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Everything posted by witterth

  1. [quote name='phil.i.stein' post='717255' date='Jan 18 2010, 10:23 PM']i've only just got 'round to watching this, but F**K Yes !! some power in that !![/quote] I saw this line up on this tour as fresh faced youth when was it 1982? blown away by the whole band as well as Russel!!
  2. [quote name='dannybuoy' post='715214' date='Jan 16 2010, 09:23 PM']You could try a capo on the 3rd fret - instead D standard tuning![/quote] capo ..... on a bass ......???? see what BC wars that can cause! cant remember the thread title now but ...boy... some guys got cross about that one.....not bothered mesen ...just DONT
  3. very much like early level 42 innit? I wonder what that bass is? sounds like a p bass to me,not the best for slap/pop IMO EDIT: or jazz as I listen again(?)
  4. where's the gig yorik? I may turn up!!! half term and all that so....
  5. Come on.... spill.......who got the gig then???????
  6. Ohh, Gentelmen Please...........behave!!!!! (oooohhhh you're not in our club yet and YOU don't understand) A bit of decorum and less internet snobbery eh? though...............eerrm... is a bit funny innit?...after all its not e-bay without details is it?
  7. I haven't seen nor heard of it....anyone....?
  8. D'dario xl reds make your fingers go green (copper windings) yuk.. edit: plus it makes your hands have that "counting copper change" aroma, which again, is'nt pleasant
  9. [quote name='Sarah5string' post='710165' date='Jan 12 2010, 04:19 PM']Here's what I got.. Boss power supply for my distortion pedal - £28 Patch Cable £1 Ear plugs £13 dickies 'pick pocket' £5 = £47 and last set of strings I got was £27..... :\ ouch. and OTPJ, I love it... best money I've ever spent on a bass.. it's my baby Got a band audition on thurs too [/quote] All the best for thursday then!
  10. [quote name='jakesbass' post='707834' date='Jan 10 2010, 04:33 PM']It is indeed Will Lee and he is doubling a synth bass part, which is testament to his brilliance because he is so in the pocket with it. Great playing.[/quote] Thanks Jake!! "in the pocket" is right!!
  11. [quote name='Pete Academy' post='707446' date='Jan 10 2010, 10:47 AM']His bassline and playing on 'Jack Of Speed' demonstrates this, for me.[/quote] who plays on "walk between the rain drops"? cos that's Dahmn good, Pete. my only REAL copy is on vynil and consequently is in the loft!! (is it Will Lee?) Edit: Sarah5string was right, it was allways going to get nasty was this....... ... no popcorn left?
  12. [quote name='dumelow' post='700439' date='Jan 4 2010, 01:42 PM']nice chops[/quote] Lamb or pork? you've got to have a system!!!
  13. [quote name='billphreets' post='706326' date='Jan 9 2010, 09:59 AM']anybody else out there use toontracks ez drummer ?? i find it an invaluable tool for jammimg along to.. groove monkee do some decent add on kits in a lot of different genres.. some great odd time meter patterns in the jazz kits... SO simple to programme your own beats.. [/quote] any more details Bill? I've been looking for a free "jam-a-long" drummer site for a few days as it goes, but come up nix.. so anymore leads would be good. thanks W
  14. [quote name='Al Heeley' post='706299' date='Jan 9 2010, 09:20 AM']Is that the Big Al? Sorry but I think they've managed to make a bass even uglier than the Bongo, and that's quite an achievement. Not a fan of the deliberately forced retro lines, looks like something out of an american 1960's kids cartoon. Loadsa buttons though![/quote] Double ++++1
  15. [quote name='OutToPlayJazz' post='706295' date='Jan 9 2010, 09:01 AM']One of the guys on the EBMM forum or TB has one in a lovely olive gold sparkle. That's a special looking bass. [/quote] special as in "special needs"?.....eeewwwhhhh!!! (soz OTPJ... you know I'm only having a )
  16. a LOT of well thought out, articulate, eridite, intelligent, relevant to the issue and not at all patronising answers to, this thought, on this thread. I, myself have played in a good few blues bands of different "styles", ect over the years and, I have found, (scales/techs/theory stuff aside) it to be, on the whole,all things considered, on reflection.... quite "Dull" playing blues....... mind you if some curmudgeondly/cynical/been there done that/old bunch of 40 somethings were looking for a bass player in lancashire....well........it'd get me out of the house EDIT:BTW, don't call ANYONE a "cat" unless they are LITERALLY a cat......dear me!!!......
  17. yuk..... Horrid....KAYS catalogue stuff with fender label,mind you I've never been a fan of precision basses... (sorry chaps&chapasses) I'm aware its not the "thing" to say on basschat, a LOT of players seem to love them. not me though!
  18. [quote name='jezzaboy' post='702105' date='Jan 5 2010, 08:51 PM']Ah good point. Dont think it does but I`ve ordered it noo! Jez [/quote] yes you can point it at your heed, the top bits angle it at your head if you attatch them "the other way round"..... difficult to explain.....well, you'll see what I mean when you get it!
  19. [quote name='jezzaboy' post='701172' date='Jan 5 2010, 12:01 AM']The guitarist? Through the pa? Naw, he needs to use his amp up loud or the effects don`t work apparently. I think I`ll try the sansamp-mixing desk-powered monitor set up on friday and take my amp with me in case it`s mince. I going to get myself one of those stands. Could be the answer and they aint all that expensive. Cheers for all the input so far! Jez[/quote] Those stands really work!! I had one on witch I'd put a small 150w/200w trace valve combo and it worked a treat (and I'm deaf in one ear too,so that dosen't help matters) I'd go so far as to say it worked as well as the 4x10/1x15 rig I have, as well. On gigs with really big PAs x"k"+ I'd put the combo on its stand and point it AT me (even) and, sweeet as, more than enough poke/volume. no complaints from others,... cant reccomend them enough. lots of make available too..
  20. witterth

    Silver Dogs

    [quote name='niceguyhomer' post='699321' date='Jan 3 2010, 11:15 AM']First gig with my new band The Silver Dogs is at the Playhouse 2 in Shaw (nr Oldham) on 23rd January. There's still some tickets left (£7.50) if you've nowt better to do. Hard to describe the music but they call it Ambient Folk Rock.[/quote] Just listened to the stuff and it sounds great! similar to a(manchester) band I was in some time ago... most likley come down as I'm quite close ...what time?
  21. I hope its a stingray or a jazz.and not a P bass!!!! ( only my opinion guys!!!!)
  22. [quote name='Xzantes' post='693173' date='Dec 24 2009, 08:47 PM']just 30% off customs[/quote] so what you really mean is, you got a discount? thats not really an endorsement deal is it? if it is, I just got an "endorsement" deal on screen wash yesterday. (deep voice over artist) Witterth....he.........only uses..... B&Qs own......... sorry... ha ha and all that... J for joke ect...
  23. [quote name='mrcrow' post='692455' date='Dec 23 2009, 05:16 PM'] i was sort of thinking that as i cant sing...either [/quote] I thought you could!!!!
  24. [quote name='flatwound' post='693022' date='Dec 24 2009, 03:29 PM']166 views to date, and one helpful reply....thanks "Hillbilly" is it the "Aussie" thing, or are you just a bunch of stiffs, that lick each others arses. ? f*** ya's Shove ya forum.!![/quote] what the f*** is that all about??? No..... its not an Aussie thing its YOU thing PS.... I Mean it! Love/Peace W
  25. A good mate of mine ( who has sadly passed away ) had a Gordy blue shift.... is that the same one?? he was called Geoff.... see (Bass monster post) (?) I'd Probably like to buy it, if it is the same one...Pm me if you can....
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