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Everything posted by grumble

  1. [quote]My philosophy: 1. Play in tune 2. Play in time 3. Buy as many basses as you can![/quote] Throw in a few pedals with the above and you have a text book GAS attack recipe
  2. [quote name='arabassist' post='512693' date='Jun 13 2009, 11:18 AM']I drew a sketch of this pic a while back...[/quote] Excellent pic, just about sums up bass playing for me And my contribution (would love a bigger version of this)
  3. Booths of Bolton have got a new Stagg in at the moment, slightly over your budget at £425 though
  4. [quote]give me a b....[/quote] Bugger off ? First thing that came into my head, sorry
  5. You are missing an option... DUNNO My oldest is a Jap Crap from the late Seventies the other two.. dunno
  6. The meeter and greeter must be having a (well earned) nap so welcome buddy
  7. [quote]Cheers for the links to the for sales signs, although my budget is a little higher than that so I'm probably looking for something more along the lines of a MIM Fender P bass. MM SUB or similar.[/quote] The Ibby is well worth a small chunk of your budget, don't get into the 'gotta have a Fender' mindset. Good price for a good bass, make Josh a cheeky offer and it could be less After all, why spend silly money just to find you don't actually enjoy the low frequencies ? Ok, its unlikely that anyone wouldn't choose Gods Given Instrument but you never know
  8. [quote]This is so weird. I remember the colossal thrill when I first re-strung from flats to wounds. The tinkling highs, the piano like-lows, the stalking phone-calls from Farrah Fawcett Majors (it was the late 70's). The wheel turns, the stars look down.[/quote] With you there Skank....'Yuk, those flats are so thumpy !!' Maybe in 20 years time there will be a BC thread entitled 'Just found these gorgeous bright roundwound thingies'
  9. If you arent sure about fretless and want to dip a toe then get yourself down to your local Crack Converters (or similar) and pick up a cheap P-Bass copy for 50-60 quid and defret it. Its relatively easy and if you completely bugger it up then little has been lost. I did this to a Peavey Milestone 3 and slapped some Roto flats on it. Loving playing it now
  10. Top Ebayer !!! Errr..... Seriously, just bought the Zoom B2.1U from Rich, well packed and a smooth transaction. Even the Post Office managed their bit properly ! Deal with confidence with this guy.
  11. Got a problem with noise from an ethernet-over-power set up thats causing interference on my Ashdown practice combo. Doesn't seem to affect anything else in the house or my el-cheapo 10watt practice amp. Any ideas as to a filter/conditioning solution ? The easiest would be to get rid of the adapters and run some Cat-5 but that would involve a lot of buggering about routing the cable. Maplins has a conditioner gang socket supposedly for AV filtering but its a bit OTT and costs £40, anyone tried one of these ?
  12. [quote]where abouts in manc are you? (im not going to steal it, just interested!)[/quote] OIII !!! We dont want any of you Tykes coming over nicking gear, we are pretty good at that on this side of the hills without any help from your sort
  13. Lo m8y, welcome to BC, the 'official' meeter-and-greeter will be along shortly
  14. +1 on the whole Tumbleweed Connection album, was the point where you could still refer to EJ as a singer/songwriter without sniggering. There's a live album (17-11-70) from this period with just Elton John, Dee Murray and Nigel Olsson that has some very solid bass playing. Let me know if you want to check it out.
  15. [quote]I am restricted by my technique, my repetitive patterns and my lack of/mis understanding of basic theory[/quote] Same here and the reason I am seriously considering lessons.
  16. [quote]Fortunately (unfortunately?) I think that's one of the Greco licensed versions... no idea where you get them, but they're within reach (£2000? I think)[/quote] Depends on your definition of 'in reach' I say to 'er indoors that I'm going to spend 2k on a pretty bass and her reply would be via a solicitor ! Maybe I should cash in my 'beginners luck' and buy my first lottery ticket ?
  17. Oh bugger, I've fallen in love again.... [url="http://www.zemaitis.net/zemaitis-b22-mt-dcpj-metal-front-bass-guitar.htm"]with this[/url] Fortunately I'm never likely to be able to afford one.
  18. [quote]Bass was always my main instrument but I had a spell playing some of the other instruments for a while[/quote] Welcome back to the low frequencies, the dark rich side is addictive
  19. Lo dude, this place ain't perfect but its heart is in the right place.... the low frequencies (edited for spielling!!)
  20. Plenty [url="http://www.auroraproject.co.uk/scratchplate.htm"]here[/url] and they are UK, they seem to do a lot of different finishes.
  21. [quote]Far too Witty for most of us, keep it smutty and simple please[/quote] Maybe he's not prepared to go on like this ?
  22. Love the avatar Pob
  23. [quote]I think you might find the man is actually your uncle.[/quote] Cut the crap, get him to tell you where he stashed the Fenders
  24. I dont go in my loft.. the voices tell me not to. On the other hand they also tell me about a lack of vintage Fenders up there. I dont trust them, I think they are trying to keep them for themselves.
  25. You Bastard !!! I'm not a Kiss fan (quite the opposite) but I always loved the look of the Grabber and to see a cleaned up copy on Fleabay means I can feel GAS rumbling. Please somebody bid silly money on it or I will be in the divorce courts very soon
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