Hi all
Warwickhunt & I thought it was about time, so....
It's at [url="http://www.gingermusiccompany.com/"]The Ginger Music Company[/url], the same location as the last one a couple of years ago. it's not far from the centre of Newcastle (on the Gateshead side) and the south end of the Tyne Tunnel. [url="https://maps.google.com/maps?ie=UTF-8&q=ginger+music+company&fb=1&hq=ginger+music+company&hnear=0x25a3b1142c791a9:0xc4f8a0433288257a,United+Kingdom&cid=0,0,5594262559019608756&ei=8m_uUNLBGa6o0AW3iIGICw&ved=0CJABEPwSMAA"]Here's a map[/url].
There's a vending machine for tea, coffee and snacks.
[url="http://www.facebook.com/events/456671321047598/"]Here's a Facebook event[/url], If you're coming along, please join the event or reply to this thread to give us an idea of numbers. Thanks!