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Everything posted by grumble

  1. grumble


    [quote]Welcome in Adi, I think I beat Zoe to it[/quote] Zoe is probably having a life beyond this forum, more power to her elbow Greets Adi, welcome to the peculiar human zoo that is BC
  2. [quote]York, North Yorkshire (The original capital of this fair land!!)[/quote] Watch out, theres more than a few Red Roses on this board, wouldnt want an old fight to start up again Welcome to BC buddy
  3. [quote name='TimRoom' post='548007' date='Jul 22 2009, 07:08 PM']Wow thanks for the welcome everyone .[/quote] You will find thats how it tends to be round here, quite a friendly place. Just ignore the occasional 'Bah,yoof of today' posts that get thrown up, its just us oldies excercising our right to be grumpy old b*st*rds
  4. [quote]Telecoms - job for life -urban myth?[/quote] No the jobs have the same life expectancy as the batteries
  5. Bit of an extreme solution but get a job as an engineer with a certain well known telecoms company, free 9v batteries for life. Well it worked for me
  6. [quote name='Alien' post='543663' date='Jul 17 2009, 10:58 PM']Well, just pop your 'manservant' on the table... [/Blackadder 2][/quote] I'm sure theres a joke about turnips in there somewhere
  7. [quote]I'm sure I've read somewhere that these "Tennessee" branded instruments are unplayable rubbish... oh yeah, check out the Harmony Central reviews for their guitars and basses. I particularly like "I wouldn't rely on this guitar to hold a door open" and "this is the biggest turd I've ever laid my hands on".[/quote] Rubbish ! It says on the Fleabay ad that these are 'top quality' instruments. I mean, take one look, they ooze... err something.
  8. [quote name='waynepunkdude' post='526423' date='Jun 28 2009, 12:33 AM']How Punk am I?[/quote] Dunno about Punk but the Fashion Police have an APB out on the guy with flag (JOKE,JOKE,JOKE,JOKE,JOKE,JOKE, just in case someone gets the wrong idea)
  9. [quote name='Rasta' post='543592' date='Jul 17 2009, 09:08 PM']Well i guess this is me, on "L" plates on the DB![/quote] You don't know how jealous that pic makes me....
  10. [quote name='EssentialTension' post='543613' date='Jul 17 2009, 09:23 PM']I expect the old manservant gives you a bit of rubdown too if you do need freshening up. [/quote] No, poor thing always seems to be on the verge of collapse nowadays. Maybe I should put him out pasture next year, they say 80 is a full working life.
  11. [quote name='guylewis' post='543036' date='Jul 17 2009, 11:05 AM']I love short-scale basses too - here's one I made earlier[/quote] That looks VERY nice
  12. I have solved the weight problem with regards to bass playing and now never feel any aches or pains. I simply strap it to my manservant and tell him which notes to play, After a marathon 4 hour jam session I feel fresh as a daisy.
  13. Ah, so thats what the edit buttons for
  14. Just seen this on FleaBay [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/NEW-DOUBLE-NECK-BASS-GUITAR-AND-FRETLESS-BASS_W0QQitemZ200362418686QQcmdZViewItemQQptZGuitar?hash=item2ea687e1fe&_trksid=p3286.c0.m14&_trkparms=65%3A1|66%3A2|39%3A1|293%3A7|294%3A50"]FleaBay bass[/url]
  15. Big congrats, makes me wonder if a talentless so and so like me should consider trying grade 1
  16. Get in touch with this Fleabay seller, I sure he will find something to suit [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/NEW-PRO-QUINT-NECK-GUITAR-TRIPLE-and-DOUBLE-NECKS-Xs-5_W0QQitemZ190252730346QQcmdZViewItemQQptZGuitar?hash=item2c4bf247ea&_trksid=p3911.c0.m14&_trkparms=65%3A12|66%3A2|39%3A1|72%3A1683|293%3A1|294%3A50"]WTF?[/url]
  17. Thanks for the replies people, unfortunately I missed it due getting home late from work At least I know they are worth a look if one crops up again.
  18. I take it the local muso didnt want the Boss GT6-B then.... oh dear....as much fun as I'm having with the Zoom I'm starting to feel a GAS attack coming on Have a bump from me while I try to remember what 'self-control' means
  19. Thanks Bassassin, it wasnt the value (or otherwise) of the deal that I was wondering about but if the basses were of a reasonable quality. I didnt want to buy it then find out that Arias were best used to prop open doors Thanks for your reply.
  20. Guess theres no Aria fans on here then
  21. Anyone ever owned/used an Aria IGB-49 ? I've got an option on one (on FleaBay) for £80 +£20 p+p but have never tried one before. The main attraction for me is the active pups, never owned an active bass so I fancied trying one out without spending silly money. Comments anyone ?
  22. [quote]Just stick to the beer. Who needs food?[/quote] I thought beer was one of the basic food groups ? Anyways, welcome Snakeman
  23. [quote]Good job I'm married to a financial advisor![/quote] Same here but mines an amateur and always gives the same advice...... 'No, you can't afford it !'
  24. And the Grumble throws his three into the pot..... 1726
  25. -1 Ugly MOFO in my (not very) humble opinion
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