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Everything posted by witterth

  1. Bill Black (Elvis) granite like D Bass!
  2. Paul S Denman, Sade Rutger Gunnarson, Abba Johann Asmundsson, Metzzoforte They'll do for me.
  3. No?
  4. yes it was, Neil Finn, but Wasn't that Eddie Izzard playing bass for Kasabian?
  5. [quote name='Delberthot' timestamp='1316558323' post='1379806'] I loved the Tube. One of the classic music programmes of our generation [/quote] if not the best Del....I'd love it back or at least make "later" longer than it is (I Know about Friday prog) but I'm usually playing so miss the best stuff..Bugger!
  6. I was taken back to those days in '82 when I rushed back home to see the "TUBE" and was never dissapointed. Jools has had loads of "Knockers" on here, I love Jools (his band) and his programme and yes I remember the old posts on BC where people ripped him for no reason ( no boogie piano at the drop of a hat was there? hes a good old pro muso) who cares if he cant do a "Dimbelby" with Shaun Ryder? its a good programme and very interesting...still Shorty Trombone , and thats for starters... never heard of him..but loved that stuff!!other acts (songwiter black girl white hair superb!) but I did think, Snow Patroll were below par glad to have it back Love it W
  7. [quote name='Doddy' timestamp='1316548404' post='1379613'] I dig Richard Bona,but sometimes he's just too much like Jaco in both his tone and phrasing. I much prefer him when he's doing his own thing,like he was at Bass Day the other year where he was awesome. [/quote] It was supposed to be a Jaco "homage" peice though D. I take your point, but I think that "too much like Jaco in both his tone and phrasing". is what Dicke was aiming for, surely. (well on this tune anyway)
  8. [quote name='paul torch' timestamp='1316436062' post='1377933'] Steve Coogan once asked me if he could play my bass once ( he was "inspired" I said no ) proof: [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RlhQ3iC54QM[/media] [/quote] Geek bass alert! it was a fretless stingray he wanted to "have a go at " too. Never gonna happen ..its never gonna happen...
  9. [quote name='TransistorBassMan' timestamp='1316418831' post='1377651'] The bloke down the pub was right, I was at the gig. [/quote] I'll listen to him next time!
  10. Tentative enquirey, but there seems to be intrest in the cabs as separates, so what would you be looking at for the head? it it were to go as a separate? (I know you'd rather sell as a job lot but, well, some love for that AH250 here and your not too far away from me) let us know when you can W
  11. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' post='1372445' date='Sep 13 2011, 08:03 PM']Im not so easily offended FWIW Doddy's playing is well up to LA standard though, Trust me [/quote] I'd be more suprised if it was'nt
  12. [quote name='Doddy' post='1372656' date='Sep 13 2011, 10:55 PM']Just stating that that's the reason I won't be going-no showing off intended.(and it's to work not holiday) About the Ken thing.....where did you think the nickname from? As regards to Bass Day,I can kind of understand the price increase because I've heard rumours in the past about how much it costs for Marcus....But,a few years ago he did a great clinic at PMT in Manchester,where he did a long Q&A and brought his band along and it was free entry.[/quote] Just having a laugh, have a good trip
  13. [quote name='Pete Academy' post='1372513' date='Sep 13 2011, 09:00 PM']Sorry folks...had a bad day. Apologies for the thread.[/quote] Naa, no apologies needed Peter. thats allowed, we all have them, I think my reply was motivated by the very same thing! pint of chill and thought about it, so, sorry too! W
  14. [quote name='Pete Academy' post='1372268' date='Sep 13 2011, 06:31 PM']Quotes like this really piss me off. "£27 to watch Marcus Miller going slap slap slap slap slap ? No ta.......... " What do these people base their opinions on? A couple of YouTube vids? Something they heard in the pub?[/quote] Opinions, are( like a**holes), Prehaps, drawn on more information than you assume they are, and not just what the "bloke down the pub says". not everyone likes the same stuff you do. some Players, who opinions you dont agree with, could be formed on things, that,even you/we (experienced working Musos) dont "get" and maybe (just maybe) you're being that jaded opinioneted "Bloke down the Pub" ....and at least an opinion about a youtube vid means a Bass player, somewhere may have seen sommat to draw an opinion on, and, make his own mind upon. dont approach problem/debate with an open mouth. (even if its an old "Slappy" thing about MM that he dosent dont like, just saying) £27 is a bit much for Marcus Miller,on his own, though it isnt for the whole day. There are opinions out there, that are based on more than what you have assumed as just ignorance.(apparrently) thats what Pis*es me off Gone on a bit (I like Marcus Miller BTW oops!) apology for beig curmodgendly old git later on in this thread.
  15. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' post='1372412' date='Sep 13 2011, 07:44 PM']Took me a bit to get the Ken joke............[/quote] "Keep your eye on the ball" Pete!! (1977? you should have got,well did, get that one quick!! ha ha ) BTW,urb got cross with me for that "eye on the ball" comment in tha past, and told me off. but its its only a laugh, hes a sensitve artist maybe.
  16. [quote name='Doddy' post='1369451' date='Sep 11 2011, 02:37 PM']I won't be going though because the date has been moved to the same day that I fly out to LA.[/quote] well Ken, very nice for you and good luck! LA? eh did you tell us that just to upset/make us Jealous,or simply show off? it worked .( really, though, good luck and I hope "universal studios" & "waterworld" on Orlando Drive is all you hope its gonna be ) BOTW/BASSDAY whole thing looks scaled down on past years and for 27 notes!!?! I'm gonna give it a body swerve this year ( now, if they'ed given Charlie Moreneo a gig I'd have gone just for curiousity value, he was entertaining in a"Flashy" way but good fun to watch ) but this year? no thanks £20 up to £27 whats next? £30 if theres not enough punters showing up? Poor form it would seem sorry.
  17. £250/£300 for a pub gig is pretty much all youre gonna get these days, especially when you consider the rate they are shutting up shop. ( regardless of how good you are thats usually all there is, even with the O'neills chain, who can be pushed a bit further on occasion, they are struggling) we'd all like to be paid "what we're worth" but it seems right now the money just isnt there. some one had to say it, "steering whell in the crotch of your pants?.......THATS driving your nuts" (allready have coat on)
  18. bump, cos its sunday no fretless love? v negotiable on price (not stupidly though)
  19. Another bit of Pino I like (lots of dodgy mullets aside, that is) [url="http://youtu.be/YqmjbiA_wnc"]http://youtu.be/YqmjbiA_wnc[/url] though probably too much "boogie woogie" piano for that "academy" bloke. you gotta love Pino, hes the best. he should have his own appreciation thread, though maybe this is it.
  20. This is going For £150 ono if any ones intrested' I thought I'd try again. box fresh, hardly touched, active and cool in a 80s type way nice bass I just dont need it so offers? even trades for fretted things or what have you, lemme know specs are:- Washburn XB120 FL 4-String Fretless Bass Guitar with Alder Body, Ebanol Fingerboard, Soapbar Pickups, Active Electronics. •Alder body with comfort arm bevel •Rosewood fingerboard with dot inlay •Grover tuners •Soapbar pickups •Active electronics •Black hardware
  21. If youre feeling "NO" go with that, otherwise set up the sound/levels for the other guy. if he dosnt like that well tell him to bring his own stuff.
  22. This vid has been on here a few times before Del, but I allways come back to it and have yet another look! so thanks for the heads up again. Pino is a fantastic player who seems to be able to do everything and anything in a seemingly effortless way, the lesson I get from watching him is, make EVERY note have a "value" no BS on runs/fills/scales. some lovley bits of vibrato here and there too. bass playing of the highest order, sublime.
  23. just wondering with that bass guitar pedigree, whats the attraction for a headless bass? (nosey geyt) W
  24. a "D" tuned E string on a 4 string bass. oh and a B ( but only on an A string, yuk on the E at 7th fret )
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