[sup]Also it would be fairer to give something an out of 10 score as one cab may be everyones second favourite and no ones first yet come last (if you see what I mean)? [/sup]
Now we will need to question, whilst you can tell the difference in a one against one setting, could you tell the difference and would the result be the same in a band scenario???
I did like If you don't know me by now and Fairground but other than that I feel Simply Red are like listening to paint dry... Did someone say SLAYER!!!!!!
That's what I had to do at the weekend. I found a really useful thread about amp service centres. Also found that there is something called switch cleaner that may solve some of my issues as well.
Please don't underestimate my incompetence and also willingness to try and "fix" things way beyond my ability. I would rather shell out and have someone trustworthy tell me the truth than just have me poke around with a vacuum cleaner ;-) Ta Mike
I have a GK2001 RB and I am not as confident as I would like to be as protection has been tripping. So, my question is, do you get your amp serviced and if so (and you are on the south coast) where. Many thanks in advance. Mike
I have been using a GK 1000w amp and a Bareced 2 x 12. This has caused my amp to cut out protection come on. I use only the cheapest of leads, could this be the issue? The other problem is I can only play at gig volume at gigs so can't test this without being in a live situation??? Any advice is always appreciated. Ta Mike
Is this song going to be the new Mustang Sally / Sex on Fire? It truly is a great song, as are the others, but will it be played to death and am I asking this question too late ;-)
There should be another box after play it which says "you have no musical integrity" only kidding (no I'm not ;-) or am I (no I'm not ;-) This could also be replaced by Sex on fire, Dakota, Basketcase the list goes on and on.