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Everything posted by elros

  1. [quote name='Stan_da_man' post='361444' date='Dec 22 2008, 10:41 PM']So where do you plug your bass in? I'm guessing there would be an on board power amp if the speakers were active. Would you use your bass has the pre amp then?[/quote] Hi, sorry about the late-ish answer. The Tapco TH-15A is an active loudspeaker. It has a built in power amp, and a three-band EQ with sweep mid. And volume control. The silly thing is that it only has XLR inputs, so an adapter cable will be needed. I modified mine to have a hybrid jack/XLR connector. This little thing is dirt cheap compared to the amount of punch it deliveres. Very nice for my savings account. The 15" woofer is suceptible to over-excursion though, so low bass notes will make it fart. It still has punch though. And, I don't know if this is an error with my unit, but at low volumes the softest details in the sound dissapears. Very annoying. I'll try to figure out what it is - but it's one of those new-fangeled digital (or class D) amps so I don't know how far I'll get. Anyway, the short answer is that I just plug my bass directly in the back of this speaker.
  2. 'ello I'm not in London no, that was only a week-end trip. But the Benavente is still for sale, and quite nice!
  3. Ah the London trip was nice. We arrived at Liverpool Street Station just as the facebook crowd was at its thickest. That was sick. Anyway. Bump. And new high-res photos here: [url="http://hallgeir.no/hmt/sale/outdoors/"]http://hallgeir.no/hmt/sale/outdoors/[/url]
  4. I'd say you're on the right track. The GR-20 is quite easy to use and sounds very good. Also the "hold" pedal is very useful, at least it was to me. You might find that you'll have to adjust your technique, sometimes just landing your fingers on an adjacent string will produce a short MIDI note (like a "thump" normally would sound). This'll probably come by itself, but it's good to be aware of it. Setting the sensitivity on the GR-20 is also important, of course. When set right, you should easily be able to get a broad dynamic range from most preset sounds. What might be a bit fiddly though, is if you have two instruments with different electronics setup. I found that my Conklin with RMC piezos gave a much hotter signal on the GK cable, compared to my two six-strings with Roland GK pickups. I don't know if the GraphTech is similarly hot, or if it perhaps is adjustable somehow. The GR-20 doesn't allow for storage of different sensitivity presets for different instruments..... (perhaps the Axon does, I don't know.)
  5. Want to trade for a Warmoth 4-string or two?
  6. Very nice bass! Interested in trades by any chance? I've got a nice [url="http://hallgeir.no/bass/surine/"]Surine 6-string[/url] sitting here, and I'm going to visit London very soon........
  7. And synthesis implies that something complex is generated by combining several simpler parts.... so, a (musical type subtractive) synthesizer generates complex (that is, harmonically and aurally complex) sound from simpler components like sine / triangle / saw / square waves and noise, and puts this through filters and amplifiers controlled by envelope shapers..... but there are many ways to Rome, so to speak. Many other synthesis types exist.
  8. Here's a bump relevant to London area residents: Me and my fiancee will be in London 6th to 9th of february. Which means I could probably bring one instrument over. Probably - I have never flown with Ryanair before and I don't know if they're musician friendly or not. Yes the basses are still for sale!
  9. For most applications I really prefer an old-fashioned quartz metronome. The kind with a big dial for setting the tempo. It doesn't even need a time-signature setting. Clicks are the best. Because they don't suggest any feel or style - that's up to me entirely.
  10. I just recieved this before leaving for my Christmas holiday. So I haven't tested it out properly, only briefly to see that it worked. [url="http://www.tapcoworld.com/products/thump15a/index.html"]http://www.tapcoworld.com/products/thump15a/index.html[/url] It's a Tapco Thump TH-15A active PA speaker. I bought it after selling my big Eden / AccuGroove rig. It's cheap, and light wheight. Something to use for practice and small gigs. More on how it performs later as I get to use it a bit.
  11. Yes: voltage, current, polarity seems OK. Does the adapter power only the EBS pedal or does it also power other things? If it only powers the EBS then I really don't know what would be wrong.....
  12. elros

    NEW Roland Vbass

    I installed the GK-KIT-BG into my Surine 6-string. Look [url="http://hallgeir.no/bass/surine/gk-mod/"]here[/url] for photos of the installation process.
  13. Is the power adapter 9V AC or 9V DC? How much current (usually rated in A or mA) can it deliver? How much current does the pedal require? Is the polarity correct?
  14. Both the GR-20 and the V-Bass have sold. But the pedal board is available. It's 50cm deep, 1m wide and 15cm tall. Built in aluminium, welded, tough stuff. The case is a proper flight case, it'll hold up quite well. Asking 1000 NOK - that's about £100 UKP.
  15. +1 on the good comments on Conklin. I own and play a custom Conklin myself, it is truly a fantastic instrument even if it has uncommonly many strings. Surprisingly easy and comfortable to play, my favourite bass ever in fact! I wouldn't mind owining this one myself, but alas have to save up what little money I have for other purposes.
  16. Yes absolutely. I did a quick calculation one time when I was driving my car fully loaded with nearly all my gear. My bass stuff is insured for about 100.000 NOK. My car ('88 Audi 100 Avant Quattro) cost me 15.000 NOK
  17. And greetings from another Norwegian!
  18. Looks quite nice! How does it sound? And how does it balance on a strap?
  19. IMO piezo pickups are great. They let me get away from the plain old magnetic pickup tone. Nothing wrong with that tone, but sometimes it's nicer to have something that's not quite so heavy and punchy, but more acoustic-like and natural. Both my [url="http://hallgeir.no/bass/conklin/"]Conklin[/url] and my [url="http://hallgeir.no/bass/surine/"]Surine[/url] have piezo pickups. Probably the under-construction fretless Warmoth will also have piezos. You can hear some sound clips [url="http://hallgeir.no/bass/sound/"]on my web page here[/url]. It says which ones are with piezo pickups. Go for good sounding piezos though - I've heard some that aren't so good sounding. My Conklin has [url="http://www.rmcpickup.com/"]RMC[/url] piezos and preamp, and the Surine has ABM piezos and a Bartolini buffer.
  20. I feel your pain. I recently let my whole [url="http://hallgeir.no/bass/bassrig/"]bass rig[/url] go, and will be shopping for a cheap combo.
  21. What a sweet bass!!!! Would you consider trading for any of [url="http://hallgeir.no/hmt/sale/"]my stuff[/url]???
  22. Soliloquy you're not answering PMs. Are you there? If you are not there, there are others who won't wait to buy the Surine.
  23. This all looks very good! I like the fingerboard in particular.
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