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Everything posted by witterth

  1. send me your new ones and I'll wear them in (for free) by return of post!! one gig is all it takes for me!!
  2. [quote name='clauster' post='831830' date='May 8 2010, 11:15 PM']In a functions band, you're going to be playing an awfully long time every gig, so whichever bass you go for make sure it's not too heavy and has a neck that's comfortable to you. Don't get too hug up on the tone, the only people actively listening to you are yourself, one or two of your band-mates (if they know what they're doing) and the very few bassists in your audience.[/quote] Too,...Too true!! A good "heads up", Mr C
  3. Trace Elliot problem?.....paging Dr "obbm"?.........Dr "obbm" to casualty, please! he fixed my less "serious" injury/question ..he'll know..
  4. [quote name='lemmywinks' post='831558' date='May 8 2010, 04:23 PM'] They look like Fisher Price Alembics! [/quote] God they DO!! dont they? you know..ya bugg*r ya!! I suppose I should confess I use a stingray nearly all the time now though.('cos of what the 80s did! but the status sounds SO much better)
  5. [quote name='Ian Savage' post='831120' date='May 7 2010, 11:21 PM']Two words - the first one is 'Rolling'... [/quote] Second, stones? perchance? aye, but they were shiyt£ werent they? (dons tin hat, "in coming!!") no Hijack intended btw!!
  6. [quote name='obbm' post='831517' date='May 8 2010, 03:37 PM']It is quite acceptable and safe to leave a solid-state amp without any load i.e. speakers, anyway by inserting a jack into the Effects Send output ( to take the signal to the AH) you will be disconnecting any signal going to the power amp.[/quote] Thanks (again) obbm!! a gent if ever there was one readers!! W
  7. [quote name='lemmywinks' post='830590' date='May 7 2010, 12:46 PM']I agree with Bilbo, any decent set up will do the job. A simple passive Fender style bass will be reliable and cover most of what you need I'd advise against getting a Status unless you're over 46 and don't need to appear attractive to women [/quote] and all that from a warwick/stagg/aria(even fender?) owner!!! handbags aloft vic&bob/shooting stars style "OOOOHHHH!!!!!" W (Status owner & 45 and a quarter years old)
  8. You know... the other thing that occured to me was, as MB1 so elloquently put it, "bang!!" will it matter that the smx head is not powering speakers? is it enough just to turn stage output (green knob) to nought ? if its (smx)being used as a pre amp, I wont be "hurting it" will I? you know, pushing out power with nowhere to go type of thing (do you get me techies??) Gig tonight...any one know? if obbm/dood/ghost not around!! thanks for being patient with me!!
  9. Theres Bernard edwards and Robbie Shakespeare if they dont have to be British. Oh, and who ever it was that played on ABC's "lexicon of love" album, he was pretty important to the album.I dont know his name, or what happened to him/her.
  10. tonight, "good times"by the late the great 'Nard Edwards.....actually not as easy as I orignally thought,got now though quite looking forward to gigging this weekend now!!
  11. may be its my ocd, but odd numbers?!! NOooooo!!!
  12. witterth

    obbm's feedback

    I didnt buy anything, Dave just took the time to help me out with a Trace Elliot question...didn't have to...so, top man!! allround John
  13. [quote name='Mog' post='826160' date='May 3 2010, 07:47 AM']Sorry lad,cant really help with the set up but you might get the manual here: [url="http://www.britishaudioservice.com/trace_operateinstru.shtml"]http://www.britishaudioservice.com/trace_operateinstru.shtml[/url][/quote] Thanks!
  14. [quote name='dood' post='826121' date='May 3 2010, 01:46 AM']Yup, I agree with OBBM too. I can understand that you may have been told to be careful - as in, staying away from connecting the speaker terminals in to another amp for example. I've seen it done in the past. As Dave has said - basically an amp 'head' typically contains a preamp section (the bit with the gain control, EQ, compressor etc) and a poweramp (call it the engine - the bit that drives the speakers up to stage volume) - Those sections are usually separated by the effects loop connections. Some amplifiers DO differ so do not take this as a rule. So being as you have an ability to part the preamp and the poweramp using *just* a cable, means that you can use the preamp section from one box and feed it to the poweramp section of another box. Well.. I assume you are referring to the preamp, (as descrbed above) - it does run at very low signal levels, similar to effect pedals, yes - but the output of the preamp is specifically designed to send the correct level of signal to a power amplifier which is usually a lot stronger than the signal out of your bass. There is a differentiation between those levels - one is called 'Line Level' the other, not surprisingly is called 'Instrument Level' - neither is anywhere strong enogh to drive a speaker properly. Yep, 1/4" jack to jack instrument cable (NOT a speaker cable) I'd also have to check out the manuals for the trace heads mentioned - but there are probably more ways than one of configuring your effects in as well for best results.[/quote] thanks for that dood! I know you know what your'e on about!! But just to double check though, has any one got any Trace manual(s) (old&new) just to be sure I'm that unsure I'd need pictures! btw, cable doesnt have to be a stereo jack or owt like that does it? (dood/obbm?) thanks for the help/advice BTW W still not sure smx fx send to where on AH500? line in(?) I Don't really get it told you I was dumb!!
  15. that simple eh? I was worried about the whole link front to front or back to back or vice versa thing ? I was told to be careful.... (does that make sense to anyone?) thanks obbm btw! so The amp is the same an fx pedal effectivley? no speaker output/connection worries me(!) and just a normal j/j cable then? would that mean the fx loop on the smx head would work for octaver/ tuner/ chorus? oh god! sorry for being dumb!
  16. [quote name='iconic' post='821072' date='Apr 27 2010, 08:09 PM']spooky...I have been playing Stomp and Light Up the Night all week...tis good...the tune...not my playing...[/quote] know what u mean!! Stomp... has been on R2 on TWO occasions this passed week inc bass solo "bit" (well that I know of any way) W
  17. Right,... Ive got some trace cabs (1x15/4x10) and an old ah500 stereo gp11 head. (1980s) all in great working order.. the question is chaps, I also have a "smx" range ah250w head (1990s) that I like the compression/pre shape/tuner fx output option toys..how do I? (or can I?) use/link the ah500 as purely a power amp and use the smx as a kind of Pre amp for its "toys", as I say? and do I need "special" leads to do this? I'm quite thick really!! ATB W
  18. [quote name='molan' post='825714' date='May 2 2010, 06:04 PM']This one? [/quote] I love that geetar too!! & yup thats the one. someone give shnoz 80% of a lesson ( j for joke ...really its just a joke I can understand how some of us are bored by slap!) more to it than open "G" though Mr Shnoz!! atb W
  19. Mark King and Nigel Clutterbuck (REALLY! youtube him!) in the 80s ....good fun..I could NEVER do!!
  20. ...but I cant remember how you post a youtube link.... But put "chic funk solo montreaux" into the search box......do it now...DAMN!! how good is that??
  21. [quote name='Pete Academy' post='817412' date='Apr 24 2010, 06:42 PM']An example of why Louis Johnson is one of the finest: [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mkZe3yTIQ3w"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mkZe3yTIQ3w[/url][/quote] HOT DAMN!! (man)
  22. [quote name='lowdown' post='818699' date='Apr 25 2010, 11:44 PM']Thanks for the offer of your arse - but i will tacet on that one. But it's 7/4 for sure. Garry[/quote]
  23. [quote name='lowdown' post='818197' date='Apr 25 2010, 04:58 PM']If she was trying to whistle that theme in 12/8 and finding it hard, Could be possibly due to the fact that it's in 7/4.. Garry[/quote] NAAA......7/4 me ars3 are you right though? ??
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