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Everything posted by grumble

  1. grumble

    Guild B302

    A B301 through a Musicman combo....... back in the early 80's I fell in love with the combination. Why the hell did Guild stop doing basses ? Had a young family at the time so couldn't justify the expense back then and now it seems they are fetching silly money. Oh well
  2. @ Paul_C and The Bass Doc Thanks guys, as soon as I read your replies I had a 'DOH!' moment Still curious as to the shimming thing though, why and how do people do it ?
  3. OK, here goes.. I've defretted a Peavey Milestone 3 and everything went well. Fitted the neck back on the body and strung it with some new Rotosound Jazz strings. Played a few scales around the fifth fret and everything seemed Ok but when I dropped down to the 1st/2nd fret region I found the strings were dead/buzzing. OK not a problem, raise the action and check intonation. The trouble is that now the action is a little high for my tastes and fingering around the 1st/2nd fret region is quite hard. A (guitard) friend has suggested shimming the neck, how would this help and how would I do it ? Any other ideas? On a plus note, I'm pleasantly suprised by my accuracy on the defretted Peavey. I'm still a sh*te player but now with a nicer tone
  4. A Remark You Made - Weather Report (Heavy Weather album) A simple but beautiful song that I never tire of playing.
  5. [quote]For example, if you play a Gibson TBird, you must be on heroin - or, if not, you'd like to be. That kind of thing[/quote] God knows what my collection of strumpets says about me then ! Especially the Italia Modulo Tipo3 ...........
  6. Fender - Why have they not acknowledged their roots and produced the Fender Mondeo OR Why is a Precision like a nose ? Everybodys got one ! (just a joke sheeple) Guild - Why did you stop making basses ? Gibson - How much !! Alembic - Isn't the Stan thing getting a little tired ? Minarik - So Acid on your cornflakes isn't enough OK just a joke, I'll get my asbestos coat and leave
  7. Pah ! all this talk of the Blues, the real question is Can Blue Men Sing The Whites ? (Grumble grabs zimmer and hobbles out of the room before the younger members wonder WTF he means)
  8. Thanks Al, theres enough info there to keep me going forever !
  9. OK my Peavey Milestone (see my post in the porn thread) has finally had its trip to the chop shop. I've defretted the neck ( at the filled and ready to sand stage) and decided that I may as well attack the body while they were seperate. Its originally a dark blue translucent finish and after stripping half the body down with Nitromoors I find I'm down to a rather nice looking stained blue wood finish. Now it may not be to everybodies taste (taste isnt a word that most people associate with me) but I like it. Now the question is where do I go from here ? I had originally planned a respray in a glitter finish but now I'm inclined to try and keep the look its has, so what laquer/wax finish would people recommend. Some sort of satin finish I think but how to do it ?
  10. [quote]You lot can play when you get home from the pub?[/quote] You are missing a word... THINK Yeah when I get home from the pub I THINK I can play and the Joan Armatrading track I mentioned is a nice slow number so I have plenty of time to hit the chord changes and sometimes I get it right
  11. [quote]But his talent you can't dispute![/quote] Never, I'm a huge Hicks fan and I believe he was one of the greatest comedians ever. He spoke the truth as he saw it (and I agreed with it 90% of the time) and was one the most honest people of recent years. Nope, you wont find me dissing Bill.
  12. grumble

    I'm off to NZ.

    [quote]this is how some NZ'ers prefer look at the world[/quote] Too much beer I suspect, that image made more sense to me than the 'normal' one ! Anyways, good luck CK
  13. [quote]Bill Hicks was more than Nearly Famous!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!![/quote] We will agree to disagree on this one, I adored the man but when he died he was on the brink of famousness. Do a straw poll amongst Joe public and I bet more have heard of Denis Leary (ackkk thpppttt !!!) Oh and welcome to Basschat
  14. [quote]IRC, some record companies have been trying to seize back promo copies that go to auction / the bay, on the grounds that, legally, the disc still belongs to them.[/quote] Interesting but surely as it was a gift from the man himself (long story) surely they have no claim ?
  15. [quote]something else pretty and even more costly comes along!!![/quote] Come to the dark side Luke, come to the cheap trashy but fun side I once thought that my poor playing was because I didnt have a decent bass, then I realised that it was a lack of talent that was holding me back Now I just have fun with whatever four string monstrosity is lying around, to quote a (nearly) famous comedian 'Its just a ride' so get something cheap and bash the hell out of it !
  16. Joan Armatrading - The Shouting Stage Stick that on and mellow out until my eyelids droop Yeah I'm posting post-pub so I may regret this
  17. Hmmm.... Got a copy of Jaco's first album signed (in felt tip !!) by the man and its a promo disk not retail, if Judie Tzuke can pull in fifty sovs I wonder how much this gem would fetch ?
  18. Having trouble resisting [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&item=140316247400"]this[/url] If you look in the gear porn section you will see I have a fondness for cheap trash
  19. [quote]No accounting for taste, the Les Paul alike at the back gives me a lazy one[/quote] Here ya go, try not to make a mess Its a Jap-crap copy of a Gibson Les Paul Triumph [url="http://www.flyguitars.com/gibson/bass/LesPaulTriumph.php"]Triumph Bass[/url] I bought it new back in the mid seventies from A1 Music in Manchester after passing up a second hand Burns Bison and a Framus Star !! Oh well, its served me well even if it doent have the resale value the other two would have had
  20. So this is the PORN section eh ? Well in that case welcome to the Readers Wives Section, y'know, the bit at the back with the ropy stuff Can't see this collection giving anybody lustful thoughts
  21. [quote]Tried Teen Town etc, gave up! Tried Silly Putty, School Days, etc gave up! Tried loads of Sheehan...bad clone tone! gave up! I can't really play anything by any of the bass players I'm into. I think I give up to easily too.[/quote] +1 on that but still doesn't stop me playing (and enjoying it). Recently gone back to where I started and dug out the Jamie Abersold stuff I first started off with and relearning some of the theory side I lost interest in. Now if only I could get over my fear of anything smaller than a quarter note..... Oh and if someone could pop over and show me what I'm doing wrong with my thumb when I try to slap, it acts like the equivalent of two left feet !!
  22. Nice one WalMan, can see a few happy hours playtime in that one
  23. [quote]Could still go for it, if you keep it quiet, one bass looks much the same as the next to most women i've found, so she may not notice straight off. lol wink.gif[/quote] Yeah I agree but one thing ALL women can do is count and when 3 becomes 4 ......
  24. [quote]Aha - the best racing driver never to win a Grand Prix![/quote] Yeah him and Tambay -'Team Nice Guy' when they were at Renault
  25. Put this up for sale in 6 months or so and I will have it, picked up a new bass a couple of months back and 'er indoors would remove parts of my anatomy if went for this. Shame coz I fancy a crack at a fiver and the price is right.
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