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Everything posted by grumble

  1. Anyone who dwells in the land that inspired Sibelius is more than welcome. Welcome to BC.
  2. Welcome and to paraphrase 'there are no thick questions only thick answers' Don't worry, this a very patient place with a very broad taste in bass so there will be plenty of advice on offer if you want it.
  3. grumble


    [quote]I have been lurking for a while now and been wowed by all the porn, knowledge, porn sales and porn[/quote] Yeah there are some seriously porno posts in here, it's a wonder the Internet police haven't shut this place down ! Or maybe they are all guitards and haven't noticed it yet... Welcome to BC mate
  4. [quote]Got half a little finger on the left hand from a work accident and only two real usable pluckers on the right due to a near severed hand when I was a young 'un[/quote] Most people hearing me play would suggest something similar to improve my playing ! Welcome to the home of low frequencies mate.
  5. [quote]english is not my first language, and dont know really how to introduce myself[/quote] Oddly enough I've lived in the UK all my life and people say the same thing about me Welcome to BC
  6. [quote name='thisnameistaken' post='796924' date='Apr 5 2010, 08:50 PM']Pickup covers are the bass equivalent of [url="http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1116/931463292_98a1a45629.jpg"]this[/url].[/quote] Mmmm nice ! Now if I had a grandmother alive I would try to convince her to crochet a nice pink and white cover for my Italia's bridge cover. Would look well tasty next to the lipstick pups
  7. Why does the title ('Warmest Greetings') make me feel like I'm about to be offered 5 MILLION US DOLLARS by one of the Lads from Lagos ?? Joking aside, welcome to the dark side and BC.
  8. [quote name='RhysP' post='793600' date='Apr 1 2010, 06:54 PM']I have a funny feeling it will sound a lot more like a banjo than you want it to............ [/quote] Bolleaux !! No matter what you do to it a bass is musical whereas no matter what you do to a banjo.............
  9. Got a B2.1u and an ME-50b, let me know what kind of deal you are thinking. I'm happy with them both but might be interested in PX'ing one or the other.
  10. [quote name='Happy Jack' post='789279' date='Mar 29 2010, 12:01 PM']Damn! I knew I was doing something wrong. I'll stop Hoovering my gear immediately.[/quote] What a great idea ! A bass Aeolian harp ! Must find out where 'er indoors has hidden the vacuum cleaner this week.......
  11. [quote]'Tis a fine looking instrument isn't it. I'll go further and say proportionately the bongo is more aesthetically pleasing than the little fellas.[/quote] Odd, after staring at the pic for a few minutes I suddenly realised there were some other bits next to the Bongo......
  12. [quote]Seems a bit pricey to me at £18,700[/quote] Seems Leo's 'build em cheap' philosophy has been lost when it comes to unloading tat on fleabay. There isn't a P-bass going that is worth those numbers IM(not very)HO. Hello pigeons, here's a cat
  13. OK first dibs goes to Stompbox otherwise Im interested
  14. Ditto what Stombox said, I have a mate who lives in that neck of the woods who could pick it up for me.
  15. I cant say that I have noticed a tonal difference, too many other factors involved, but personal visual choice is rosewood for fretted (and lined fretless) and maple for unlined fretless. Black coated strings on a bright maple neck just looks so good to me. Yeah shallow, I know
  16. First off, apologies to karlthebassist for threadjacking ! Sorry m8. I do intend to get a few lessons but at the moment I work 48-60 hours a week so finding time for lessons would be a little difficult. This should ease soon so I will have time to find a teacher, until then it means a little self-teaching. Do you think I could have a new toy and just let it sit round until I had time for lessons ???? As an aside, if anyone has any names/numbers of any teachers in a 25 mile radius of Bolton they can recommend then please let me have 'em. Thanks for the DVD recommendation Coolcat, I've ordered it from Amazon.
  17. Thanx for the offer lemmywinks, I'm Bolton based but I've decided to get a Stagg this weekend anyway. I figure that if I dont like it then I shouldn't lose to much when I get rid. As to getting a teacher, yeah I will eventually but at the moment I have a couple of DVD's on the way to get me started (The Evolving Bassist by Rufus Reid and Jazz Upright Bass by Ed Friedland). I will get lessons when the strangeness has worn off a little, no doubt by that time I will have a mass of bad habits to break
  18. [quote]Check this out Archer DB[/quote] Yeah I spotted that earlier, trouble is its the start of a slippy slope. £400 for an EUB to see if I take to it slowly becomes £750 for a db which then grows to £1k after new strings and proper set up ! Only to find I cant hack it.... At the moment a quick trip to Manc land for a Stagg is probably favourite.
  19. In two minds here. I prefer the look of the Palatino but it would be easier to nip into Manchester and pick up a Stagg. Has anyone dealt with Thomann, what are the delivery times like ? Or maybe I should jump in the deep end and pick up a Stentor ? Decisions, decisions.....
  20. You have a PM
  21. Thanks BOTB, as I said the colour/finish isn't a deal killer. The main thing is it will be a (relatively) inexpensive way to try out upright playing that wont be wasted should I decide to try the real thing. Of course my lack of any sort of talent with bass guitar wont hold me back Time to get some extra hours worked and to start preparing 'er indoors for an addition to my family
  22. If this is still around at the end of next month then I'm deffo interested. Just two questions though. 1. I'm an upright noob, is this ok for learning ? 2. Is it amenable to respray/refinishing ? I like the look but the colour.... well it reminds me of my grans doors back in the 60's, a finish known as 'scumble'. Not a biggie I suppose, I could live with it.
  23. Oh boy, I've found cool guitar heaven !!!! And not a Fenderson in sight ........ [url="http://www.guitarage.nl/g/main/guitars.html"]here[/url]
  24. Sub-Zero As pointed out its similar to a Guild and secondly it's not trying to ape a Fender. Now a blue version would be off the cool scale.
  25. This is what I want more than anything at the moment, if only to see if it sounds as good as I remember [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=66194"]basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=66194[/url] Unfortunately I'm not a gigging player so that price is very hard to justify
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