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Everything posted by witterth

  1. whos got the Guy Pratt book? ok, I'll look else where,just asking.
  2. Dosen't "chops" go along with such antiquated terms as "gear" "love and peace(Ringo style)" "cool" "hip" "dig" "daddio" "square" all that stuff that people who wish to identify themselves "musos" ( oh,theres another one) in general , Idly thrown into conversation to Identify themselves as proper musicians....they probably call their mates or people they play in bands with as "cats " too gahh!
  3. "Is it the Pork or the lamb...? you've got to have a system" (Harry Hill says so)
  4. who didnt start off wanting a fender of some sort? some of us changed our minds, some confirmed our lourve!! I changed my mind, but stand to be corrected....never gonna buy a precision again (soz not my thing) though... A Jazz? could be tempted but a precision? naa. everyone loves a strat....bassplayer, or no.. school book covers full of Fender scrawled logos? I'm not alone.
  5. [quote name='lowdown' post='1240323' date='May 22 2011, 01:43 PM']Best is a matter of opinion But one of the most played & heard - and known by the plumbers, Bus drivers and burger workers has to be..... Garry[/quote] Fa**in' A with that.
  6. [quote name='Doddy' post='1237351' date='May 19 2011, 08:12 PM']I didn't say you hadn't. I made a general comment. There are a lot of 'pub bands' that do the odd wedding gig and,frankly,are not right for it. They treat it the same as a pub gig, and it's not-it's a completely different situation. The other stuff I mentioned weren't really cons,except the waiting around for hours after you play.[/quote] Agreed I find most wedding gigs "odd" in some way!! my point was if you're a good covers & function band(doing covers) the odd pub gig is an absolute blast!! and restores your enthusiasim you can leave the "dinner/buffet/suit/ set at the door. also I'd say I'd agree that very often people will book a pure "pub" band, that the've enjoyed elsewhere and not undersand how it wont work at a wedding/corporate function. Pub bands are ace and the most fun for playing covers (the Law 1981/to present)
  7. [quote name='Doddy' post='1237167' date='May 19 2011, 05:51 PM']I have much more fun playing at a function than playing in a pub-Having said that I've only done 3 or 4 pub gigs in the last two and a half years. The thing with function work is you need to have your sh*t together. I'm not talking about playing,although that is important-I'm talking about all the other stuff like arriving long before you play and leaving well after you finish, dealing with people,attitude,image...all that kind of stuff.[/quote] What makes you think my (informed opinion) means I havent "got my sh*t together?" Daddio? dig? Sheeeeyit man! agreed on all the cons you list though Mr Dod I find Function gig audiences to be cold and unintested, corporate/weddings have "in gags" that only employees find a source of "humour" in, sliding children, "its too loud" grannies/uncles& aunts no matter what you do, set up on postage stamp despite what has been arranged months in advance, surly caterers who ask if your "staff?" rudely,Tune requests as bizzare as "sommat by focus" "Bon Jovi" (one for jazz trios) "come on Eileen" or "Tracy Chapman" when everyones dancing and resultant, sulk, when told,err.. no, " can the best man play/drums/bass/guitar/keyboards? at 00:00hrs when hammered ( ok on occasiaon when arranged for 19:00 in advance it may be ok but that my boils my pi$$ that does) but no err..NO also (Ive not finished) having to listen to "Thats the best/worst band Ive heard in years by "good laugh" Barry who used to play with "loads of bands back in the day", and procedes to give you give you lots of "advice", generally containing a story about being wasted with some "known celeb muso" that you may have allready read about in "Q" or "word" magazine, happening to another reader. some of the BEST stand ups or named comedians and tribute bands have died on thier asses at function/ corporate gigs. gimme a sweaty good laugh pub any day got a wedding on saturday.... note in Diary simply says .... "Bugger"
  8. Pro: good money con: not much fun involved play the same set in a pub and hey presto fun again. weird world isnt it?
  9. [quote name='misrule' post='1232046' date='May 15 2011, 02:54 PM']It's unlikely to be of use, but my covers band opens with Hellion/Electric Eye by Judas Priest And straight in to Metal Gods See, told you. Cheers Mark[/quote]
  10. was thinking (to my shame) Livin' on a prayer, bon jovi as it has that spooky opening chord and then big tune.....but ......bon jovi......phwwwuuhh! know what I mean? come on guys, otherwise Mani lives up the road from me so no tabs required.
  11. All good. we use a soundcheck as what it is and then do the gig though. ( where possible that is!)
  12. [quote name='Ian Savage' post='1231797' date='May 15 2011, 11:34 AM']The covers band I drum for use 'Rocks' by Primal Scream a lot as an opener, works well.[/quote] another great Idea Mr Sav! could be the one (?) anymore?
  13. [quote name='Cyrene' post='1231788' date='May 15 2011, 11:24 AM']White Room -- Cream I Can't Turn You Loose -- Blues Brothers/Otis etc. Tell the Truth -- Clapton/Otis Travelling Riverside Blues - Zep Rehab - Amy Winehouse Superstition -- Stevie Wonder ?[/quote] Superstition is in the running and has been suggested, good call C
  14. We've been doing "gimme some lovin" Spencer davis, thing,for about 6 months so its about time for a change. we start with a whole band "rall" thing to build things up, then into the tune you get me? well, we need a new "ear candy" tune for an opener and was hoping some of you chaps could come up with suggestions/ideas we have a girl singer btw but she can sing almost anything (in case thats relevant) Ihtahngqueww
  15. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' post='1217500' date='May 2 2011, 01:20 PM']Also I know little about anything else at all [/quote] Now ... now.
  16. "Thump" Thompson from The Darts ......love that band (70's doo wop with attitude) sublime.
  17. [quote name='Crazykiwi' post='1223802' date='May 8 2011, 12:12 AM']+1 Pino Palladino, I'd love to know where he got the ideas for those Paul Young songs.[/quote] ..and another for that reason
  18. [quote name='pete.young' post='1221387' date='May 5 2011, 06:33 PM']According to the BBC, Adele is now worth £6 million, so I very much doubt she gives a hoot what we think![/quote] Just 'cos she's got some money means she doesn't care what anyone thinks? naaa not buying into that one.
  19. To quote Chic Murray when he was the (piano playing) Headmaster in "Gregorys Girl" "go away small boys" £700? ebay only price
  20. I once sold a pre EB stingray which Ive tried to but back, for serious cash,but "no dice". smx's are ten a penny, keep the Mark IV Im right you know.
  21. I got a replacement uv tube for my Mark IV AH 500 from a aquariam (fish) dealer, they use them in fish tanks apparently. google your local I'd say. hope this is of use, easy to fit just a "spade" type connector W
  22. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' post='1217282' date='May 2 2011, 10:18 AM']Email EBMM direct and they will give you an exact date of birth and its original spec within a few days Or look on musicmanbass.org at others to get an approx date from others listed, All of mine are in amongst the dates on there.[/quote] You should be called "stingrayray" pete you know everything!! ( about rays that is) cheers W
  23. [quote name='thisnameistaken' post='1217275' date='May 2 2011, 10:15 AM']Nah I'm in a band.[/quote] Yep wid dat
  24. [quote name='yorick' post='1216949' date='May 1 2011, 10:02 PM']Trigger's broom?[/quote] Snort....Ha
  25. Stupid, asked before question, I'm sure, but how do you "date" stingrays?
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