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Everything posted by witterth

  1. [quote name='MythSte' post='601465' date='Sep 17 2009, 05:17 PM']I love some of Pinos playing but this whole PSP thing seems a little soul-less to me [/quote] Witterth: ( very anxiously) AAHH ...aahh!! but ..yeah ...yeah ...see ..er.. they explained!!you see.. yeah ..err with that..er ..with that..erm.. "some people may find our music challenging" comment so.. you see!?.. its all ok now..you understand, dont you see?.. you do dont you?? dont you ?( )
  2. GGRREEAATT! and a big ...jaaazzz club... Nniccce! to....(ect) Innit great to hear one of the most talked about musicman basses again?and the guy who lauched a million bass players carreers? (allways wonderd if Pino still had that guitar. glad he still has it. I flippn' love Pinos playing, whatever he does is class,through and through. ("corporate video" style voice over made me smile too! )
  3. [quote name='AndyTravis' post='599629' date='Sep 15 2009, 09:28 PM']My Stingray. 3eq Piezo. Trans Red. Tidy. Cant Find any decent pics of my bongo.[/quote] Tidy indeed... OOhh there's lovley isntit? look you!.... what am I doing?Im not even welsh!
  4. thanks for all the tips gents! and all, are taken on board. I knew I was being impatient and was really only having a "forum based" laugh. my sense of humour is (on reflection)quite juvenile! I havent got my camera at the mo,as my lad has it in spain (on holiday) and thought a suggested link may do...(wrong!!) and now understand why. but it IS literally just out of the box..but hey ho... Hope I havent annoyed too many of you!! pics ,for what they are worth ,to follow... when I work out this....ggurrr dagnabit...machine.... mutlley... ect
  5. PARR HALL...I played there as well in my 80's heyday top man yourself! had agood time no?
  6. [quote name='tayste_2000' post='597165' date='Sep 13 2009, 11:15 AM']400+ is in for a service So used this on a gig Mesa Buster 2x10 combo into Matamp 4x10 Simms Watt PA100 Mk2 into Matamp 8x10 Overwater custom progress Bass Line 6 M13 sending 3 signals to the amps at the back Enjoy [/quote] looking a bit dereck smalls in pic2 there
  7. I reckon you're right... because he could. and probably time commitments of the players invoved most likely. wonder why he didnt ask me? Im quite cheap.
  8. [quote name='witterth' post='596335' date='Sep 12 2009, 09:15 AM']due to a proposed band/recording project falling through, Ive got one of these for sale. now as my lad is in spain with my camera I can't post pics for a few days but you can see what it looks like by visiting absolutemusic.com site or google "washburnxb120" fretless. Ive literally taken it out of the box, noodled around on it and then left it alone. Its active, nice looking but simply surplus to requirements. so as you can buy one 1st hand for £160 plus delivery ( about 7/8quid), £140 anyone? err...anyone?.... hello?..... HELLO?.......??? (tumbleweed and wind fx) Tell you what, and Ive got a very "sent to coventy" feeling about this, so I'll not mention it again. but... I was looking to off load this (new) bass,and its not too bad either, to get a fretless squire jazz there! Ive said it! I've been honest!! not bothered about dings/scrathes or whatever. PS the band thing is also true, stuff fell through it was supposed to be an 80's thing hence the washburn (I was thinking ABC you know?) gig wise?anything you dont want in nw (mcr way)? lemme know? price? on bass? open to offers.... try me I'm in a good mood [/quote] bump?
  9. 2. When listening to the albums the songs came from I was struck by the amount of 'filler' on there. For every rock classic there was at least 3 rather predictable and tedious blues workouts that did absolutely nothing for me. Even bands like The Who, who had always struck me as making their own unique way through the 60s and 70s had a tendency to slip into the clichés of the time when they weren't writing hits. damn right, now you mention it !!
  10. I tend to think you should get as close to the original as is possible, maybe its just my paranoia/pride but I can't be doing with the thought that someone out there is thinking.... "he didn't do that right because he cant" could just be undiagnosed OCD though
  11. [quote name='XB26354' post='594581' date='Sep 10 2009, 10:29 AM']Thanks Bilbo for a great transcription of a great tune. Chords: Bar 1 is F13 (listen to the keys). Bar 8 - underlying harmony suggests a minor II-V so Em7b5 - A7b13 going into Dm9-G13 in bar 9. A lot of II-V's in this tune move as min9-dominant 13. Bars 11-12 should be Cmaj7 / F7 / Em7b5 / A7b13 (the b13 is hinted at by the guitar but is consistent with the harmony). Bar 18 - chord symbol needs to be Gb or see the next point below about enharmonics. Bars 23, 24, 34, 38, 56, 61, 62, 72, and 76 - either the chord needs to read Gb or the notes should be changed eharmonically to match the existing root of the chord symbol. In addition these chords sound like tritone moves from the root C7 leading into the F7/(9) and don't sound like aug7 chords - perhaps the #5 would be better written as a b13? Bars 20 and 58 - I hear this as a min7b5. Bar 45 is Em7b5. Bar 74 is Bb7(9?). Bars 91-92 - there is a common high C for all but the last chord then it's unlikely that they're all straight 7 chords. Perhaps - Gb7#11, F7, E7b13, Eb13, D7, then Dbmaj7, leading into... Last chord's a CMaj7#11 (top note of the chord on the keys). The above are my best guesses and of course could be wrong! I also remember that transcription in Bassist years ago, which as I vaguely remember was also very good. The weird thing about this tune is that I can hardly hear Will Lee's bass as it is so locked in with the doubled keyboard line. For a long time I though it was just keyboard. As a general note Lucas Pickford's website has transcriptions for Green Flower Street, The New Frontier and The Nightfly, which apart from a few glaring mistakes are pretty good. Got to www.lucaspickford.com and have a look at all the other great tunes - most done by others but he obviously has "ear chops" for days! I'm not up to much today so I'm going to tackle IGY and Ruby Baby and stick them up here if anyone's interested. Cheers Mat[/quote] yes I'm interested Mat...or should I say...BRAINS FROM TRACY ISLAND!!!!! dan. dan. dan. dan.dan.dan.darrrrrrr!!!!!!
  12. early a.m. bump £120?? sheesh!!! its not rubbish y' know!
  13. you are cruel men/ladies! £120 then!!
  14. Bloody hell thats a nice peice of kit! funny though the headstock doesnt "match" the body...do you know what I mean? or is it just me? would love it! but want to save up for that "pino" stingray on stingray porn thread, even though its not for sale......YET......muh.hahh..hahhh ..hahhhh MUHHH .... HAHHH ect.. it will be mine.. oh yes.. ect ect ect
  15. Happy to leave positive feedback for beerdragon. just collected a trace cab from martin who was waiting for me at rendezvous ( and I was a bit early)as arranged, for a very reasonable price!! 100% recommed you do business with this man. not even tried cab out with some people you can just tell 'kaa wa ah mean? he described cab as tatty as well so under sold it in a way what a gent!!
  16. free to collector? will mr Plod even arrest this sucker?
  17. [quote name='witterth' post='596398' date='Sep 12 2009, 10:44 AM']OH come on guys!!! [/quote] I'll get me coat.
  18. [quote name='fretless bob' post='409349' date='Feb 14 2009, 01:22 PM']i just bought this, a 79 fretless stingray, i cant believe i found one. i thought i would be looking for years trying to find one[/quote] GIMME IT!!!!
  19. Faa##k what a monster!! I bet when its in the Kitchen it even makes you tea! Nicceee onneee
  20. OH come on guys!!!
  21. [quote name='witterth' post='596335' date='Sep 12 2009, 09:15 AM']due to a proposed band/recording project falling through, Ive got one of these for sale. now as my lad is in spain with my camera I can't post pics for a few days but you can see what it looks like by visiting absolutemusic.com site or google "washburnxb120" fretless. Ive literally taken it out of the box, noodled around on it and then left it alone. Its active, nice looking but simply surplus to requirements. so as you can buy one 1st hand for £160 plus delivery ( about 7/8quid), £140 anyone? err...anyone?.... hello?..... HELLO?.......??? (tumbleweed and wind fx)[/quote] God its dark in here ECHO!...echo...echo....echo.....echo........echo...............f@#k........
  22. due to a proposed band/recording project falling through, Ive got one of these for sale. now as my lad is in spain with my camera I can't post pics for a few days but you can see what it looks like by visiting absolutemusic.com site or google "washburnxb120" fretless. Ive literally taken it out of the box, noodled around on it and then left it alone. Its active, nice looking but simply surplus to requirements. so as you can buy one 1st hand for £160 plus delivery ( about 7/8quid), £140 anyone? err...anyone?.... hello?..... HELLO?.......??? (tumbleweed and wind fx) Tell you what, and Ive got a very "sent to coventy" feeling about this, so I'll not mention it again. but... I was looking to off load this (new) bass,and its not too bad either, to get a fretless squire jazz there! Ive said it! I've been honest!! not bothered about dings/scrathes or whatever. PS the band thing is also true, stuff fell through it was supposed to be an 80's thing hence the washburn (I was thinking ABC you know?) gig wise?anything you dont want in nw (mcr way)? lemme know? price? on bass? open to offers.... try me I'm in a good mood
  23. what I love about this thread is that, whatever the story we've ALL been there! Know what I mean? thanks for the memories
  24. What about "Midnight at the oasis"? original or "heavies" cover ohh..... and (with some interesting solos here and there) "Apparently nothing" by.....err....er....sorry but, was that by the brand new heavies as well? Im not sure Isley brothers "summer breeze" would be nice too
  25. in the mean time Ill try to get some pics to you/on here, soz but Ill need some help from a mate to do that but Im on it! ATB W
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