? Well, looking forward to this one even more - hope to meet up with some new peeps as well as renew old acquaintances from the SE Bass Bash last year. Ian
  22. Still have my first rig - see my sig (it's the 'Practice' rig) Bought it in 2008 for about £200 all-in-all, still serves me well, although I don't play the Ibby as much now I have the Squier. Keep itching with 'upgrade-itis' though Ian
  23. I've been very impressed with my MB2-500 - plenty of juice to drive either my EBS 4x10 or the 1x15. Brought it along to the SE Bass Bash last year, Alex C popped it through his Compact - wow!!! That goes loud as well. Stuffed it into a Big One as well - seriously impressed. Well, had it 9 months now, and it's been regularly gigged (about twice a month, plus a couple of weeks of rehearsals and studio time), no issues with it so far, and sounds pretty meaty with the Sansamp. HTH, Ian
  24. Hmmmm, the OP has posed an interesting question - do we [i]need[/i] a 5-string bass? I mean, in my previous experience, I didn't [i]need[/i] a 5'er, but I really, really [i]wanted[/i] one - big difference TBH, I found the 5'er I got originally wasn't really for me - Ibanez ATK-305NT, got it second-hand off a member here - kept it for about 6 months, enough time to decide it was a nice, well-built bass, but not for me. So I moved it on to a good home (and I still see it being played every other weekend, which is nice). I probably should have stuck with it, and also probably came to it too soon after starting to learn to play properly. I found the 5'er to be useful in certain situations, and the music I play (mostly contemporary worship & praise music) does require me to fit in with several guitarists (usually a 2 + 1 mix of electric and acoustic, or vice-versa), so having a few extra notes below the standard 4-string range is helpful. However, just couldn't physically get on with the size of the neck & string spacing on the Ibby, so it went. I've now got a Squier Precision special that I've downtuned to DGCF, and that fills in a lot of the blanks, plus it has a Jazz neck which is super slim and fast Most of the music I play is in A-major, so having the F# (for the relative minor) and low D is nice for the choruses - can help if I'm not just sticking to the root note all the time. And I'm still tuned in fourths, so I can still use the majority of the shapes that I learnt on my older bass (tuned EADG). Just takes getting used to. My next bass purchases will likely be a 4-string fretless and a 4-string Jazz/Musicman hybrid (Sandberg Cali JM4??) - tuned BEAD or (low) ADGC. Anyway, figured I'd give some of my insight, HTH, Ian PS +1 on the LOUD NOISES
  25. [quote name='lemmywinks' post='799986' date='Apr 8 2010, 04:52 PM']Does the LG not have a jack socket in the middle of the Speakon? Might widen your options EDIT: Just checked and they are combination sockets so you can use speakon-speakon, speakon-jack or jack-jack. Spoilt for choice![/quote] Good idea to go with Speakon - Speakon as the connector is designed to handle lots of power, much more so than a 1/4" jack plug, and is inherently much safer due to its touchproof design. Use a short length of 4mm cable and you'll be away! Canford Audio sell all the bits, or give OBBM a shout if you want a ready-made one. HTH, Ian
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