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Everything posted by witterth
Is "front women" another thread allready? Sinitta and Sonia form the 80s boli my Pi** oh yeah and another vote for Johnn Borrell, waste of blood
[quote name='scojack' timestamp='1333546503' post='1603306'] I remember these, pretty nice basses at the time. Didn't he used to put brass 'slap' plates on the end of the fingerboard when we were all trying to be MK? (Lol beat by last poster) Well done...what a bargain! [/quote] yeah, we did a bit of that didnt we?
Wilks did some nice stuff in the 80s I even saw a weird fretted fretless thin in A1 in manchester (fretted e/a string fretless d/g) it was a cool thing at the time
Genie Macoroni!! I'll give you fiddy notes for it! I thought not.....
Can I be added to the list too? (Even though I sent off the Alex James book but have still never seen the Guy Pratt one! )
wonder if its that Ric or the Violin bass (?)
Hi I found this intresting, and you chaps may have heard this before, but anyone learning the bass part, listen closely. I'd guess it is a sample of the "isolated" drum part and because of 60's recording methods there is "bleed" from Maccas bass amp and the backing vocal "bleed" from the nature of bouncing tracks together, its what they had to do pre 24 track, or indeed digital equipment. good players sound good "stripped down" and Macca and Ringo dont ya think? interesting [media]http://youtu.be/A1xzJZ7BXkQ[/media]
Short answer is yes, you shouldnt power up a amp without a speaker connected. Mind you plug in head phones ( while speaker connected and turn down "stage out" green knob put to zero) that should work out Ok and not annoy the neighbours.
[quote name='steve-bbb' timestamp='1332261085' post='1585739'] have just stumbled across a pair of jim dunlop strap lock fittings which id forgotten i had! anybdy use them and any feedback? my concern with just looking at them is that the whole assembly appears quite long and as there will be that increased distanced fromthe body to the strap itself that you might get a bit more of a turning force acting against the whole thing and maybe tugging at the screw thread inside the wood?? ta [/quote] My Thoughts entirely Mr BB, thats why after trying them I took them off again, and bought some schallers (edit syntax error)
[quote name='peteb' timestamp='1331381606' post='1572101'] I know! He had just come back from a studio and was presumably knackered. We've come back from gigs at 4 o'clock in the morning before now and he would always unload the car before he went to bad. Especially that amp, which he loved Just goes to show, the first time you leave something in a car could be the first time some scroat is out on the rob..... [/quote] gutted for him, gear theives are the the lowest, it allways has an emotional attatchment. eyes and ears open lanc side of penines too. hope the F**er is caught.
I heard a story here (I think) about JJ taking a lump out of the wall at the wapping bass place with a stineberg bass (cricketbat one) with the owners consent to see what they would stand up to. dont think I imagined it (did I?) thats my favorite JJ moment. You wouldnt want to fight him eh?
I allways wanted one and bought one a couple of years ago. while its not what I would call very "versatile" Bass I still love it. it gets the odd gig, so long as I bring some thing else too, to compensate for the things its not so good at. but my JD (mark king one) remains and object of desire. (Emily Loved him)
once sat on the next table to ELP, all 3, at breakfast at Marcus studios in chiswick once. their voices raised (noticably) when we sat down ( the great unwashed and unknown) about how much money they were arguing about with thier management. no really, they did....never meet heroes. I was disappointed by them. the keyboard player came across as the loudest "show off" & "bigtime" Git. ah well ...Phffff ...
Stingray eq, Allright Now, this works for me,no treble, mid half way and bass full and defintley use your fingers. high G/D/F# at the dusty end there may well be a kind of "thumbed" low E in between those notes, never could quite tell Chorus is mainly A & F#/E stay away from the D now!
[quote name='JakeBrownBass' timestamp='1326545934' post='1498644'] Cajun with 2 mics, one on the front & one underneath. Then a condenser picking up the tambourine being played with his right foot, just out of view because of the bass. [/quote] Excuse my ignorance whats a cajun? it sounds great.
That sounds like a Drum kit to me ( or at least Bass drum snare & Tamborine ) whats the story there?
[quote name='witterth' timestamp='1324771278' post='1477816'] Does anybody else have a dislike of TE stuff or am I just a weirdo? yes you are a wiredo , but then thats what I think. and ...btw I think ampeg is SHyte, so what do I Know? tried it ...rubbish [/quote] never tied owt by peavy that was any good too.
Does anybody else have a dislike of TE stuff or am I just a weirdo? yes you are a wiredo , but then thats what I think. and ...btw I think ampeg is SHyte, so what do I Know? tried it ...rubbish
[quote name='leftyhook' timestamp='1324513542' post='1475208'] 'Simply the Bes't for 4 fecking years as an encore. F-O-U-R F-E-C-K-I-N-G-Y-E-A-R-S I said............u-u-g-g-g-h-h-h-... of course now I don't play it, but.... the devil awaits my soul in return..... [/quote] I feel your pain
[quote name='fender73' timestamp='1324499712' post='1475063'] Mustang Sally springs to mind...... [/quote] oh......just...just dont get 'em started.
Chuck me the quids and I'll most likley (will or have) done it [url="http://youtu.be/m_wFEB4Oxlo"]http://youtu.be/m_wFEB4Oxlo[/url] yes!! (Sob!) even this...when a gig was a gig. I feel so dirty,.. I had to read it though....oh GOD!!...I know its no excuse
[quote name='peteb' timestamp='1323474744' post='1463875'] I don’t mean to upset you or anyone else, but I think that you and others are expecting too much from music, despite it’s obvious importance to your life (and to mine for that matter) The one time that I had anything like serious problems in my life, it had a negative impact on my playing (despite being a bit of a refuge), simply because it affected my concentration levels. I think that you should enjoy playing music simply for what it is rather than projecting any other problems you may have into it…… edit: that this a general statement and is not especially meant to relate you [/quote] Thanks for that Input C3PO
Hope your Ok btw Silddx hope the rough time you have had over very recent (well, months really that you have shared here) hasnt worn you down too much. "may the road rise to meet you.As our friends are at peace" as my old friend from Donegal still says! Take care, Xmas holidays have "funny" effect dont they?, youll be fine, mate W