Hi everyone. My name's Seb and I'm from Woking, Surrey.
I've been playing guitar for about 13 years now, and a couple of years ago I decided to pick up a basic bass so I could record more parts myself in my little home recording setup. I barely played it at first but the more time I spend on bass the more I enjoy it, and it's really making me focus on my weaknesses (rhythm, timing, rhythm, playing neatly, timing...).
I currently play a Cort Action Bass V (5 string, Jazz pups) through a small all valve 5 watt combo I built. (As far as guitars go I have a Gibson LP Standard, Epi LP Standard Ltd Edition, Strat clone of unknown origin, a Superstrat that's so bad it's unplayable - it's made of mdf and was my first guitar, and a Martin D15).
Currently enjoying playing QOTSA type stuff on bass, and generally like rock, pop-punk, used to be in a nu-metal band some years ago, old blues, and a bit of romantic-era classical.
Anyway, Hi!