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Everything posted by witterth
superb band that is, go see 'em. I'm a fan, if it means 'owt at all... A really good band!! going to that gig if I can!! you've been kind to me too, Al, and havent forgoten your CD!! where to? (PM again if you've time) Al prehaps I'll just bring it along saturday!14th? ATB W
[quote name='Bilbo' post='921541' date='Aug 11 2010, 01:00 PM']I also like that 'its not nice to be mean to people' thing.... Its also not nice to let your friends make fools of themselves in public oblivious to the fact that they are doing so. WOudl you let your closet friend go onto Britains Got Talent if you KNEW they were going to bomb? Some would. I wouldn't.[/quote] OOOh god, I've made you really cross haven't I? [size=1]sorry[/size] (not a piss take, didnt mean to!) I know, I know,...(looks at floor) and replies: "dont know sir, sorry sir" I just dont take things that seriously.. and that isnt meant as a "reposte" and your point remains valid, even if I have overlooked it. reading what you say Bil, I take it as just, a "keen up" to myself eh? lets not fight darling (as Ive said before) BtW any one who has PM'd Bilbo cos they agree, but dont want the "fallout" you spineless Buggers!! ( oh....come on now J, FOR JOKE!!!) Still a good thread... no one has PM'd me to support my point of view so I know I'm in the wrong I'll get 'me coat.....
[quote name='ShergoldSnickers' post='921255' date='Aug 11 2010, 08:22 AM']Excellent point, though I may think a bit differently if it was my living. When I play live it's inevitably to financially benefit others rather than ourselves - we do it for the fun of it all not the money, the money going to a cause, the venue or just some of the costs. We can afford to be sloppy, unprofessional and rather more uneducated in the intricacies of well crafted music than can Bilbo. Being objective, the improvised stuff we do contains: Time wandering Miss-timing Tendency towards 'modal' playing rather then a series of chord progressions with inventive key changes Over-reliance on technology at times Goes on too long sometimes I could go on... and on... The point is that we enjoy doing this stuff - it's not a chore, we are learning, every 'performance' is different, and we have a following that's building up. The fact they are all deranged inadequates similar to ourselves is neither here nor there, they applaud in the right places. For professional musicians, I can fully see what Bilbo is pointing out. For the amateur, generally non-paid - that's my band - the audience understands they won't get virtuoso ensemble playing, but on a very good night we can make something that sounds a bit like it.[/quote] Yes Mr S, correct. and I guess I was a little "refreshed" when I made that point, so its largley a lot of 'auld toss.Had I been down the BC arms(?) but the thing is pro or otherwise, its just not nice to be mean to people. and I'll scream and sream and scream and scream 'till I'm sick (and I can, you know) 'till you all agree I'm right......phewww sorry guys & mainly to Bil Peace... W Im oot
[quote name='Low End Bee' post='921317' date='Aug 11 2010, 09:44 AM']Excellent. I went on a weekend with a mate a long time ago and we stayed in one of those dormitory style hostels. When we returned after an evening sampling various Amsterdam goodies we found two German chaps in our beds. After a 'heated discussion' we managed to evict them and settled down for the night. When we woke up the hostel didn't look like the one we booked into to. Because it wasn't........[/quote] Laugh, out, bloody, loud!!, you bandit! LEB!
[quote name='MB1' post='920778' date='Aug 10 2010, 04:37 PM']MB1. Welcome to Methodonia! Mexican Bandits carrying Blackrays?....Sounds like a Script for a Steven Segal Film! Would Much rather Trade for a Ray with Money my way![/quote] well,thats what I meant....how much though?........Kermit!!!( The Leader of all the Muppets!!...Ha ha) Mexican:I likee hou, I keel hou laast.... I'm an arse, arnt I though?
You know, trawling through this makes me realise what a bunch of anally obsessed "self interested" bunch of door handlers we can be at times. so, somebody gets it wrong, a "bit", at times,isn't that good, or, any good at all,useless totally totally rubbish, well. good.....nobody DIED!! its music!! and if its not the best so what?? don't compare it to medicine/ surgery its not the same.....its not.....NEVER will be, if a doctor played a Bflat when it should have been a natural, who'd ever care? if he/she put the wrong tie in the wrong vien during surgery, it not just "oops" is it? again, Sssheeh I love this stuff, I suppose the fact I'm not that good makes me so defensive!! Ahh Well...Ha ha...
[quote name='BottomEndian' post='920609' date='Aug 10 2010, 01:12 PM']He did. Apparently, Pino recorded the original bassline for that song, but after a load of work on the track it didn't fit in any more. John Giblin was passing through town or something and threw down a few takes, and that's what ended up on the record.[/quote] no disrespect to Mr Giblin, but I'm kind of glad it wasn't Pino. but then, John is neck and neck with Mr P eh?
[quote name='yorks5stringer' post='920474' date='Aug 10 2010, 11:19 AM']I'm sure he played on the first Judie Tzuke album as well just before Rhino Edwards joined the band....the one with "Stay with me till Dawn"?[/quote] that album was called "welcome to the cruise" and is..... just superb no musician credits on it though sadly. I've allways been aware of John Giblin,didnt he do that "lady in red" thing? (it wasnt Pino) I've never listened to him properly before today...pheww....anyboby want to buy my fretless stingray? I can't do it anymore, what a player!!
[quote name='basshead56' post='920459' date='Aug 10 2010, 11:06 AM']After many combos and many more stacks, I have to say I do prefer the stack set-up. In terms of combos, I loved the Fender Rumble 100 I had-buckets of headroom and plenty loud down the back! I also had a Trace Elliot GP11 8x10 combo- pain in the backside, but excellent sounding. But nothing beats An Ampeg or Marshall stack-they just move so much more air. The bass should be felt aswell as heard! I just prefer the overall sound of 10´s and 12´s. Even my practise/small gig amp is a stack now! (Micro VR) Like Mani says of the VBA400, it´s trouser-flappin´! [/quote] A Trace Elliot 8x10 isn't a really a "combo" is it!? well what we think of as one, its a "stuck together" stack is that rascal!
[quote name='bigd1' post='920396' date='Aug 10 2010, 10:14 AM']In 30 something years I have only ever taken one bass 4 string G & L Asat, never needed anything else, always carry spare strings, lead & batteries. I am also a tuba player and have never in my life taken a spare one of these with me. I do really think why do you need a spare bass guitar, amp or cab. If you look after you gear it shouldn't let you down and carry sensible spare parts with you, as I said I've never had any problems. Ta very glad Dale[/quote] Mmmmm, I know it "should'nt" but.....well, somtimes... and Ive got 25 years (thereabouts) at this game
[quote name='Lozz196' date='Aug 10 2010, 10:34 AM' post='920416'] Stacks for me. The only combo I`ve ever used that was ok in a small venue was my Marshall MB4210. Others I`ve tried had the volume, but not the depth of sound required. [/quote/] You hit the nail on the head there lozz, its not volume, its "Depth" and untill youve tried a stack its hard to explain volume over "Depth" isnt it? there are loads of LOUD combos but... as Ive said, is it a "law of physics" thing? I hope not.
A trolley is the next step! I've also found that in "older" bands people are more reluctant to help you carry your gear! [/quote] How very,very, true! though these days I'm usually....well am, the older guy! strained back? ouch! BTW
My JD used to belong to MB1....eh? ....eh?......
[quote name='Rich' post='920281' date='Aug 10 2010, 07:42 AM']I think this one might have enough oomph for large gigs. Although at 200lbs, weight is a bijou bit of an issue. [/quote] Thats a stack without any of the advantages Chris_b, describes!! BTW that is the the way I was thinking Chris_b, the only thing that disagrees,is me Back!! but even the individual bits of a Trace Elliot rig are all bloody heavy!! still, no answer, in a way, starting to think there isnt one
[quote name='Bilbo' post='920047' date='Aug 9 2010, 08:50 PM']It was a rock band that had its faults but it was ok and sounded like a rock band. It was rehearsed and it was tight (I was 17, the rest of the band were 30+). We did a Radio One session three months later so it couldn't have been that bad. Seriously, though. Check this out and tell me I am wrong. The piano solo at 1.00 is a doozy. [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VnrhE5ARc_w&feature=related"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VnrhE5ARc_w...feature=related[/url] This is even better... [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H2fl1_kqsas&NR=1"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H2fl1_kqsas&NR=1[/url][/quote] ...Fer.....Fhh...aa...kk..in....'elll at least, no one can see you! Bilbo As I said (and its now confimed, your right.) there are some "challenged" players out there, and if I'd seen those performances.... I'd have probably laughed out loud (most likley..well....maybe not....well yeah, ok .... probably I would....but I'm a cukt like that) But then, I'd be watching,..not playing, and so, who would be the most arrogant? the vouyer? the non giger? the sod who wont even try? but stands back laughing?.....oh yeah, it'd be the critic.. (tosseur) I'd be willing to bet if you could ask Charlie Parker about new musicians,or indeed bad ones, he'd welcome them all, its just that, if a good or bad one meant he didnt get his money he'd be reet cross!! (I dont know where I'm going with this, but its about money!!ha ha Charlie Parker would think about the "job" or "gig", you "cats") and knowing if he were playing, nowt would be going wrong anyway Well, people trying to raise their game, by playing with better players,and engaging with them, crime? earning a crust,crime? doing their best, crime? well... its long way down off that horse kimosaby we were all young/starting out once, Mr B (bet that rock gig wasn't as good as you'd have us belive!!) again, I take your point though W
I agree with what Bilbo says to an extent ...well the "arrogant" bit anyway I'd have loved to have seen His first gig (that he worked so hard towards in 1980"ish") he must have been brilliant. Shheeshh! But really....I get/understand your point though, Bilbo, but then again, people just,playing, music,.. good or bad, doesn't undermine anything...its just.. out there Robbie Shakespeare once said in an interview I read, "get out there and play, with anyone, you can learn from everyone" ...well that's to paraphrase, but that hasn't done the reggae genre any harm has it? don't worry about it if you play in the odd "dodgy" band here and there. Jazz wont DIE. if punters want to "laugh" at anything, F##k 'em!! you're the one driving home with the moolar so whos the fool? art? schmart! BTW good post Mr B, gottem at it!! (hook line and sinker)especially me!!
[quote name='Pete Academy' post='911453' date='Jul 31 2010, 07:41 PM']My definitive choice. 2.43. [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2EvWkUuALGg"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2EvWkUuALGg[/url] The best slap solo ever.[/quote] Hot Dahmn! Yeayhass! (oh and Mark King )
Well, I was wondering...... I played at a wedding in a marquee this weekend, and due to space/uneven floor/time (I ended up having to sort out generator and power for DJ,band, cateres,bar,lights) but thats BTW.... So, I ended up just using a TE 1x15 cab and smx 250w head instead of the usual stack.for this one Now, ok, I could hear myself and was loud enough for band and punters alike, but I didn't think there was enough "balls" to it (well nowhere,near) that,obviously, a stack can deliver when need, if you see what I mean (?) but then again every time I shift a stack I'm Knackkerd! I was wondering (and again, apologise if this is old ground)but is there such a thing as a combo that can deliver stack like performance?or is it simply "ye canna change the laws o' Physics Captain" any thoughts?
When it comes to attatchments of the sort your after,I can think of two people you can ask; Dr No c/o secret evil hideaway, hawai or, Abdul Hamza c/o Putney dole office, that london, U.K. hope that helps
"Well" (as Bill Hicks used to say..) " looks like we got ourselves a reader.... whut ya readin' fur?" Bill: "well,maybe so as I dont end up as a (insert good gag here................)
[quote name='KevB' post='917866' date='Aug 7 2010, 11:50 AM']Depends on your guitarist, if they don't have a particularly big or dirty sound a bit extra on the riff can actually rescue an otherwise 'thin' sounding version, played it loads of times in jams with various people and once or twice I've noticed a look of panic come over thme when I leave them to play it solo. It's just a question of not over egging it. I usually double up with an A an octave up so it's not too low a register, fits fine. Can also help a novice drummer keep the rhythm too.[/quote] NNNOOOO!!!! please nooooo!!! Think of the children!!!
[quote name='Chris2112' post='918528' date='Aug 8 2010, 07:41 AM']Two - my fretted Kubicki and fretless Alembic. If either were to fail, the other could step in and the gig would be saved. They've never failed me yet though![/quote] I'd love to see those to "guys" on the pitch, as It were. where do you play most often? pm if you'd prefer not to say, really interested to see
[quote name='noelk27' post='918122' date='Aug 7 2010, 04:39 PM']Two (a fretted and a fretless), both passive, 4-string examples, and a few sets of fresh strings. Could probably do the whole set on a fretless, but using a fretted allows me to concentrate on my vocals.[/quote] Wow allmost word for word what I was going to say!! Carry on, that man.
You've got 3?? I want a non midi one I think, ( I dont wanna pay for something/feature I won't use,but getting hold of a classic '89.....) but want one, non the less, does it do the normal Wal "thing?" is the price negotiable? I'd see why, if not but...well, its a nice one innit? btw: have you changed the machine heads? black ones? Edit: re read your post that answers some Qs do original "Heads" come included? and price ? a bit steep for me though its worth it! Pm me if you can come down a bit