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Everything posted by Dropzone

  1. PM me your address and I will pop it in the post.
  2. Finished this bad boy. anyone else interested?
  3. Finished this bad boy. anyone else interested?
  4. i am interested in this bad boy. Please PM me when I get to the front of the queue. Ta Mike
  5. I own a midi cable. i will give it a try when I get more confident. When i have recorded in a studio I have always recorded one vocal left then another right, same with guitars is this not usual practice? With regards to the input it was simply select the channel then F4 lets you select. Anyone else recommend reaper over cubase? Many thanks. Mike
  6. This one is not so daft. Potentially I have got 16 channels to simultaneously record, however I want to use the desk to record rehearsals as well as focused recording efforts. What would you recommend I assign the channels to to achieve both. My thinking is Ch1. Vox left / centre for rehearsing Ch2 Vox right Ch3 Backing Vox Ch4 Guitar left / centre for rehearsing Ch 5 Guitar right Ch 6 Bass Ch 7 drums (electronic kit) not sure what to do about a proper recording yet but that is a bridge a way away yet. Any comments more than welcome. Thanks Mike
  7. Sadly, I have let my heart rule my head and have purchased some Behringer Truths off ebay. Got a pair for £50 and the reviews aren't that bad. Is there anything I particularly need to look for in stands to go with them?
  8. Many thanks guys. I will be having another try tomorrow and let you know how I get on. Sadly this thread may run a while
  9. Here is what is likely to be the first of many posts. I was hoping to get my studio sorted out before I put the electricery together but i need to record something pretty quick, so my kit is in my loft which boils in summer and freezes in winter. After much swearing and haveing to use a tiny table as workstation and recording desk I have given up for the night. However, my progress has been limited but not un eventful. Tonight I have found out the following things. 1. There are many small floorboards in my loft most of which are not nailed down. 2. Swearing at technology makes you feel better. 3. mixing desks have many buttons, most don't do anything. 4. The lead you have is always three inches shorter than you need. So here is my problem. I have a Alesis USB16 multimix desk going into my computer. I am using Cubase LE (quite old ish) I can get sound to go to the computer and come back to the desk. However, only channels one and two are registering as left and right on the mix bar. I am getting sounds from the headphones on all channels. How do I get, say, track 6 on my desk to record as track 6 on track 6 on the computer? Many thanks Mike
  10. Excellent, great link, I had a discussion a while back with someone saying when you are at a festival you need to be on your A game and this is a great example. I also liked the confetti canons that the fabulous fug band used. £20 well spent.
  11. Must say an amazing bass player. He didn't make any noticable mistakes in some very tricky runs until the bass solo in "hit me with your rythm stick" then didn't seem to hit any notes, then got back into the song and played a blinder. I did notice far too many fenders at the whole festival. Also saw fellow BCer Chris Williams with his band Slash and Friends who were by far one of the highlights of the festival. I didn't manage to see much at the U stage but that was where it was happening for anyone who liked anything even a little bit dangerous. Great event and hopefully I will be playing there next year.
  12. Picked mine up from someone on here. It is a real air shifter and sounds sensational. I am very seriously considering buying a new one as well!!! Very loud, very light and great tone. Can't recommend this enough.
  13. Indeed, I think I need between 5 - 10 seconds worth of competant slapping and that will do me. Could take a couple of years to get that far though ;-)
  14. See what you are saying about lowering the G. Is there a good idiots guide to slap, as my self taught method is shameful to say the least. Is it wrong that I want to be a slapper?
  15. I am thinking of learning how to slap, but play 5 string basses. How much more difficult is it? Ta Mike
  16. Do you ever head to the south coast in the middle? I am in Chichester and not worth heading north, but interesed if you can get it to anywhere near me. We are playing Liss in a few weeks time??? Ta Mike
  17. Doing originals is like buying a lottery ticket, at least you have a chance of winning. When was the last time a covers band became multi millionaire / platinum selling artist. Sadly like most things, they are what they are and if you don't like it you can vote with your feet or turn to the dark side. Worst thing is pubs that are rally lazy and get a set rota of bands, some of whom bring in no punters and / or are just rubbish but refuse to even listen to you when you are ramming other pubs and could do much better for them.
  18. This is setting itself up quite nicely as it's own soap opera. Great read so far!
  19. Learnt to pack a small mac at Download 2010 when it rained hard for two solid hours. I vowed to carry a coat with me at all times. I leant my mac to somone who was freezing cold at Download 2011 on Friday night and didn't see them again so had to use the outer of my sleeping bag which was waterproof on the Sunday. Rock and / or Roll ;-) Metallic were great, a spot on set. House of Pain were a guilty pleasure ;-)
  20. No worries about detracting. I just thought they had the best sound by a mile. I could feel certain parts of me vibrate in a not unpleasureable way with some of their notes. I don't think Bill Bailey rose to the occaision, which made me sad. Great weekend though.
  21. Got back from Soni. Limp Bizkits sound was unreal. The lows on the bass guitar were truly earth shattering. Slipknot were lower but Bizkit were subbing really cleanly. I thought it must have been a sample at first but much close watching it was amazing also Wes Borland is an amazing guitarist. Must get his set up. Ta Mike
  22. I shall attend, I will bring my Jeff berlin combo and what I think is a Mark 1 Barefaced Compact Cab. I would like to try this against a new one so I can hear the difference and see how they fit together, if that is OK with you Alex ;-) Ta Mike
  23. Someone was asking for some youtube links. Here you go to last nights gig filmed by a basschatter in the audiece. [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VdtlICtZx_E"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VdtlICtZx_E[/url] [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rVqa3KK7-sk"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rVqa3KK7-sk[/url] A very brilliant night indeed.
  24. Anyone got any advice on how to p;ay for an hour and a half without a wee break? Mike
  25. Always wanted to form a marlillion tribute. if they come to the south coast (near france) I will be first in the queue
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