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Everything posted by witterth

  1. [quote name='SlapbassSteve' timestamp='1343660672' post='1753267'] I've got an OC-3 and had a similar problem- however I think I've solved it by using the guitar input rather then the bass one! Settings I use are poly mode, dials from left- 3oclock -> 11oclock -> 5oclock [/quote] oh right, I'll try that, thanks Steve!
  2. Oh and on the subject of FX ( sellingOC2 anyone? or swap with OC3?) plus, what do you think to reccomend for a decent delay/reverb pedal? for Bass and is any one wanting to sell one? (very budget price really) Thanks Chaps
  3. [quote name='pantherairsoft' timestamp='1343633302' post='1752787'] OC2 as OC3 sound very different. The OC3 sounds closest on the -2 Octave (Monophonic) Mode... Just don't actually use the -2 Octave knob. That will get ge you as close as the pedal can get to it... But best bet would me to get an OC2! [/quote] Oh right well thats one for trade/swap then. any offers? thanks P I'm glad its not just me then!
  4. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1343594066' post='1752555'] Are you in Spinal Tap..? [/quote] Priceless!! to answer the question though, Me, with a radio mic/ wireless/pickup thingy, halfway up the room and near the bar to make sure Bar staff arent being deafened and so, are happy. Top Tip, allways make sure bar staff are happy, they know their punters. And yes, we have that in Black, whats your size?
  5. I find playing fretless Bass focuses the mind some what, If you get me, and I kid myself I sound like Pino P(Ha Ha!!) and do some highly inappropriate slidy things all night. However, I allways bring a fretted bass as well, to every gig, for Rocky,Plec or slappy tunes.Then to be honest a very much needed fingerboard skim on my Fretless, due to roundwounds and being slaphappy taught me a (£60) lesson. I'm not helping much am I? P.S. Cars will allways be a more expensive hobby than Bass playing, that will earn you a few dollars. but then. you know that too dont ya? (I'm rather partial to a super Sierra myself)
  6. I think Pino had an OC-2 and I wonder it thats the problem, I got a OC-3 off some fine chap on the forum but I just cant seem to get that Pino (tear your playhouse down) sound from it, what am I not doing (other than being not as as good as Mr P) wrong? its near but not right, know what I mean? any pics of pedal settings would help from OC-3 owners Thanks Guys
  7. Flats? hate 'em. naa, buy a house. Sorry, cant be doing with them. I like a long note that I can mute myself,when I've had enough of it, not a shortish note sonic "thud" but then its only what I think ( and I know nowt!) its a prefered style thing really. well you did ask!
  8. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1339519011' post='1689802'] Bill Turnbull Pikachu Michael Mcintyre Theresa May R2D2 Jeremy Clarkson Yoda Susan Boyle Jedward Ashleigh and Pudsey I know technically that's twelve, but I just can't decide between them. [/quote] How Dare you not include Tichmarch? you swine!
  9. [quote name='icastle' timestamp='1339518678' post='1689797'] Well I did have some doubts for a minute or two in 1994 but I managed to get over it... [/quote] It was that 15 min on that Wednesday afternoon in June when you thought you were no good and then realised you were wrong, when Jeff Berlin talked to you wasnt it? he told me how he "talked you round" ..good old Jeff.
  10. [quote name='icastle' timestamp='1339517876' post='1689762'] Broken into years to make easier reading.. "1993 - 1995" - Me I'm so good I scare myself sometimes... [/quote] Wasn't that a bit of a "Rough Patch for you though?"... what? just saying By the way, I'm not too cool for school to mention Mark King,.. as well as Pino Palladino, love 'em both,(so there!)
  11. Lots of Good sugestions here, Thankyou gentlemen. we're going to try ( As we have a Girl singer, who we give too may "Blokey" songs to bless her) "River deep, Mountain High" so thanks to whoever suggested that one W
  12. Sorry I cant help but as MarloweDk says its "practice" thats the thing. there arn't any short cuts you are most likley doing fine, just not "there" yet
  13. [quote name='MB1' timestamp='1338926978' post='1681308'] MB1. You talkin ' bout the opening riff to" Dance Dance Dance " willis? [/quote] see thats the thing, its not riffs is it? hes The man I cant "get" him hes the best...
  14. [quote name='MB1' timestamp='1338926609' post='1681299'] MB1. Might be worth giving Tayste 2000 a p.m seem to remember him mentioning a pedal repairer in Manchester. [/quote] can he fix that chorus pedal you gave me MB1? I'd like to use it again
  15. [quote name='Kiwi' timestamp='1338924545' post='1681239'] Maybe he's just inventing a different name for something a lot of US players call The Pocket. Basically the time period around a single beat where you can play a note in front or behind the beat without it sounding out of place. [/quote] No its not that I think I'm not explainig my self well I know the pocket Bernard had another thing...
  16. [quote name='Kiwi' timestamp='1338924545' post='1681239'] Maybe he's just inventing a different name for something a lot of US players call The Pocket. Basically the time period around a single beat where you can play a note in front or behind the beat without it sounding out of place. [/quote] well thats what I thought, but if you listen to stuff like "We are Family" or "Freak Out" or "Good Times" I can hear what he means by the "Bubble" is a kind of "cooking" ad hoc set of funky notes (am I Mad? its not a riff, well "freak out"is a riff but does have a "bubble" moment) am I imaging this? listen to what 'Nard does its just.. so...cool and I cant get it, help me! you see. I hear it but cant get it or put into words. is that the "Thang"? christ, is it just I'm just a white guy approaching 50 and its never gonna happen? I'll stop talking out loud now.
  17. Guy Pratt ( who I love, sorry crez) talks about working hard to get "the bubble" in his book, and refs Bernard "the tash" Edwards, (Bass god) I think I know what he's on about but need some help getting it down,can anyone help/direct me or explain in case I'm wrong in my assumption of what the "bubble" is. Ideas/vids chaps? I'm a bit confused. Aaghh!! No one?
  18. [quote name='Bilbo' timestamp='1338734817' post='1678594'] One of the aspects of Jamerson's playing that is seldon commented upon is the gift he was given of harmonically relatively sophisiticated songs like this. His concept was fairly narrow in some ways but the material he was required to play on gave him a huge canvass on which to weave his magic. A great player in the right place at the right time. [/quote] what do you mean "his concept was fairly narrow"? is this all about reading? (Again) I think he played from the heart and thats a gift from the gods. you are right he played on some of the best songs ever written and from that point of view it would be hard to go wrong but to say "right place right time" dosent do Jimbo justice. so there!
  19. Can a mod put this in the right place? (sorry )
  20. Yep M to you and I, cheadle. A good man I think, top work, quick and really good price.
  21. I hope this isnt against the rules but can I Very Highly reccomend this chap? [email="[email protected]"][email protected][/email].​uk I sent him my MM stingray Fretless to have the fingerboard "skimmed" as it had become unplayable (coughing and choking in all "those" places do you know what I mean?) well, only few days turn around and I got back a "new" Bass! skimmed to perfection, re-set & quality new strings for what I thought was a really great price and the workmanship is superb/the best thought you should all know. W
  22. [quote name='mikegatward' timestamp='1335973816' post='1638880'] Think I've been overlooked, I'd like it in time for 25 May if poss for a rainy day holiday read [/quote] PM'd
  23. some good ideas keep 'em coming chaps! (nothing in the stand out "well rip that idea off" yet though )
  24. I'm sure its been done before, this thread. but we need a new one, and were really racking our brains. Guitar, bass, drums & vox only. so what do you guys do? good hard hitting tune needed, Ideas gentlemen?
  25. Quote:"Its not for sale, and im not sure what I want to trade it for, you see, i love everything about the way it sounds and looks and plays, BUT i find Les Paul's a bit uncomfy on the forearm and the top fret access. I'd struggle to post, (would have to be insured and neck off if i did) Anyway, pics..(its hard to capture the sparkly goldness im afraid, it looks more mustard in pics, but is sparkly gold)" UNQUOTE so err, do you want to sell it then? I may like to it but not sure what you wanna do(!?!) posted only,& neck not detatched would be my thing.I understand if thats not ok
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