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Everything posted by witterth

  1. D'Addario XL reds make your fingers green!!! (copper windings) do they still make them? not sure
  2. [quote name='thepurpleblob' post='772371' date='Mar 12 2010, 06:52 AM']I've mentioned this guy before, John Nelson from the otherwise deeply unfashionable New Model Army (go and have a listen, really).[/quote] Is that the guy who was nicknamed "Moose"? if so ....Amen to that!! (eerr...I mean +1)
  3. "Thump" Thompson;The Darts... rock solid... and grooveswingtastic like Donald Dunn Top Man.
  4. [quote name='benebass' post='771132' date='Mar 10 2010, 11:55 PM']Don't watch Dr. Who, but do you mean these things? B.[/quote] well I did mean those things that pretended to be the primeminister/cabinet/senior staff ect in an episode I saw. they had big zips on their "body suits". but THATS much better!!! is that Dr Who as well? good call! OOPPS..Do you know, Ive just realised what Ive done here.... guitars not Dr Who.... I mean It, your guitar will be ok, with that type of "damage"Ive seen much worse on much older guitars....It'll be cool... superglue will make it tough, if you want to take the neck off in the future for any reason, but Ive never need to with any Bass btw....ever
  5. [quote name='Bassassin' post='771083' date='Mar 10 2010, 11:17 PM']99.9% that's not structural - your neck won't fall off. It's in a fairly inconspicuous place, I'd run some superglue into it to make sure the lacquer doesn't flake, and forget about it. Jon.[/quote] Id agree...itll be fine...oh....and... plus the picture looks like one of those Dr Who monsters!!!!!!...you know, the ones who live in fat guy costumes...?...!...??...no?... it just me that innit?? ? edit: or some type of pokemon thing....eh....eh.....?? I'll get me coat....
  6. [quote name='Bobby K' post='769244' date='Mar 9 2010, 01:58 PM']Hey Etienne, great to hear from you mate!! I assume you're talking about John Gee. Hmmmm.... I contacted him about servicing the amp a couple of years ago and he fobbed me right off; it was so obvious he didn't want to help! i've heard nothing but bad things about him (apart from your repair story of course) - I'll sort it out soon enough. Will probably take it back to the guy who serviced it. He's in Stoke but he came very well recommended from some muso friends. See ya soon bud... [/quote] JG..at rocket?....a friend of mine took a old stereo Trace Elliot AH500 (of mine that Ive posted problems about on here a few times) to this guy the other week after 2 other respected techs failed with it , seems ok now, fingers crossed. dunno fixing old amps is a minefield in fairness to techs!! but a big +1 to JG (till it goes wrong eh?)
  7. oh come on.... no one's going to admit to those pyjamas though...well, are they?....come on its you innit??!!??
  8. [quote name='martthebass' post='770762' date='Mar 10 2010, 06:41 PM']They do seem to have crept up in price recently, maybe it's a £/$ thing but it doesn't seem to be affecting US Fenders as much (seen 2008/9 P's and J's going for £600 or less recently). I generally thought of a good 2000+ era Ray being around £600 up, that seems to have gone to £700-750 up.[/quote] so.. do you think older,EBMM's, late 80s early 90s hold more value? 2 eq models that is ? (just asking)
  9. [quote name='casapete' post='770717' date='Mar 10 2010, 06:11 PM']I'd go for a decent used Stingray - usually a few for sale on here. Expect to pay around £700,maybe less if you're lucky. (There's a thread regarding the price of new Rays just started on here too.) Plenty of colour options to choose from - and don't let anyone put you off the 3 EQ ones, they're great too! Good luck.[/quote] I think you'd have to be VERY lucky to get a stingray for less than £700, Pete....dont you think? (unless it was one that went "oink" then plugged in!! mind you the stingray detractors think they all go oink/squwark tone wise.......whadda they know, probably all got Fender precisions (J for joke) (BTW by"oink" I meant a "pig" or; "rubbish" one) eerr Ive not helped much again have I?
  10. "So, my dream bass will be back in my hards again soon." TANNOY:"Paging, Dr Freud....Paging, Dr freud....."
  11. Forum member "linus27" is your man....I think he is (considering) of selling one. PM him, its a really lovley bass if he IS letting it go. plus you can hear it being played via his own you tube links. like others a have said, highly recommended these guitars, Ive got 2 at the moment and owned 4 in totall over the years.So good luck,cant see you regretting it really. ATB W p.s. proper gent to deal with too!!
  12. [quote name='discreet' post='766219' date='Mar 6 2010, 05:04 PM']Once did a promo where we were all painted blue and wearing loin-cloths, tribal thing, playing drums, dancing round fire, etc. At the time I had long hair and was carrying a few extra pounds, but thought it was all fine - it was a real laugh. When it was edited, our manager watched the vid in astonishment, immediately asked to see it again, then asked in hushed tones: 'Who the f*cking hell is that fat bird with no bra on?'[/quote]
  13. QUOTE (Wil @ Mar 6 2010, 04:38 PM) Amen to that! I'm uncool, but I don't care that I'm uncool. This makes me cool, but acknowledging this makes me uncool again. And the cycle repeats forever! I disagree - if you don't care that you're uncool.... then that makes you cool, acknowledging it just adds a a sense of ironic cool...! Just the way that it works.... Jesus!.......thats given me a headache. (is that cool?)
  14. Now I think back I feel terrible for selling my first pre EB stingray. I went all over the world with it and it kept me off the dole on more than one occcasion (such is pro playing) I tried to buy it back for double its worth but the guys having non of it, but dosent play it ah well, I should have known what you get for 30 peices of silver!!
  15. [quote name='mep' post='764505' date='Mar 4 2010, 09:41 PM']I went to one he did in Exeter that Mansons organised last year with 2 of my students. What a great night, and what a great guy. He tells some great stories and plays some wonderful bass. It's all solo stuff with no backing. He seems to have a bit of a grudge with Jeff Berlin!. Go if you can. You won't regret it. Oh & ask him about Jeff if he throws in a few comments.[/quote] went to one in manchester a few years ago it was great, very gobsmackingly entertaining.... Jeff Berlin is a bigheaded gob$hite though innhe?("ooohhhh everybody learn theory and if you dont youll never be as good as ME yatter yatter" the richard) Stuart is the most talented, unassuming bass guru how can showout but "back" properly too pity Im at work that night go if youre lucky enough, a legend for FREE(!!??) hope it works out ok
  16. [quote name='discreet' post='760295' date='Feb 28 2010, 11:21 PM']As far as I can tell it's a cleaner for wood furniture, floors, gun stocks, etc: [url="http://bit.ly/murphyoil"]http://bit.ly/murphyoil[/url] Haven't used it myself, so can't recommend! EDIT: Well there you go, pre-empted by one who knows! ^_^[/quote] thanks so it wont "clean" as such then thanks for reply btw
  17. otpj Geddit? yes I do! and agree. how much would that kind of thing cost?(roughly)
  18. I Saw captain Blacks Ad for his stingray,that I wish I'd seen sooner,for that "simply sublime" stingray (with pietzio/pizza,pi$$eda,p..pitstop I dunno, pickup....whatever...loving that bass)...gone now...bad one....anyway.... in the ad he mentions "gun oil" and "murphy oil soap" or something like that.... well, whats that? my 5yr old stingray has what I can only describe as "marks" or stains where the strings go, up the (maple) neck and are only visible with no strings on, but are there non the less. should I have been using "gun/murphy oil" even though I dont know what it is. this guitar has been REALLY well looked after since purchace in san francisco(new) and only come out of the box to do 4/5 gigs in as many years, really hardy touched...so baffled is this oil stuff the thing for maple necks? ....any thoughts Folks? thanks ( sorry for overuse of" " things BTW
  19. [quote name='exup1000' post='758675' date='Feb 26 2010, 10:01 PM']thanks for all your info mate its much appreciated smurf[/quote] Its a pleasure!!
  20. [quote name='slobluesine' post='760053' date='Feb 28 2010, 07:28 PM']'Every Kind of People' is a killer too.. Bob Babbit on Bass i think[/quote] Yep, on youtube (sorry)
  21. [quote name='Buzz' post='760038' date='Feb 28 2010, 07:13 PM']You sure it wasn't Carol Kaye?[/quote] naaa! no way surely not!!! was it?.......naaaaa!!!! (?) no, no way was Carol up to that...too "80s style" on listening again,player one of others the above, or maybe John Giblin (?) a guess though..............
  22. Yep as is "mercy mercy me" same album (?)
  23. "Daddy cool","Get It"&"Its Raining" By The Darts....................what?????? they did though....Thump Thompson a real bass player!!
  24. I stand to be corrected but, I allways thought prefix "AH" meant amp head, 150,250,350,500, 600 WATTS etc and talks about power out put.(ah 350=great!!) And I thought GP means "grapic" (silders) frequency band, so 11 band (sliders) or 7 band (sliders) or 12 (sliders). you could have for instance, an "ah250gp11" or an "ah500gp12" to confuse matters more some of the "bigger" heads have "cross overs" in them so you can run them in stereo, hipass/lowpss/ or both out puts full range...!!!! dont worry its all quite self explanitory( if you look at the amp back) and means how you "run" cabs. the only bit I dont get is the whole matching "ohms" stuff!!( 4/8 ohms etc) Anyway,you could have top frequenciess in a 2x10 and low in a 1x15 as an example. with a "cross over" amp head or,in other words an ah350 (gp11) could run another cab (for upgrade/BIG gigs!!) I think most people with the more recent (and mostly 2nd hand smx range) dont bother, and run amps full range,especially considering the compression "toys" Trace Elliot come with as standard these days I hope I havent made things worse for you I do think the VERY new stuff is the same ATB W btw Ive been using TEamps/cabs for years and bass chat still helps me out with this type stuff!!
  25. [quote name='Sibob' post='758407' date='Feb 26 2010, 05:12 PM']Sorry.....whats the difference? lol Si[/quote] I allways thought that too
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