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Everything posted by Bottle

  1. [quote name='Subthumper' timestamp='1425944706' post='2712727'] It's £32 + p&p from Wyse. [/quote] I'll look into that. Than;s for the info. For the moment I'm going to get the WN55 'time-saver' kit - probably toward the end of the month once the credit card's been paid off!
  2. [quote name='Subthumper' timestamp='1425934295' post='2712554'] I did the torres thunder bass. Great amp, pretty much a bassman. The pre section is identical to the mesa bass 400 minus the graphic. Good fun to build though it does need a few skills and the best bit is it sounds great. Well worth getting a copy of inside tube amps by Dan Torres, probably the best £30 I've spent on knowledge. Good explanations and nice easy to understand drawings and charts. I think they offer a 200 watt version now as well as the 120watt. [/quote] I'd like the bassman clone. I think that'd sound awesome. Just did a quick search on Amazon and the book is unavailable at the moment - all the second-hand copies are £50-ish and up
  3. [quote name='Ancient Mariner' timestamp='1425932268' post='2712500'] Most of the more complex stuff would take away from the point of a valve amp. Sure a DI output would be useful, but then you might as well just use any of the small valve-based preamps around instead of carting in 25Kg of 100W+ head, because without the output valves it will sound just the same. Lots of outboard compressors etc too. However the SS rectifier would be pretty much a given, and nice & easy to implement. Realistically you'd be looking at an amp containing 6 valves: 4 output, 1 pre-amp and 1 phase inverter - certainly not a complex build. [/quote] I'd like to keep mine simple so I'd plump for the single-ended design that looks straight-forward enough - one preamp and one poweramp valve. I'm not quite sure I understand the topography of the above amp - what does the phase inverter do? (OK, that might sound a bit silly as I guess it's self-explanatory, but I'd still like to know )
  4. [quote name='ShergoldSnickers' timestamp='1425893287' post='2711773'] Got all the cable and splitters I need for now — thanks though. [/quote] No worries! Hope you get the mic back and working soon
  5. [quote name='EssentialTension' timestamp='1425927501' post='2712401'] Like instead of playing chord tones 1-3-5-7, play it 1-7-5-3 or whatever .. even add in 9th or 11th or 13th. E.g. root-fifth sounds different down to the fifth than up to the fifth and if you are changing key one might fall under the fingers easier than the other. So a key change can be an opportunity to play melodically different lines instead of just moving shapes around. [/quote] Wot 'E Said I'll add: sometimes I'm playing a hymm that goes below the bottom E as the bass clef would have originally been written for organ or keyboard. In that case I would have to transpose up an octave compared to the keys. If you know your chord tones, then there is scope to use an inverted chord by playing the Major/Minor 3rd or the 5th (which might happen to be above the low E). I can see the need for a fiver if you are regularly playing music that requires you to go lower than a standard-tuned four-string bass. Anyway, YMMV
  6. [quote name='VTypeV4' timestamp='1425774417' post='2710640'] A ~50w kit (a bit like the above) with two EL34 / 6L6 / 6550 would be excellent and borderline useable for bass guitar. It'd probably be an advanced kit with the added complexity of grid bias, the risk of bigger voltages and the possibility of a more advanced pre-amp section too.. I like the idea of the little kits but they'd be of little use to me except for maybe the 36w variation.. [/quote] That does sound a bit beyond me at the moment. I tend to split my signal anyway, so all the heavy lifting bass-wise is being done by a crossover and 500W PA amp. All I really need the guitar amp for is low volume valve-y goodness where I can send a high-passed signal to it and add guitar effects pedals to the chain.
  7. [quote name='pfretrock' timestamp='1425739495' post='2710230'] I have many years experience of soldering, but this was my first 'lead-free' project and there were a few dry joints. [/quote] When we went tlead-free about 10 years ago we had to replace all of our iron tips. It does need a lot more heat into the joint to make a good connection, but we have to go RoHS on everything electronic now. I've kept some 60/40 solder in my toolbox, but I've run out of the flux paste. I still think the leaded solder flows much better than the Cu/Sn alloys nowadays
  8. [quote name='Pentode' timestamp='1425708956' post='2709906'] Making a headbox isn't too tricky and doesn't need to complex at all [/quote] I would think that a straight headbox wouldn't be beyond me and my Dad. I've skinned up a couple of rough-n-ready designs in SolidWorks so once I have the dimensions and mounting points of the chassis, I can get some proper drawings done etc.
  9. [quote name='Gottastopbuyinggear' timestamp='1425735160' post='2710172'] I'll add to the praise for ampmaker. I built the WF-55 the Christmas before last and it's a great sounding little amp. I found Barry to be extremely helpful when I emailed him about some of the possible modifications you can do, such as adding tone control, boost switches etc. I also bought the VVR kit, which means you can get some great driven tones at lower volume. Geetard tendencies coming out... I'm guessing from your comment about have equipment at work that you know what you're doing, but even so I'll echo the words of caution about the high voltages inside the chassis. In fact I found the power supply capacitors do discharge quite quickly in this amp, but you can never be too careful. If you were to go with that kit and add VVR as I did then I'd suggest building it completely stock first, so that you know it's working before you start doing any modifications. [/quote] That sounds like a plan I always err on the side of caution, particularly when delving into relatively unknown territory. Whilst I have many years of experience when dealing with high voltage (mains and 3ph, high power RF) I must say up until now I'd treated valve amps as a bit of a black art and not something for idle tinkering. But that may all change if I get my teeth into something as straight-forward as the WF55 or N5X. I like the idea of the VVR circuit and will defintely try that down the road once I've gained some experience with building the simpler kits. I think if I get the WF55 kit, all I'd mod would be the passive tone stack and that looks like a simple addition. Cheers, Ian
  10. [quote name='Pentode' timestamp='1425708956' post='2709906'] I think Barry's amp kits are an excellent way to get into valve amp building! The first amp I built was the SE-5a kit which was the forerunner to the N5X 5W and is a cracking little amp The instructions are very clear with good photo's and if you follow them to the letter you should be fine. If you should run into any problems you can always contact Barry himself for advice. What I would say is, if you haven't already got one, lay your hands on a good multimeter and wherever possible check EVERY component before assembling to ensure you have the right part in the right place. Making a headbox isn't too tricky and doesn't need to complex at all [b][u]Oh, and read the safety blurb and then read it again, big voltages floating around in these things - even the small ones![/u][/b] [/quote] Points all noted! We've got a well-equipped workshop and electronics bench at work, so I have access to all the tools I'd need and there's several DMMs and a scope etc. Since this is my first valve build I might start with the N5X or the WF55 I've got a copy of the SoundCheck CD which has lots of lovely sine tones, spot freq's and pink noise tracks and I could get someone to record a clean DI'd guitar track without too much hassle
  11. [quote name='JapanAxe' timestamp='1425673990' post='2709711'] Very tempting. The sticking point with me is the lack of woodwork skills to build the cab! [/quote] Well, my Dad is quite handy with a woodsaw and router, so I think there's a fair division of labour to be had. Plus he's looking for projects to occupy himself with after his retirement spending the kids' inheritance and all that
  12. [quote name='ShergoldSnickers' timestamp='1425650784' post='2709395'] Sent off today — we'll see what happens. Full marks to RODE for not quibbling and being very helpful in sorting this out so far. [/quote] Jolly good! Best of luck, Snicks BTW, I still happen to have a couple of lengths of Canford StarQuad with 5-pin Neutrik XLR's on and stereo 3-pin to 5-pin splitters for both Male and Female ends. Would that be of any interest to you?
  13. [quote name='charic' timestamp='1425654494' post='2709456'] I like rode a lot Some of the best vocal mics I've used have been Rode [/quote] Yep, I rate them pretty highly. Only had experience with their condenser mics, but very reasonably priced.
  14. Hi guys I'm thinking about a couple of DIY projects and came across this [url="http://www.ampmaker.com/store/home.php"]site[/url] whilst Googling - they're based in a vilage just a stones' throw from me. It doesn't look like they sell bass amps but I'm tempted by one of the simpler (and smaller) guitar builds, maybe the WF5S 4W kit or the N5X 5W one. Anyone had any experience of the maker? Or DIY kits in general? Cheers, Ian
  15. [quote name='ShergoldSnickers' timestamp='1425575545' post='2708770'] These mics come with a 10 year warranty — and as it is still within the warranty period, it's off to be looked at. Even when kept in a warm dry room, there's a delay of several minutes until it gets up to normal output levels. [/quote] Could be that the capsules are knackered - good thing it's still in warranty
  16. [quote name='KingBollock' timestamp='1425427863' post='2707371'] ... Rammstein. ... [/quote] Saw them at the Brixton Academy about ten years ago, and was a fantastic show. Was definitely a hot gig too (we were up on the balcony and it was boiling, especially with all the Pyro's and fire FX going off )
  17. I converted my Squier P/J to fretless and at the same time, restrung it with the bottom four strings out of a five-string set. Tuned it to BEAD as an experiment. It sounds awesome. Had to re-file the nut and adjust the truss-rod, and a bit of neck shim to get the action really low, but it works well Give it a go
  18. Well done Bleat Great composition. Looking forward to March's challenge
  19. [quote name='Roland Rock' timestamp='1425122199' post='2704133'] That's a shame Bottle - have a fun family do! [/quote] I'll try! It's my great aunts 90th that week, so all the family are gathering for a proper knees-up
  20. [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]1. Si600 - GK MB500 Fusion, GK MB212 (house rig), Fender P V.[/size][/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]2: Roland Rock - Avalon U5, Crown power amp, BF STwin. W&T Ergon and 78P if I get the refin done in time. Some pedals.[/size][/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]3. tauzero - perm a few from Sei Original, Status Series 1, Antoniotsai, Dean 10-string, Warwick Thumb, Mrs Zero.[/size][/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]4. Dread Bass - Lefties - ACG 6 and 7 string Recurve S Types, ACG Krell Fretless If Ready, Alembic Epic, Warwick Fortress, Letts 6. Aguilar rig if needed.[/size][/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]5. seashell - MIM Fender P[/size][/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]6. Prime_BASS - whatever bass is the flavour at the time, ACG 33" graft J type.[/size][/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]7. Len Derby - Yamaha Bex semi acoustic, Roland micocube battery powered practise/busking combo[/size][/font][/color] [s][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]8. Bottle - Modded Ibanez GSR-180, some pedals, Line-6 Combo and the 1x12 + Amp rack[/size][/font][/color][/s] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]9. Marillionred - Warwick Streamer $$5, Warwick Dolphin SN5, Letts fretless 5, Michael Kelly Acoustic 5, Warwick LWA1000, Barefaced Big Baby 2 - and some headphones.[/size][/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]10. Jabba_the_gut - some of the stuff below....if it's finished in time.[/size][/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]11. GrammeFriday - MTD 535-24 fretless, MTD Kingston AG5, TC RH750, RS210 and/or RS212.[/size][/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]12. Kev - Wal MK2, Warwick SSII and some pedals.[/size][/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]13. Bradwell - MIJ Jazz, Ibanez GSR 206, Eden WT800 + D210/D212 XLT cabs [/size][/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]14. Mojo - Yamaha BB414, TC Electronic BG250-115 [/size][/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]15. Norris - Stagg EUB, Ric 4003, Gibson Thunderbird ... and if restored in time I'll bring my Aria SB-1000[/size][/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]16. TG Flatline - Shuker Explorer, pedals[/size][/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]17. Cytania - Spector Legend 4, Spear S2.[/size][/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]18. Chairleg. 1972 Fender Musicmaster. A P bass shaped thing of dubious parentage.[/size][/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]19. Kaz -Roberts skeleton [/size][/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]20. 72deluxe, Genz Benz STLMax 9.2, 4x10 cab? An assortment of Warwick basses 21. (Possible) mikanhannille - Atelier Z m265 m plus custom[/size][/font][/color] I'm terribly sorry guys, but a prior organised (but unconfirmed) family gathering has now been put on the calendar for the same day [i]in Devon[/i], so I'm afraid I'll have to forego this one. Typical got nothing else on for any other weekends either side. I'll try to get to at least [i]one[/i] Bass Bash this year Hope you guys have a good one
  21. Voted. Really difficult to pick three favourites as there were so many strong contenders this month - harder than picking just one winner IMHO Anyway, thought there were several standout tracks. Well done all this month [spoiler]Voted for Lurksalot, Bilbo and Bleat as I thought these three tracks best represented the image. Particularly liked Bilbo's track. Reminded me of Ozric Tentacles' "Ayurvedic". Bleats' track I liked too for its Mike Oldfield-esque Tubular Bells II feel (reminds me of "Red Dawn", "Maya Gold" and "Moonshine") Honourable mentions to xgsjx (Steampunk/Dubstep mashup) and Skol for their entries too - good stuff guys[/spoiler]
  22. [quote name='Marvin' timestamp='1424437582' post='2696293'] Is that the one that played out of tune at one concert? [/quote] Yes, but she's forgiven cos it can (and does) happen to all of us at some point
  23. [quote name='Ant' timestamp='1424343566' post='2695287'] the chorus into the fuzz is awesome! cant get enough of it [/quote] I'm going to try this tomorrow. My normal dirt chain is OD > Fuzz > Chorus, but I might swap stuff around so that the chorus is in the middle after the OD, and feeding the fuzz. I do like the OD being first as it adds harmonics to the input of the fuzz. My OD pedal choices are a JOYO Vintage Overdrive / Ultimate Drive or a Bad Monkey. The Chorus is a straight Boss CEB-3 and I have a Bass Big Muff Pi.
  24. And Roberta Roberts for her bass duties in Cee-Lo Green's touring band
  25. Can we also nominate solo artists who have a touring/session band, cos in that case I nominate Alanis Morrissette (mostly for Flea's super bassing on "You Oughta Know...")
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