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Everything posted by witterth

  1. [quote name='steve-bbb' timestamp='1368816664' post='2081997'] [media]http://youtu.be/kFJSAfAMjLs[/media] [/quote] eeeww! this is just wrong.
  2. Did you get Pm? atb W just to be sure, can I run a TE 1X15 from that out put as well? and have a "Micro Stack" effectivley, is that how it works?
  3. allways up for a bit of green (but) what he said ^ pics and location? lerrus knaa
  4. [quote name='Dingus' timestamp='1364319638' post='2024854'] I don't know who played on it , but the track was almost certainly made in Belgium , or possibly Holland , so it was probably nobody famous ( tell me a famous Belgian bass player from the 1980's - .. exactly ! ) . [/quote] well I suppose its a start D!!, Priorot, Eddie Merexx,Audrey Hepbern,Plastic Bertrand and chips, for Belgiums most famous sons/ citizens. well I dont suppose we could make it as viral as that thead about the "mistery Bass player" could we?? because I'm actually more intrested in this one!! ( sorry for the lazy googeling by the the way sorry) I'd REALLY love to know the answer to this one! Come on guys who knows? and what Bass hes playing....some one knows
  5. Is it an Alembic Bass? sounds a bit hi fi for 1983. still no word on who played it though, someone must know!!
  6. [quote name='visog' timestamp='1363294466' post='2011299'] Hindsight says there're 11 other notes than 'E'... [/quote] Its in B Marra so includes an A,, Bb and B at least, rest ot it, I dunno. not too many E's around (un sorted)
  7. I thought it was a MM steve, no? still nooneknow who it is playing?
  8. [quote name='SpaceChick' timestamp='1363216329' post='2010117'] Bloody awesome [/quote] Innit?
  9. Now, I know Its not for everyone,( cos lots of people here hate a slapper) but I remember when this came out and the bass playing...god..First hearing, a bit of wee came out I loved it so much now be patient and listen to it all.....young man........ but if you cant be bothered, just start at around 11:40 min to get the vibe that made the 19 year old bass player in me start to work a bit harder. is it Louis Johnson? [url="http://youtu.be/ftaSCYk5Kg4"]http://youtu.be/ftaSCYk5Kg4[/url]
  10. Whats intresting and "human" about the John Taylor "Rio" is that while is quite tight and good you can hear bits where hes getting "tired" but thats in isolation, because the track as a whole is really tight, and thats what he is known for. I find these things really intresting. I've heard a Police one where they isolate the bass on "Roxanne" and you hear The Beemiester using his pick to make ghost notes to help him stay in time, and it adds a nice "vibe" I've borrowed this tip from him too!
  11. In fairness to Mr lee, he is singing and I assume stomping on some "bass pedaloes" at the same time, so lets cut him some slack if hes not as good as the rest of us! .....( )
  12. Just keep at it you will get used to it. I take your point about the '80s thing (and went back to playing my stingray for all those reasons) but you are right, its a great design for bass. tuning and balance are rock solid, and if you are as lazy as me, headless basses are less of a hassle to transport. so I went back to my status ( and even bought a new one ) sounds miles better and even punters sometimes comment on the sound (which amazes me !) who knew they were listening!? Ha! 80s style well.....so what? I was there.
  13. [quote name='Dingus' timestamp='1361899039' post='1992729'] This is great ! Fine bass playing and an overall sound that is so 1990 that I feel like I am being transported back to that time by those House beats . [/quote] quite suprised by the positive comments thank you gentlemen and lady ( this is the point where someone posts they hate it no doubt ) Thanks for being so kind Folks yes it was the 90's after all
  14. [quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1361821510' post='1991537'] You are too modest, that's class playing man! And expressive. It's got maturity and great pulse. Hey, we do this to express ourselves right? Yeah we're cool, she's not far to go now, and she's been so brave. Thanks so much for your thoughts mate [/quote] Thanks, Nige. but more to the point, glad/hope is all looking up.( the more important issue ) yeah, having a "play" is a good thing, and sometimes what we did some (even 20 years ago ) can suprise ourselves today. thanks for being kind!
  15. [quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1361818923' post='1991453'] Lovely bass mate! It sounds brilliant, and such a great line! I like the song too, nice MancWorld mash up [/quote] Awww thanks Nige, that means a lot cos I've heared you Play on sound clips here and I'll never "get there" you are Gent for being so nice. Hope all is well with you (and Mrs X)
  16. [quote name='steve-soar' timestamp='1361818899' post='1991451'] Ha! Brill! Did I see you at The Krazy House, or The Tivoli? [/quote] Possibly either, most likley the Tivoli Krazy house was sparse in punters Tivoli not so!! but then not "Jammed" Thanks SS!!
  17. Cant claim all the credit, but I like the electric bass I played on this ( doesnt date well in retrospect, and some of you will hate it no doubt, its circa) 1990 [url="http://youtu.be/4BvHvA5P-B4"]http://youtu.be/4BvHvA5P-B4[/url]
  18. [quote name='wateroftyne' timestamp='1361396698' post='1985468'] Hi all I've been having a clear out, and I've found a stash of Bassist mags from the mid-to-late 90s. It's been a hoot reading through them - one review describes a fairly monstrous GK head as 'small' - presumably because it's only 2U high. Anyway.. each issue usually contained a [i]'My bass rig is...'[/i] column, in which a reader discusses their gear. For some reason, one particular issue - June '97 - doesn't mention the poor subject's name anywhere in the feature. Even the contents page refers to him as 'A Bassist reader'. I'm wondering whether they literally couldn't find his name and had to go to press without it. Here's his pic. Is this you? Do you know him? Let's give a bass brother the recognition he's deserved for the last 15 years.. we can do this! [/quote] "My Name is Simon Quinlank and I am the KING of all hobbies!!! now would be a good time to consume your weak lemon drink." ( same era Lee and Herring. Kevin Eldon is superb, isnt he?)
  19. I love a bass dressed in white ( changes colour with stage lights!) very nice
  20. Gordie Guitar blues man (The sadly late and lamented) Rob Langdown, said to a young and very over enthusiastic bass player back in 1989/1990 "One slap deserves another" god bless you Rob. (I should know,I was that soldier)
  21. [quote name='xgsjx' timestamp='1358318639' post='1936806'] When laying down some tracks in the studio & the soundy doing mic placement, Eric the drummer said.... "You can't polish a jobby" [/quote] True but you can roll it in glitter, Dahhling!! that said, Norris Mcwirter (he of the Guiness book of records/ record breakers) said of his old (scottish) gran, who was on her death bed, that, despite her scottish heritage and advanced years, she had never been in the same room as bagpipes were played. Well, one Player was duly hired and brought to the old ladys room and he played an emotive peice on the pipes. once finished Norris asked his old gran what she tought of the inspiring sound of the Pipes? she replied " Och, its good theres nae smell aff them too!" Priceless
  22. [quote name='wal4string' timestamp='1357002788' post='1916343'] If you are trying to play from ear Hats off to you mate. If you are a reader, I have a really good transcription. If you only read TAB, I would be happy to rewrite the chart with not only string and fret positions but with the fingering added as I would play it. It would take a while but more than happy to do. Played this when it first came out in !970 something. Had to play it numerous times since, so its kinda second nature. It's all about moving your left hound to the right position so that what follows has the least of left hand movement. Not got bass handy at the moment, but I think for the riff there are only 6 left hand moves. [/quote] Wow!that is such a mammoth task I couldnt ask you do that!! but a million thanks! there have been enough replies to this question to " get me there" but what a gentleman you are, its for a one off gig in may (but I will need that amount of time!! ) thank all of you chaps for all your help. Though none of you are invited to the gig to see how I DO!! thanks again to you all
  23. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1356957822' post='1915540'] Dick Venom & The Terrortones are playing at this: [/quote] wish I could be at that one. cool. first NYE off in donkeys years. gonna get whammed for a change and ask the bass player (wherever I end up) "wha...wha..fucc..fakin sstrringgs do use mate??...... hes me bu...best mate thishh guy.. you see him??" how could it not be so? Engage....
  24. [quote name='Gunsfreddy2003' timestamp='1356933160' post='1915271'] Try this - I found it pretty useful! There are two installments on the site to go through. [url="http://www.how-to-play-bass.com/songs-sir-duke.html"]http://www.how-to-pl...s-sir-duke.html[/url] [/quote] nice one thanks!!
  25. [quote name='pobrien_ie' timestamp='1356878089' post='1914589'] Try basscamera.com. I saw it before, and while I don't think it's 100%, it's a good start. Will you be playing with a horn section or guitars? Important to make sure you're all playing the same bit. Although not necessary to learn completely, for me, the last chorus is where it get's really hair! [/quote] [quote name='Bilbo' timestamp='1356885095' post='1914707'] The main riff on Sir Duke is all pentatonics and is a lot easier than it sounds. Learn it by ear and the playing it is not that hard. [/quote] its all what I'm hearing but very greatfull for the headsup ( easy though Bil??) I hope so and thanks no you tube links of a BCer?
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