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Everything posted by witterth

  1. [quote name='J.R.Bass' post='1349792' date='Aug 24 2011, 01:03 AM']Yeah it's a home studio, it's not mine though, it's my uncles. Free reign to it though pretty much whenever I want [/quote] Careful you dont spill that Stella in there J.R. uncle bass will not be happy!!
  2. [quote name='icastle' post='1349761' date='Aug 24 2011, 12:27 AM']Nope. I presume you are talking about 'ghost' notes?[/quote] I know what "Ghost Notes" are, I'm talking about Lying, its a very different "technique"
  3. Ever tried doing that "sonic clunk" that you can do with fingernails,Pick,fingers or even your thumb? you must know that "Vague attack" to the string without making a real note 'till you find your feet. ....just me then....... top tip, or nonsense?
  4. Good Luck T...I hope, despite the circumstances you can have a good time too. what you're doing makes you all good Men (and women) "may the road rise to meet you" as they say in Donegal W
  5. Hi, this is a request on behalf a few mates of mine (would like to do it myself but other commitments exclude me ) Band does its own Pop type of material which is hard to describe but then any original stuff is thats why its original(!) they need a pliant,dextorous,but groovy bass player to complete guitar(x2) keys,drums and vox they require weekly commitment to rehersals and have the usual gigs and recording in the pipe line. Ive played with these guys in the past and (despite my obvious bias)would say its a really good band/opportunity for right guy talent/transport/gear/commitment would be rewarded I'd say dont worry about age there is a wide range in this set up (from20 to...well I'll let them tell you!) Pm me if your interested and I'll pass on contact details to you and the guys Thanks W
  6. so what was Norm using then?^ I never knew Norm was a trace elliot man anyone know what he has? ( that Guy used....gear bore question)
  7. I like his slap playing on 'floyd stuff and I dont care who knows it, in fact I'm gonna learn it especially Not going to try to break a status bass at the same time though
  8. Nice one Ian, great guy to deal with, even rearranged the pick up point so it was easier for me! top man Ian! & thanks, all is well. John
  9. [quote name='razze06' post='1336112' date='Aug 11 2011, 09:37 AM']Nailed it and got the gig (band is called red2red). In the end I took both the T40 and the aerodyne P, just in case the practice room amp didn't like the peavey. Fantastic thick, deep and powerful tone from the T40 through the room's TE 4x10 combo. Can't emphasize enough how important it was to have got there prepared. Got through the 5 songs from the webpage, plus a couple of improvised dub grooves. Not once did anyone ask me to turn down, quite the opposite [/quote] Nice one!
  10. [quote name='JTUK' post='1335460' date='Aug 10 2011, 06:45 PM']Guy Pratt is no mug bass player, IMO. Would quite easily put the main man bass player away in this regard. On another note, the Blockheads have a bit of a reputation for depping the gig so it isn't the chair that people might what to think it is..????[/quote] sorry? not with you
  11. There has been bit of "Guy Pratt bashing" on here in the past, but I like him. does that make me a bad person? (crez?)
  12. [quote name='razze06' post='1335151' date='Aug 10 2011, 03:13 PM']I've been exposed, haven't i? [/quote] good luck hope it all comes out well, if you insist on exposing yourself
  13. tink dub style (and its "Reggae" btw)
  14. witterth


    [quote name='tredders' post='1334501' date='Aug 10 2011, 08:31 AM']Doesn't seem like a year. I shall raise a glass later in your name mate.[/quote] Me too.
  15. [quote name='grimandi' post='1332397' date='Aug 8 2011, 05:09 PM']Thanks for the all the info. Significant price drop in the works [/quote] sorry to have been so sarcastic mate. welcome to basschat I suppose!!
  16. Actually.......is this a wind up? see who bites? DOH!!
  17. Spits Holiday beer at laptop screen!! (oops not so funny now.) this guy who told you it was rare? called "Del boy" perchance? oh lets not be mean guys he's a newbie!! sorry to be the one to tell you mate, .....oh Wayne you do it! ( free gig bag !!....well theres a deal clincher!!)
  18. "I never thought to get it repaired. I just chucked it and ended up buying the most soulless Carlsboro Bass amp I've ever heard. I hated that thing." was it a carlsboro "stingray" amp ? I had one of those and REALLY hated it. once I could afford to, I didnt even bother trying to sell it, gave it away instead (shudder) hateful thing
  19. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' post='1331320' date='Aug 7 2011, 08:02 PM']Thats partly why some good players also enjoy the dog and giblet for the social side of things unfortunately the punters quite often want to hear superstition twice in one night and sex on fire 3 times![/quote] Have you seen me play then Pete? I am that Soldier........well, apart from the "good" bit anyways
  20. [quote name='arthurhenry' post='1330862' date='Aug 7 2011, 12:41 PM']Probably dry solder joints. A simple job for a repair man, but might take a while to find the joints in need of repair, which could add to the cost.[/quote] Agreed, speaker cones moving and the general "batter" that a bass amp does causes the dry joint to kind of "agitate" hence the rotten noise. unfortunaley as said by AH its easy for an engineer to fix, its just a problem to find the fault. I speak from bitter experience
  21. [quote name='Prime_BASS' post='1323734' date='Aug 2 2011, 12:18 AM']I prefer maple for looks but not the anaemic stuff you get these days. I would say there is a difference. Maple tends to be brighter and aid more in a bouncy feel aswell as sound, rosewood is a warmer sound. However the difference is void in a mix. Still sounds like a stingray.[/quote] what he said. best 'ray I ever had was a natural one like yours with a maple neck (Pre EB too and I sold it DOH!!!)
  22. Eh up L long time... Ive found maple necks "livelier" than rosewood, depends what your after, and its only an opinion but if its warm tone rosewood. But bright, happy, slappy growly, Id say maple atb W
  23. Nice one M! I'll send this to a horn player mate of mine. why is Jaco covered in mud btw? (I know hell ask) is a "wasted" thing? thanks for the post. W
  24. I dont care what you say Mark K and Pino P the best of the best, the best at being the best,the best at knowing their the best, the best at saying their the best, the best at not saying their the best, the best at playing the best, the best at.....oh you get my point. its obvious but true. that boxer put it the...best
  25. [quote name='MB1' post='1317249' date='Jul 26 2011, 04:13 PM']MB1. And turn up in a Corvette? [/quote] Or be called Troy? and fancy some girly called marinehhaa?, or simply be a redneck called "bones" somewhat inexplicably? Hope it all works out sorry to waste your time
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