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Everything posted by jimbaby

  1. Jim four testicles here
  2. Hi Went to see Steely Dan in Edinburgh last night with Freddie Washington on bass, from where I was sitting the sound overall was ok except for the lower bass area which was very muddy, could hardly hear the bass drum or what Freddie was playing in the lower registers. I did enjoy the concert however. Regards Jim
  3. Hi all The Bad Plus and Back Door are both on Spotify for anyone who wants to hear these fine bands. Regards Jim
  4. Hi Rasta Have been listening to Back Door for many a year, an unusual trio of bass drums and sax, unfortunately Ron Aspery the sax player passed away a couple of years or so ago. In my opinion the playing was superb especially in the bass department from the wonderful Colin Hodgekinson who I've been lucky enough to catch live twice, once with Alexis Korner and the other with the Jan Hammer band. Back door have left a legacy of a few albums Back Door (1972) 8th Street Nites (1974) Another Fine Mess (1975) Activate (1976) The Human Bed (2002) Askin' The Way (2003 which are all worth checking out. Regards Jim
  5. Hi Marti I got the DVD from a friend who probably downloaded it from an unmentionable source, I googled it and its there from various sources for download but you may have to be a member of these to obtain it. Sorry I can't see how to private message you but if you can contact me I will try to help. Regards Jim
  6. Hi I have recently discovered The Bad Plus as well and agree with the comments thus far, I have a dvd version of a Paris concert from 2003 which is very good, (there's a version of Abba's Knowing me, knowing you which is very good and the pianist decides two hands are not hitting enough keys and wades in with his head). Another recent release is the second volume of the king crimson songbook by the Crimson Jazz Trio which along with the first vol released about two years ago totally blew me away, great recordings and fantastic playing by Jody Nardone on piano, Tim landers on bass and the late great Ian Wallace on drums. Regards Jim
  7. Och Aye and welcome from Dundee the noo. Regards Jim
  8. Hi I think your own idea of sanding it down is probably the best option for you and the potential buyer as you will then both be fully aware of the extent of the problem and take the appropriate action. Regards Jim
  9. Thanks for the replies guys, as far as I know the tech is a guy who comes in and works for himself, not an employee, also there are other players I know who have plenty of experience and they have work done by this chap, but all this has got me wondering if this is a simple case that the guitar wasn't ready when I called at the shop at the agreed time and he wanted to stall me (a wee bit extreme if so). regards Jim
  10. Hi I bought a Squire VMJ from a guy in Glasgow recently for a good price and when checking the neck did notice a slight bow which I thought, (not very experienced in these matters) would be righted with some adjustment by a pro. I did ask him if the bass had had a setup or was it as it came from the shop, he told me he had lowered the strings to suit himself (the alarm bells should have been ringing but I was smitten by the look and general quality). On putting it into my local guitar shop the tech tells me he will have to clamp it over the weekend and if that fails maybe try some heat treatment. Only had this bass for a short time but have become very attached to it already, also it was a birthday present from my wife so fingers crossed for the right result, will find out next week. Regards Jim
  11. Hi Plonk Welcome to the forum, don't know if you're aware, but I've just read Ian Mclaggan's book, and apparently the reason for the nickname Plonk was becaause he had a big nob. Regards Jim
  12. Hi Thanks for the replies guys, Andy, when I bought the AXL the previous owner had a setup done and some light mods carried out but the action seems a bit high. I have only had this bass for a couple of weeks so still getting used to it and the first time I have played a fretless, when I become more familiar with it I will have it set up for my playing style (rough to awful). Regards Jim
  13. Hi all I have been playing for about six months, started with a Squier Bronco and recently bought an AXL player deluxe fretless which has been slightly modified (maple inlays fitted where there were originally grooves). My amp is a Trace Elliot 65w combo. The difference in quality between the two basses is incredible, the AXL being far better made and finished, it also sounds much better but is more difficult to play (can't have it all I suppose). Looking forward to reading and posting in your fine forum. Regards Jim
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