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Everything posted by grumble

  1. grumble


    I've bought 3 basses this year. I dont need and can't justify another (I'm strictly a bedroom player at the moment) and if 'er indoors caught me sneaking another one in I would end up in the divorce courts. But...... I WANT THIS BASS Take it off the market and re-list it in 6 months or so, I should have cleared one or two by then.
  2. [quote name='fumps' timestamp='1348141719' post='1809868'] Aww thank god someone else feels like this I'm not alone in the none fender liking wilderness [/quote] Thats three of us, anymore and we can create our own forum
  3. grumble


    Sadly I have bought 3 basses this year, adding this beaut would likely result in a trip to the divorce courts
  4. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1347638372' post='1803498'] Filling the cab with Hydrogen only reduces the weight by another 30g over the Helium version... [/quote] Yes but the effect of a spark jumping a gap internally is much more interesting with Hydrogen. Wonder if The Who ever thought of this ? Or better still Rammstein !
  5. grumble

    2X18 feedback

    +1 to all the above, now the proud owner of a Gretsch bass thanks to Will
  6. >they used to play like butter but the doctor told me to watch my cholesterol Stuff the doctors, playing like butter is far more tasty and playing like low fat spread only extends your life by an extra 3 mins during which time you crave butter.
  7. I think I have found my spiritual home.... The whole collection is gorgeous and yes someone should send a link to this site to to Messrs Kruspe and Landers.
  8. Its biggest selling point for me is that it looks nothing like a F*nd*r Pr*cIs*on so I'm already warming to it Makes me want to form a Flintstones tribute band tho
  9. I'm not sure how big an attachment I can send via e-mail but if any non-uk members are interested I can possibly mail the clip from the show.
  10. [quote name='Evil Undead' timestamp='1347101561' post='1796932'] I can't get in to the shop [/quote] Thats coz they got you on cctv the last time you were in
  11. You mean the Polos won it ??????
  12. grumble


    I'm old enough to have read the original Ogri cartoons so by definition I'm too old for this bass Not a big spiky bass fan but each to their own, half the attraction of a bass is the shape IMHO and this is at least a little different compared to the usual F-bass (snore)
  13. [quote name='Mr. Foxen' timestamp='1345838345' post='1782363'] Good work can be done with bridge pickups. [/quote] But not on this creation I suspect
  14. [quote]( like inexperienced campers going at it on an air bed) which is fun for [i]everybody[/i].[/quote] Why am I not suprised a Rammy lad came up with that ?
  15. Where did I leave my cheque book ? You have a PM sir
  16. This looks and sounds nice, looking forward to photos.
  17. From the blog [quote]you can post something double bass related, be it interesting, funny or just weird.[/quote] So thats one copy gone to BassTractor already
  18. [quote name='neepheid' timestamp='1345284449' post='1775825'] Heh, no, just li'l' ol' me in a silly hat. Got an even sillier hat now [/quote] Pic or its not true
  19. [quote name='ped' timestamp='1344885574' post='1770695'] I can sign them... value will plummet [/quote] Fixed it for you and fixed any chance of winning
  20. Bought 3 new (to me) basses in the last 6 months so there is no way I would get this past 'er indoors. Give me a shout in 6 months if you still have it
  21. Have a ' I'm in love but she's way out of my league' bump.
  22. Just had a beer and curry, does that count ?
  23. [quote name='highwayone' timestamp='1343673134' post='1753537'] I'll even throw in a new gigbag!!! It's nowt special but it's padded and NEW!! [/quote] Ha! You think throwing in an 'ironing board cover' will sway me ? Bugger, it did ! You have a PM sir.
  24. [quote name='highwayone' timestamp='1343643841' post='1752927'] Cheers for the bump. I could put it in an ironing board shaped box if you wanted!! That way you could say you've bought a new board to help out with the ironing duties!!! 'tis a lovely colour. [/quote] I think we have a cunning plan hatching here Will check bank balance tommorrow and get back to you.
  25. [quote name='BassBod' timestamp='1343410126' post='1750426'] You know Klaus too? Small world..... [/quote] It's not Klaus he's thinking of its Till (as any right thinking Rammstein fan knows) [attachment=114394:tillinf057.jpg]
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