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Everything posted by Dropzone

  1. Personally I think Mark King has a lot to do with this as he was the first really famous Mainstream (not counting Floyd or Lizzie as not mainsteam) who got very famous as a bass player indeed!!!
  2. Will try and find out. I do live in pretty dark frequencies ;-)
  3. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1384957502' post='2282767'] Haha, it would have to be big red X and someone who only likes fenders that turns him in the end! [/quote] Would that make him a fender bender? Don't think it is an issue as I can get the tone and volume, I just feel dirty hitting a switch that takes low end volume out.
  4. Chris, you may well be right, as the 15db uncut still sounded rubbish on the compact, which was never an issue with the Markbass Jeff Berlin / compact combination that was truely earth shattering, although would not get any louder after 4 / 10 on the volume. I suppose I would need a bi amp to let the compact handle the lows allowing the S12 to take care of everything else. I suppose the 15db cut acts a bit like a thumpinator, but seems to be taking out a lot of the oomph in the range I play in.
  5. I was hoping there was some clever circuitry that would allow me to run both but it would seem not. Perhaps I need something bi ampable or will I always struggle with two different impedence amps???? Size and volume (with a good tone) is everything ;-)
  6. Yep, ;ooks like without cutting it the amp is being over driven. The clip light doesnt come on though but the sound is dreadful. Push the button in an it tightens right up but loads of volume disappears so have to turn the volume right up, but it stays tight.
  7. [quote name='barkin' timestamp='1384939454' post='2282437'] But you said it farted with the button in. That's 15dB cut... ??? [/quote] My mistake, meant with the button out. In my quest for volume, there is loads more without cutting but this seem to overload something either in either the amp or cab. Both basses I tried are active so it might be too much but even the E was farting without cutting it. However, cutting does remove a lot of the low end oomph, which makes me sad.
  8. Nope farted when i didnt cut the 15db
  9. The farting was caused by the -15 db button being in. S12 definately louder than thecompact and shifts air nicely. Not as loud as my Mark bass and compact together but a much tighter tone. Still gutted i cant use both BF together.
  10. Having run just the S12 at low volume last night the low A was farting a bit, was hoping that the addition of the compact would assist with this. I have been using a compact and MB Jeff Berlin for earth shattering volume but did not have the ampeg tone I wanted. I have also run 1 x 15 and 2 x 10 Hartke cabs through a HA2000 and they sounded really good and the amp never blew up. The footprint of the S12 is about half that of the Mk1 Compact. Looks brilliant together, If only I could work out how to add pictures. Cheers Mike
  11. I want to make people lose their fillings and bowels all at the same time!!!
  12. I think I recall (although this may be wishful thinking) that Alex said they could be run in parallel due to something to do with impedence but I may well be making that up???
  13. Wow, thanks for letting me know. Could have been a big and costly mistake there. Bit gutted though as was looking forward to the massive sound. Is there anything I can do????
  14. Hi Gang I have just purchased and Ampeg PF 500 and a Barefaced Super 12 to also run with a Mk 1 Barefaced Compact. At the back of the amp there is a speakon and jack output. With both cabs having speakon outputs. Does it matter which I run to which or is it all gravy? Many thanks Mike
  15. Might be worth sending an email asking if they were joking when they asked you to pay for helping them out of a situation, or tell them to take it out of gig money ;-)
  16. How many people is the seminar to and how much have they paid to be there. My guess would be 50% of the days fees providing you are the only speaker. Ie 50 people at 20 euros each would give you 500 euros. My advice would be start high and be prepared to come down rather than underprice yourself. I don't know anything about this but that is my thinking ;-) Good luck
  17. Closely followed behind by the drummer.
  18. Hi Gang I am trying to buy and amp head off a BCer in Manchester. I am from Chichester on the south coast heading to Alton Towers Fright Night on 1 - 3 November and was wondering if anyone else is going to Alton Towers who is going past Manchester who could assist with delivery? Many thanks in advanace for looking. Cheers Mike
  19. I used to have a harke rig but was way too heavy, loved the sound. I currently use a Jeff Berlin combo and BF compact. I nearly always run at full volume and I tried an ampeg rig and much preferred the sound. I suspect I may go with an ampeg head, maybe a portaflex and get a BF super twin in the long run.
  20. Caught the back of my leg on the drum riser. Really hurt, rest of the band didn't even notice.
  21. Top tip don't fall off stage
  22. Sadly this was me at a gig recently.... [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vOb3vqkLnxA"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vOb3vqkLnxA[/url]
  23. My guess is that they don't mind you having a cheeky few in your time off but in the case of you turning up bladdered to play they can quite easily say you have breached contract and remove you without any room for come back. It's only two weeks, take the gig and find out for next time
  24. Am also hoping someone will do a session on Reaper, VSt/i & Midi.
  25. [sup]11. Dropzone Mike - I will be bringing a Korn K5 with tired Dr Neon Strings. Am keen to try a Portaflex Amp with a Barefaced Cab, perhaps a Super 12 ;-)[/sup]
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